Prospects for Russian-Turkmen Cooperation at the Current Stage

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.36-43

The article analyzes historical development of the Russian-Turkmenistan relations. Multi-vector nature and flexibility in the development of a strategic partnership with Turkmenistan is substantiated. The author concludes that Russian-Turkmenistan relations should not be limited only to cooperation in the gas sector, but should develop dynamically towards formation of transport and logistics corridors, development of the tourist industry and communications modernization.


1. Parizhskaya rech’ generala v ego kvartire na ryu Pent’er pered serbskimi studentami “Zavety slavyanstvu” [“Testaments to the Slavs”, Parisian Speech of the General in his Apartment on Rue Pentier to Serbian Students]., available at:

2. Mezhgosudarstvennye otnosheniya Rossii i Turkmenii [Interstate Relations between Russia and Turkmenistan]. RIA “Novosti”, 2022, 10 iyunya, available at:

3. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. 69th edition, available at:

4. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. 71th edition, available at:

5. Vyakhirev gotov k kompromissu [Vyakhirev is Ready to Compromise]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, 1999, 18 dekabrya, available at:

6. V Ashkhabade sostoyalsya shestoi Kaspiiskii sammit [The Sixth Caspian Summit was Held in Ashgabat]. Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2022, 29 iyunya, available at:

7. Kaspiiskoe sotrudnichestvo kak sposob resheniya ekonomicheskikh problem Turkmenistana [Caspian Cooperation as a Way to Solve Turkmenistan’s Economic Problems]. CABAR, available at:

8., available at:

9. Turkmenistan prizyvaet strany Kaspiya k rasshireniyu transportnogo sotrudnichestva [Turkmenistan Calls on the Caspian Countries to Expand Transport Cooperation]. Bol’shaya Aziya, 2022, 7 oktyabrya, available at:

10. Proekt Turkmenbashinskogo mezhdunarodnogo porta [The Project of the Turkmenbashi International Port]. GAP.INSAAT, available at:

11. Cherez mezhdunarodnyi port Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan) eksportirovano bolee 6,5 mln tonn gruzov [More than 6.5 million tons of Cargo were Exported Hhrough the International Port of Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan)]. Internet-portal SNG, 2022, 2 sentyabrya, available at:

On the question of the development of historical features security services in the state

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.113-121

The article discusses the history of the development of security services, defines the first forms of implementation of security functions and their evolutionary changes. The authors proposed a definition of the concept of the security services market, identified the dominant elements of the security services market, which include physical, economic, technical protection and information security. Modern problems of organizing the protection of objects are interconnected with the level of legal awareness, legal culture and law-abidingness, which form the mentality of the nation. The structure of the security services market includes departmental and non-departmental security, as well as private security organizations and civil law institutions of insurance and storage. The functioning of the market of security services in foreign countries is due to the desire of the state to reduce the cost of maintaining the police due to the large number of employees of private security structures, leaving behind a monopoly on security.


1. Agafonov D.V. The history of the creation of private security organizations in Russia // Science-2020. 2020;1 (37):45-49. (In Russ.).

2. Alexandrova T.V. Analysis of the features of the activity of private security organizations in the market of security services in the Perm Territory / T.V. Aleksandrova, E.S. Leiberova // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2021;4-1:27-31. (In Russ.).

3. Blyasova, I.Yu. The problem of family education as a factor in the prevention of juvenile delinquency // Man: crime and punishment. 2012; 2:60-64. (In Russ.).

4. Laws of the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich and the grandson of his tsar Ivan Vasilyevich / ed. K. Kalaidovich, P. Stroev.: Moscow, 1819. URL:

5. History of the Ancient East. Texts and Documents: Textbook. / ed. IN AND. Kuzishchina. – Moscow: Higher School, 2002. P. 167-190. (In Russ.).

6. Monuments of Roman law: Laws of 12 tables. Guyanese Institutions. Digests of Justinian. Moscow: 3ertsalo, 1997. 608 p. (In Russ.).

7. Manual for the study of Russian Truth / ed. M.N. Tikhomirov. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 1953. 192 p. (In Russ.).

8. Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries: In 9 volumes. Volume 1. Legislation of Ancient Russia / ed. V. L. Yanin. Moscow: Legal Literature, 1984. 430 p. (In Russ.).

9. Code of Laws of the XV-XVI centuries / ed. B. D. Grekov. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952. 619 p. (In Russ.).

10. Reader on the General History of State and Law: In 2 volumes / ed. K. I. Batyr and E. V. Polikarpova. Moscow: Jurist, 1996. T. 1. 391 p. (In Russ.).

Digitalization: Sociology and Law, Concept and Practice of Socialization


The article highlights the short history of the Russian and world digitalization in details, focusing on the identified problems and priorities, which must be resolved if to successfully build and further effectively function information society in all its aspects.

The theoretical part has formed important opinions and ideas about the topic under study and shows that the spread of digital technology in all spheres of life is evidence of an active stage in the transition of human civilization from an industrial development stage to a digital one with social reality relevant to it. An analysis to identify the process of digitalizing human civilization’s linear development vector based on creating an indicative planning system allowed the author to conclude that there is a long-awaited transition to a purposeful scientific management of society and the state.

As it follows from the title of the article, legal coverage and all-round socialization are dominant in providing a successful solution to many challenges of digitalization. Russia’s political class is fully aware of the need to develop legal provisions, which are able to successfully prevent and mitigate possible threats to information society. It is primarily about the data breach related to both the functioning of the State and corporate/personal data. But the proposed draft legal acts of various kinds do not provide enough insight into how these protective, desirably preventive measures will be globally and nationally ensured.

Digitalization offers great opportunities for a rapid economic and social recovery to society. Developing information and communication technology gives an unprecedented rise in productivity, creates new forms of work organization, ensures conditions for increased trade in goods and services, offers infinite possibilities for education, communication between representatives of various societies and cultures, community commitment and network. The challenges of digitalization are so complicated that they do not seem possible to be solved by legal precedents without enhancing the population’s moral upbringing. The efforts of the really responsible citizens, the users of digital technology, the Internet initially can only effectively confront a new global digital environment in which there are opportunities to act rather immorally while at the same time anonymously and with impunity. We shall have to act gradually, but as strict as possible in the domestic and international legalization of the “digital environment”, paying a special attention to its moral dimension and the creation of particular barriers for ethical violations.



1. Moiseev N.N. S myslyami o budushchem Rossii [Thinking About the Future of Russia]. Moscow, Fond sodeistviya razvitiyu sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh nauk, 1997, pp. 59–60.

2. Pochemu Mask ne da Vinchi. Kasperskaya — o tsifrovom kontrole i “kloune” iz SShA [Why Musk is not da Vinci. Mrs Kaspersky — About Digital Control and the “Clown” from the USA]. Argumenty i fakty, 2021, June, 25, available at:

Net-Centric System of Elevated Stability (Survivability) of Energy Management in Russia Under Difficult-to-predict Critical Conditions


Energy sector, like the defence complex, is one of the key industries that serve as a basis for the life support processes of the country and the resulting stability of the state political structure. World practice has clearly demonstrated the key dependence of domestic political and social stability on reliability and sustainability of energy supply. Multifactorial survivability of the energy supersystem under normal and critical conditions of natural and anthropogenic origin can be provided through forming a net-centric system of elevated management stability, based on a distributed network of inter-corporate disaster-resistant data centers for processing and storing extremely large data sets. It is proposed to use data centers as bases for digital “twins” of energy facilities and processes in order to finally achieve a new quality of control based on digital topology within a single digital model of the energy supersystem with the possibility of secure collection, storage, processing and exchange of data, necessary for managing power facilities of various sectoral subsystems of the Russian fuel and energy complex, as well as for regional and municipal authorities. Application of digital topology makes it possible, during local interactions, to search for and implement solutions for moving towards local, network and polycentric resource-operational optima in order to minimize costs (price burden on the consumer) of separate companies and the entire industry with the aim of maintaining reliability and sustainability of energy supply, including security costs of the critical information infrastructure systems

Security Strategy for the Russian Financial and Economic System: Problems and the Ways of Solution

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.134-141

The article presents the scientific approach to analysis of problem issues in the security sphere of the Russian financial and economic system. It has been reviewed the some important aspects of statistics, analysis of nonlinear processes, the construction of information and mathematical models of law enforcement unit practice, forecasting and strategic decisions development. Shows the ways to improve efficiency of security strategy for the Russian financial and economic system control.

Challenges of the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Ethics

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.18-29

On April 17, 2019, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation held an expanded meeting of the expert-discussion club of the Association of Analytical Centers “Analytica” with participation of the RF Civic Chamber Commission on public diplomacy, humanitarian cooperation and maintenance of traditional values. The main purpose of the event was to discuss the challenges of the future and develop constructive proposals on the problems of artificial intelligence, technology and ethics. The keynote speaker was the president of the Global Ethics Foundation, founder and head of the social network, professor at the Basel University (Switzerland) Christoph Stuckelberger

Multipolarity Ideology as a Condition for Sustainable Development and Security

#6. For the High Norm
Multipolarity Ideology as a Condition for Sustainable Development and Security

The range of theoretical-conceptual and practical questions related to the content of the concept of multipolarity and its ideological interpretation is analyzed; the issue of the necessity of practical realization of the multipolarity ideology propagation at all levels of the educational process, first of all Russia and the countries — Russia’s strategic partners, is being studied; It is argued that the proliferation of the ideology of multipolarity meets the national interests of Russia and its partners, ensuring the progressiveness of development and security excluded in the conditions of the restoration of bipolarity and the arms race.

Methodological Approaches to Effective Implementation of Strategic Import Substitution Programs

#7. Foresight Boom
Methodological Approaches to Effective Implementation of Strategic Import Substitution Programs

The relevance of the study is based on the need to minimize the damage caused by the sanctions imposed on the country’s economy and to provide the economic growth of economic entities in this context. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of theoretical and methodological approaches to efficient implementation of import substitution programs in the radio electronic industry in the long run. Leading methods in studying this problem were the methods of factors analysis, organizational modeling, system analysis, innovation theory and enterprise economics, which allowed to reveal key contradictions of state policy in the sphere of import substitution in the radio electronic industry. As a result of the study, the original system of criteria was developed, as well as the fundamental management model taking into account the domestic economy’s ability to implement systematic management of competitive import substitution. Materials of the article can be useful for developing new and improving existing methods of regulating relations that arise between entities carrying out activities in the sphere of import substitution, as well as between organizations that are part of the infrastructure supporting the above activity, and public authorities when forming and implementing the corresponding industrial policy.

New Manhattan Project of Planetary Protection

#3. Attraction of Diversity
New Manhattan Project of Planetary Protection

The article presents results of modeling the consequences of a large asteroid’s catastrophic collision with the Earth. They confirm the necessity of concrete steps to create a means of protection against the asteroid-comet danger that threatens the very existence of mankind. Undertaken analysis of the situation in the field of space threat prevention proves that alongside with ensuring national and international security, they will contribute to developing many spheres of the state and humanity activities, including defense, civil defense and protection, science, technology, economics, politics, etc. Russian project of creating an international planetary protection system “Citadel” can serve as a basis for creating means of planetary protection. This is confirmed by inclusion of the Citadel project in the New Manhattan Project, proposed by the World Federation of Scientists.

The Struggle Against Terrorism: Control Problems Solution Under Critical Instability Conditions

#9. Preserving humanness
The Struggle Against Terrorism: Control Problems Solution Under Critical Instability Conditions

A series of terrorist attacks in Paris, plane crashes, explosions in different cities around the world, a terrorist war against the legitimate government in Syria, the terror in Russia’s North Caucasus — all these phenomena called forth the problem of ongoing processes of the terrorist component expansion in the global geo-strategic players’ activities like regularity pattern manifesting the systemic crisis of the western world order model. Geostrategic nature of terrorist operations is an integral part of the globalized competition in contemporary geo-economic and geopolitical environment. It is necessary to comprehend the new macro-terroristic reality and to develop measures to confront qualitatively new risks and threats to our country’s security and whole world’s.