Author page: Khalyasov I.S.

On the question of the development of historical features security services in the state

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.113-121

The article discusses the history of the development of security services, defines the first forms of implementation of security functions and their evolutionary changes. The authors proposed a definition of the concept of the security services market, identified the dominant elements of the security services market, which include physical, economic, technical protection and information security. Modern problems of organizing the protection of objects are interconnected with the level of legal awareness, legal culture and law-abidingness, which form the mentality of the nation. The structure of the security services market includes departmental and non-departmental security, as well as private security organizations and civil law institutions of insurance and storage. The functioning of the market of security services in foreign countries is due to the desire of the state to reduce the cost of maintaining the police due to the large number of employees of private security structures, leaving behind a monopoly on security.


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