The "Economic Strategies" journal

2019 #6. Very “Big Data”

Knowledge Economy in a Regional Context: Problems and Prospects of Science and Innovation Cluster Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.136-141

The growing role of knowledge in the list of the main production factors has predetermined the emergence of such economy branch as the knowledge economy. The knowledge economy is becoming a source of growth and development of both an individual organization or enterprise, and the region as a whole. The issues of regional development of the knowledge economy today are actively discussed both at various business sites and at the level of government authorities. In particular, on June 8–9, 2018, the VII Central Russian Economic Forum was held in Kursk, dedicated to the knowledge economy problems in the context of regional development. The article presents a generalized analysis of the issues discussed at the forum in the aspect of scientific and innovative development of the region. Particular attention is paid to the universities’ role in the knowledge economy formation, since the latter are unique drivers for developing innovation and scientific-technological development in the region. The study resulted in the assumption that formation of a knowledge economy in the regional context will become possible in case of active involvement of the regional universities in this process

Proposals for Promoting Collaboration Between the State and Business in Order to Form the Advanced Development Area Industry 4.0 in the Regions of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.128-134

The article proposes solutions to an urgent challenge: transforming Russian regions into the territories of advanced development taking advantage of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. The paper dwells on advantages and problems of introducing the Industry 4.0 technologies, proposals on cooperation of the state and business for introducing technologies of Industry 4.0 at the industrial level and for their promotion among the population.

To Hack the Doors of Powers. “Red Plan” and “Terrible” Pact

Recently, several events have occurred that can be called “historical markers”: growing economic conflict between the USA and China, personnel changes in Ukraine, Iranian problem, a number of international negotiations of V.V. Putin, including the telephone conversation with Donald Trump and direct negotiations with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, “hot” elections to the European Parliament. Some politicians in private conversations speak of the “third world war” proximity, while others say that it has already begun. I think it’s useful to look in the mirror of history and try to see Clio’s clues there.

On the Relation of Basic and Project Training in Pupils’ Business Education. From the Experience of Project Summer Schools Organized by the Faculty of Pre-University Training of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.114-121

The article summarizes the experience of a summer project school at the faculty of pre-university training of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). Peculiarities of the project format of education during the school holidays are considered. An attempt is made to analyze such features of project implementation as choosing a project topic, forming teams to develop a project to the state of readiness for implementation, and concentration of the subjective efforts of schoolchildren. When comparing subject-oriented school projecting with entrepreneurial designing the following advantages are noted in the summer school. Holding a school in summer allows to organize teamwork of students from different schools and different classes (5–6, 7–9, 9–10 classes); developers are united into teams when they select the actual topic of the project, which is based on a problem that is of interest for schoolchildren; entrepreneurial skills training takes place during communication of young people with a leading teacher (business coach), as well as within the team (self-training). Focusing on the projects development in a short time (40 academic hours) allows students to see the real result of applying their own knowledge and creative efforts. At the same time, holding a summer school in a project format is an educational project in itself, requiring a customer-oriented approach from the organizers (marketing efforts), when they should provide a comfortable learning environment for students, use (apply) and develop modern teaching and health-saving technologies.

Thorny Path or Why the State Should Not “Wait” for the Digital Platforms Advent

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.106-113

Era of digital changes concerns everybody. Under the slogan of digitalization government bodies have begun implementation of national projects understood mainly as creation of GIS, infrastructure and electronic services. Big business, sensing new profitable opportunities, is trying its hand in building platforms and developing new technologies, gradually filling up the digital space and leaving less and less space for implementing the duties, assigned to state bodies by the Constitution, in new economic environment. At the same time, there is a growing expansion of “our Western partners”, especially in industry areas. Only small and medium-sized businesses remained aloof from digitalization — this segment of economy has simply got neither desire nor the capital. The state bodies’ operation according to old patterns, expectation that business will draft and develop everything on its own, and ministries and departments will only have to choose and promote the “best cases”, generating presentations on forums instead of real steps demonstrates confusion of our “digital leaders”, the lack of clear vision of the existing processes transformation and further development of public administration in the context of digital economy. We call your attention to an article that will reveal the approach to creating a new economic management model — state digital platforms. Described solutions are shown by the authors using the example of the transport and logistics complex of the Russian Federation

Digitalization of Economy and Energy Sector: Prospects and Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.96-105

The article discusses the main prospects and problems of developing digitalization concept not only of Industry 4.0 (fourth generation), but also of all units of the new civilization based on energy-informational conception of ecos — our planetary home, including the economy (economic activity system), ecology (system of harmonization of human relations with the environment) and energy sector as a system of life support and vital activity itself in this house

Stagnation: For How Long?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.90-95

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the first half of 2019 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Machining Production of Russia: Structure of Innovations and Export Strategy and Replacement of Import of Machines

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.78-89

The purpose of the study is to assess the dynamics of the manufacturing industries in Russia. According to the “structural formula”, the contribution of innovations in various types of activities to the overall dynamics of innovations in manufacturing industries is assessed, which makes it possible to identify the dominant innovations in economic sectors. This approach is useful in order to differentiate the methods of industrial (sectoral) policy, including national projects as an institutional tool for managing the development of the Russian economy, since it identifies those areas that require special incentives for the innovation process. The structure of innovation is heterogeneous, the contribution by different types of activity varies significantly, which indicates the instability of the process of innovative development. Two strategies are considered for the functioning of processing industries: the export of machinery and the substitution of machinery imports. It is shown that these strategies can not be reduced to one another, except for special cases and suggest different possibilities. The parameter of structural independence for the Russian engineering industry has steadily decreased and its dynamics has been stabilized at low values, as shown by the method of phase portraits of the change in this indicator. This suggests that the domestic economy and engineering remain highly dependent on imports of machinery, equipment and technology, and leads to the conclusion that the import substitution policy is not, firstly, sufficient, and secondly, structural internal changes are required in the economy, so that import substitution and the development of export manufacturing industries give a positive systemic result. On the basis of quantitative assessments, a fundamental conclusion was obtained that the import substitution policy itself will certainly not have a high performance (locally limited effect), which it could potentially have when the internal flow of resources changes towards the processing sectors

Alpha Business in the Russian Food Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.68-77

The example of the food sector shows that concentration trends in Russian business have led to its stratification into three levels with different institutional conditions and the dominance of the upper levels (alpha business) over the lower one (beta and gamma business). The features of the Russian alpha business against the background of a similar world hierarchy, the logic of its transformation and interaction with the government are analyzed. The requirements for the country development strategy based on the functional balance of the different levels of business are determined