Knowledge Economy in a Regional Context: Problems and Prospects of Science and Innovation Cluster Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.136-141

The growing role of knowledge in the list of the main production factors has predetermined the emergence of such economy branch as the knowledge economy. The knowledge economy is becoming a source of growth and development of both an individual organization or enterprise, and the region as a whole. The issues of regional development of the knowledge economy today are actively discussed both at various business sites and at the level of government authorities. In particular, on June 8–9, 2018, the VII Central Russian Economic Forum was held in Kursk, dedicated to the knowledge economy problems in the context of regional development. The article presents a generalized analysis of the issues discussed at the forum in the aspect of scientific and innovative development of the region. Particular attention is paid to the universities’ role in the knowledge economy formation, since the latter are unique drivers for developing innovation and scientific-technological development in the region. The study resulted in the assumption that formation of a knowledge economy in the regional context will become possible in case of active involvement of the regional universities in this process


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