The "Economic Strategies" journal

2023 #2 2023 Labyrinth and Vector

Time of Troubles and Management Science. New Twists in History

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.80-89

The basic reasons for the onset of the Time of Troubles in Russia, associated with inability of the central government to perform their functions, are identified. An important role in instability was played by external organizations, including those that demonstrated a “friendly” attitude towards Russia. Withdrawal of the Fatherland from the Time of Troubles’ instability is connected with the emergence of organizations within it that are capable of realizing the idea of the country’s selfpreservation. The author concludes that the Time of Troubles in Russia came when the three main forces of organizations — owners, managers and the staff (in this case, the “orphan people”) lost their value orientations and did not act as a common front against the interventionists.


1. Volkov V.A., Kuz’min A.G. Smutnoe vremya [Time of Troubles]. Moscow, Algoritm, 2012.

2. Gaidar E. Smuty i instituty [Troubles and Institutions]. Moscow, Algoritm, 2015.

3. Denisov A.V. Smutnoe vremya. Vzglyad inzhenera [Time of Troubles. Engineer’s Perspective]. Moscow, Izd-vo Vorob’ev A.V., 2012.

4. Zinov’ev A. A. Russkaya smuta [Russian Turmoil]. Moscow, Kelvori, 1995.

5. Kurganov A.B. Lyudi Smutnogo vremeni. Istoricheskoe issledovanie [People of the Time of Troubles. Historical Research]. Moscow, AST, 2008.

6. Morozova L.E. Istoriya Rossii. Smutnoe vremya. Pravda i vymysel, svidetel’stva sovremennikov [Russian History. Time of Troubles. Truth and Fiction, Testimonials of Contemporaries]. Moscow, AST, 2011.

7. Pechenev V.A. “Smutnoe vremya” v noveishei istorii (1985–2003). Istoricheskie svidetel’stva i razmyshleniya uchastnika sobytii [“Time of Troubles” in Recent History (1985–2003). Historical Evidence and Reflections of the Events Participant]. Moscow, Norma, 2004.

8. Platonov S.F. Smutnoe vremya. Ocherk istorii vnutrennego krizisa i obshchestvennoi bor’by v Moskovskom gosudarstve XVI i XVII vv. [Time of Troubles. History Essay on the Internal Crisis and Social Struggle in the Moscow State of the XVI and XVII Centuries]. Moscow, AIRO-XXI, 2007; Smutnye vremena nachala XVII–XX stoletii i opyt ikh preodoleniya v istoricheskoi sud’be Rossii: Sb. materialov po itogam Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Vladimir, 2–3 noyabrya 2020 g. [Troubled Times at the Beginning of the 17th–20th Centuries and the Experience of Overcoming Them in the Historical Fate of Russia: Collected Materials on the Results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international Participation. Vladimir, November 2–3, 2020]. Vladimir, Tranzit-IKS, 2020.

9. Dvornichenko A.Yu. Smuta kak faktor rossiiskoi istorii [Time of Troubles as a Factor in Russian History]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta. Istoriya, 2018, vol. 63, vyp. 3, pp. 679, 682–684.

10. Marchenya P.P., Razin S.Yu. “Smutovedenie” kak “gordiev uzel” rossievedeniya: ot imperii k smute, ot smuty k…? [“Study of Troubles” as a “Gordian Knot” of Russian Studies: From Empire to Troubles, from Troubles to…?]. Rossiya i sovremennyi mir, 2010, no 4, pp. 50.

Unified Precision Time System for Power Facilities and Control Centers of Eру Power Grid Companies

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.90-93

Tougher requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the system time scale (TS) in the electric power industry, as well as changes in the geopolitical situation, have caused the need to revise the existing methods of TS organization. “UEC” JSC has developed the Methodological Recommendations “Unified Precision Time System at High-Voltage Network Facilities”. The article reveals the current method of organizing power facilities of the power grid companies in the Russian Federation. Results of the analysis of the need to improve reliability of the TS organization and to ensure the required accuracy of time signals, as well as proposals for their implementation are presented.


1. Bogdanov E.A., Ivanov A.M., Kol’tsov P.A., Shvarts M.L. Edinaya sistema sinkhronizatsii vremeni v tekhnologicheskikh sistemakh energoob”ektov i DTs RSK [Unified Time Synchronization System in Technological Systems of Power Facilities and RSK DC]. Moskovskii energetik, 2022 (dekabr’), no 10(144), pp. 6–7.

2. Ryzhkov A.V., Donchenko S.I., Ivanov A.V., Koltunov M.N., Savchuk A.V., Shvarts M.L. Peredacha signalov vremeni po seti svyazi obshchego pol’zovaniya [Transmitting Time Signals over a Public Communications Network]. Elektrosvyaz’, 2010, no 12, pp. 42–47.

3. Ryzhkov A.V., Shvarts M.L., Aladin V.M., Isupov A.V. Opyt vnedreniya sistem chastotno-vremennogo obespecheniya setei svyazi [Experience in Implementing Systems for Time-Frequency Support of Communication Networks]. T-Comm: Telekommunikatsii i transport, 2022, vol. 16, no 7, pp. 21–28.

4. Zuev E.V., Ryzhkov A.V., Pelyushenko A.S., Samatov V.I., Sakharov B.A. Pervichnyi etalonnyi istochnik VCH-1008C sistemy taktovoi setevoi sinkhronizatsii v tsifrovykh setyakh [VCH-1008C Primary Reference Source for Network Clock Synchronization System in Digital Networks]. Elektrosvyaz’, 2013, no 2, pp. 32–33.

5. Shvarts M.L., Ryzhkov A.V. Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiya sistem setevoi sinkhronizatsii v setyakh elektrosvyazi. Ot pleziokhronnykh do kogerentnykh setei [Modern Trends in the Development of Network Synchronization Systems in Telecommunication Networks. From Plesiochronous to Coherent Networks]. Sistemy sinkhronizatsii, formirovaniya i obrabotki signalov, 2021, no 4, pp. 27–38.

Tair Mansurov and Nazir Tyuryakulov. Author and His Protagonist

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.94-97

Review of the book “Nazir Tyuryakulov” by T.A. Mansurov, published in 2022, which presents a biography of the Soviet diplomat N.T. Tyuryakulov. Diplomatic mission of Nazir T. Tyuryakulov was a duel with British and American competitors in the 1920s. The review also focuses on the portrait of the book’s author. Tair A. Mansurov is one of the largest systemic post-Soviet politicians. He influenced creation of the state alliances, the future of seas and borders, formation of cultural codes, protection and preservation of the heroes’ memory, the revival of temples and mosques.

D.S. Chernavsky Model. Part 1. Adam Smith

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.98-107

This article considers the system of views of D.S. Chernavsky on the economics of Adam Smith. It turns out that the famous English economist was a convinced statesman. In his famous work “On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” he substantiates the need for price regulation, limiting interest rates and also considers transnational corporations the greatest evil in the economy (he calls them “large joint-stock companies”). A. Smith convincingly proves that money is a tool for generating income, but not the income of society itself.

The appendix to the article presents a mathematical model of the loan capital functioning, developed by the author under the guidance of D.S. Chernavsky.


1. Shcherbakov A.V. Mifologiya Adama Smita (o chem na samom dele kniga “Issledovanie o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov”) [Mythology of Adam Smith (what “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” is Actually about)]. Moscow, Grifon, 2016, 64 p.

2. Smit A. Issledovanie o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov [An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations]. Moscow, Eksmo, 2007.

3. Marks K., Engel’s F. Manifest Kommunisticheskoi partii: Sochineniya [The “Manifesto of the Communist Party”: Essays]. Vol. 4. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1955, 616 p.

4. Chernavskii D.S., Shcherbakov A.V. Mir bez dollara i FRS [World without the Dollar and the Fed]. Institut sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo prognozirovaniya im. D.I. Mendeleeva, available at:

5. Polnyi spisok vsekh voennykh prestuplenii SShA [Complete list of all US war Crimes]. Oko planet, 2011, 16 iyunya, available at:

6. Sorok protsentov mirovogo bogatstva kontroliruyut 147 transnatsional’nykh korporatsii [Forty Percent of the World’s Wealth is Controlled by 147 Multinational Corporations]. Gumanitarnyi portal, 2011, 24 oktyabrya, available at:

Victim Semantics

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.132-135

The paper focuses on understanding the place of the phenomena of a victim and sacrifice in the history of world culture and in sociocultural practices from its inception to the present state. The main socio-cultural pat terns of a victim and their links with other cultural universals — the game, myth, rites of passage, ethnic mentalit y are studied. The author analyses socio-cultural functions of the phenomena of a victim in the processes of changing technological structure in the Modern and Contemporary times and in the modern network societ y. It is concluded that the combination of sacrifice, game, myth and heroic principle is a universal regulating, synthesizing and promoting transitional factor. This factor in the anthroposphere triggers the process of emergence inside it of a special structure of self-maintenance and selfdevelopment, in other words, a socio-cultural matrix (invariant, homeoresis), the most impor tant element of stability in the conditions of any crisis and any transition.


1. Popovich A.I. “Zhertva zhivaya” i “mertvaya”. Topos i raznochteniya knizhnosti Drevnei Rusi XI–XIV vekov [Victim “Alive” and “Dead”. Topos and Discrepancies in the Literature of Ancient Rus’ in the 11th–14th Centuries]. Letnyaya shkola po russkoi literature. Ekaterinburg: Ural’skii federal’nyi universitet, 2019, vol. 15, no 2–3, pp. 115–135.

2. Zhertvoprinoshenie: Ritual v iskusstve i kul’ture ot drevnosti do nashikh dnei [Sacrifice: Ritual in Art and Culture from Antiquity to the Present Day]. Otv. red. L.I. Akimova. Moscow, Yazyki russkoi kul’tury, 2000, 534 p.

3. Chto podrazumevaetsya pod zhertvoprinosheniem v Novom Zavete? [What is Meant by Sacrificial Offerings in the New Testament?]. Entsiklopediya Genon, available at:

4. Agamben D. Homo sacer. Suverennaya vlast’ i golaya zhizn’ [Homo Sacer. Sovereign Power and Bare Life]. Moscow, Evropa, 2011.

5. Kitai. Yazyk, obrazovanie, biznes. Stat’ya “Zhertva” [China. Language, Education, Business. Article “Victim”]. 2004.

Hybrid Wars in the Macroeconomic Supersystem of the XXI Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.6-23

We do care about what the foreseeable future will be… The recent period has clearly shown that expectations of W estern experts regarding the planned collapse of Russian and Chinese economies have not materialized. The ar ticle analyzes the main pressure tools and strategies of the main global politics actors on peripheral countries in order to solve the accumulated problems associated with increased debts and the need for fur ther trade expansion. Aggregated forecast scenarios for the situation development in relation to the GDP growth/fall of the leading countries of the world are structured.

The authors’ calculations proved that, despite the risks and threats of fur ther sanctions escalation and other restrictions, the implemented macroeconomic policy of Russia and China ensures preser vation of their key socio-economic indicators, providing national sovereignty.


1. US Debt Clock, available at:

2. Global wealth databook. 2021. Credit Suisse, 2021, June, available at:

3. National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2023. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. United States Department of Defense, 2022, July, available at:

4. Temnaya zima: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Dark Winter: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

5. Atlanticheskii shtorm: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Atlantic Storm: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

6. Meropriyatie 201: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Event 201: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

7. Puteshestvie po Shveitsarii v usloviyakh pandemii COVID-19: polnoe rukovodstvo na dekabr’ 2021 goda [Traveling Switzerland During the COVID-19

Pandemic: The Ultimate Guide for December 2021]. Swiss Info, 2021, 2 dekabrya, available at:–benefits-


8. Milliardery [Billionaires]. Americans for Tax Fairness. 2022. 14 aprelya. URL:


9. Vozvrashchayas’ k mezhdunarodnoi roli dollara SShA [Revisiting the International Role of the US Dollar]. BIS. Bank mezhdunarodnykh raschetov, 2022, 5 dekabrya, available at:,(see%20CGFS%20(2020)).