Author page: Aleksandr Ageev

Second Trump Сombinatorics: assassination attempt. Part I. Geostrategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.18-25

The article dwells on technology developed and tested in the United States for constructing political future with the help of targeted force actions within the framework of the fuzzy logic of political multi-steps. The failed quasi-assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is a political combination preempting the civil war. Its goal is to reduce destructiveness of the political clash following the expected and even more dubious than in 2020, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2024 election, which implied incorrect ways of removing Trump from the presidential race. As a result, a bifurcation point in the US political development has been passed: now there is someone to implement a package of unpopular strategic measures to reorganize the US. Essentially, the murky episode of the assassination attempt turned out to be a way out of the political deadlock.


1. Brat’ya Strugatskie. Obitaemyy ostrov [Inhabited Island]. Moscow, Detskaya literatura, 1971. 320 p., ill. (Biblioteka priklyucheniy i nauchnoy fantastiki.)

2. Ageev A.I. Rol’ sanktsiy, konfliktov i spetsoperatsiy: razmyshleniya o budushchem. Chast’ 2 [The Role of Sanctions, Conflicts and Special Operations: Reflections on the Future. Part 2]. Nauchnyy vestnik oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii, 2024, no 1, pp. 33–42.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Krakh dollara: proektirovanie deystviy Rossii v usloviyakh global’nogo ekonomicheskogo kollapsa [The Dollar Collapse: Projecting Russia’s Actions in the Face of Global Economic Collapse]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 4(184), pp. 56–69, DOI: 4.184.2022.56-69

4. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Mirovoe soobshchestvo v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskoy bifurkatsii: Upravlenie slozhnymi organizatsionnymi i tekhnicheskimi sistemami v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskikh situatsiy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Moskva, 21–22 aprelya 2022 g. [World Community in Conditions of Supercritical Bifurcation: Management of Complex Organizational and Technical Systems in Conditions of Supercritical Situations: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 21–22, 2022.]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2022, pp. 9–12.

5. Loginov E.L., Zarbaliev S.M., Grigor’ev V.V. Otsenka veroyatnostnykh kharakteristik sluchaynykh protsessov v mirovoy ekonomike v usloviyakh nelineynoy dinamiki s sushchestvennoy khaoticheskoy komponentoy [Assessment of Probabilistic Characteristics of Random Processes in the Global Economy under Conditions of Nonlinear Dynamics with a Significant Chaotic Component]. Iskusstvennye obshchestva, 2020, vol. 15, no 1, p. 5.

6. Loginov E.L. Tsifrovye tekhnologii politicheskoy bor’by: neyrosetevye imperativy informatsionnogo protivodeystviya popytkam perekhvata upravleniya v sotsial’no-politicheskoy srede [Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts of Intercepting Control in the Socio-political Environment]. Moscow, Rusayns, 2024, 234 p.

Why did the Russian Economy not Collapse under the Influence of Sanctions?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.16-27

Chronicles of the trade and economic war (sanctions, restrictions, etc., in fact, attempts to organize an economic, scientific and technical blockade) of the conventionally united West against Russia after 2014 in general and after the beginning of the Limited Military Operation in particular clearly demonstrate that Atlantic opponents didn’t manage to defeat us economically. They don’t understand why that happened… Russia, to the whole world’s surprise, is successfully realizing its economic potential, monetizing it into stability of the political regime and building up a victorious defence potential. What’s the cause of such macroeconomic stability (national strength) of Russia?


1. Isard W. Interregional and Regional Input-Output Analysis: A Model of a Space Economy. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, vol. 33, pp. 318–328.

2. Leontief W., Strout A. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis. Structural Interdependence and Economic Development (ed. T. Barna). London, Macmillan (St. Martin’s Press), 1963, pp. 119–149.

3. Koopman R., Wang Z., Wei Shang-Jin. Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports. NBER Working Paper no 18579, Cambridge, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012.

4. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Natsional’naya strategicheskaya sila stran, mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i ekonomicheskaya uspeshnost’ stran v nestabil’nom mire [National Strategic Power of Countries, International Trade and Economic Success of Countries in the unstable World]. Strategirovanie: teoriya i praktika, 2023, vol. 3, no 3(9), pp. 277–297.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v

usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii,

2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15, DOI:

6. Makarov V.L., Il’in N.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Khabriev B.R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World: Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI:

7. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Loginov E.L. Primenenie ekonomiko-matematicheskikh metodov i modeley optimal’nogo planirovaniya v tsifrovoy ekonomike budushchego (TsEMI AN SSSR i TsEMI RAN: prognosticheskaya interpretatsiya i razvitie nauchnogo naslediya nobelevskikh laureatov L.V. Kantorovicha i V.V. Leont’eva) [Application of Economic-mathematical Methods and Optimal Planning Models in the Digital Economy of the Future (CEMI AS USSR and CEMI RAS: Predictive

Interpretation and Development of the Scientific Heritage of Nobel Laureates L.V. Kantorovich and V.V. Leontief)]. Moscow, Tsentral’nyy ekonomiko-matematicheskiy

Personnel Selection and Training for Structures with Critical Cognitive and Psychological Workloads in the Conditions of Complex Special Situations (Operations)

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.78-87

A number of different kinds of critical situations (from natural and man-made disasters to coup attempts and military operations), which took place primarily in the very last period of our country’s life, demonstrated significantly more serious, close to the maximum possible pressure on security forces and other departments – more than it was envisaged for many post-Soviet years. It became clear that new, more rigorous and effective technologies for forming and developing specialists’ competencies are needed. The purpose of the present article is to develop tools and methodological recommendations for selecting and training personnel for work or service in structures whose functioning involves critical cognitive and psychological workloads, including in complex special situations (operations).


1. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Golublev A.A. Spetsial’naya podgotovka kadrov v interesakh gosudarstvennykh vedomstv dlya vypolneniya osobo vazhnykh zadach v slozhnykh usloviyakh s kriticheskoy intellektual’noy i psikhologicheskoy nagruzkoy na sotrudnikov: Novye tekhnologicheskie vyzovy: problemy tsifrovoy transformatsii sistem upravleniya: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Special Personnel Training in the Interests of Government Departments for Performing Particularly Important Tasks in Difficult Conditions with Critical Intellectual and Psychological Stress on Employees: New Technological Challenges: Problems of Management Systems’ Digital Transformation: Proceedings of the International Conference]. Moscow, MNIIPU, 2019, pp. 9–11.

2. Gaynullin D.E., Kodzov T.N. Primenenie tsifrovykh tekhnologiy obucheniya v obrazovatel’nykh organizatsiyakh MVD Rossii [Application of Digital Learning Technologies in Educational Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs]. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2023, no 79-1, pp. 111–113.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Shkuta A.A. Neyrooperirovanie povedeniem kognitivnykh agentov na osnove elektronnoy semanticheskoy interpretatsii sostoyaniy soznaniya i psikhiki s effektami pogruzheniya, prisutstviya i edineniya s virtual’noy real’nost’yu [Neurooperation of the Cognitive Agents Behaviour based on Electronic Semantic Interpretation of States of Consciousness and Mentalit y with the Effects of Immersion, Presence and Unity with Virtual Reality]. Mikroekonomika, 2020, no 1, pp. 5–12.

4. Loginov E.L., Eriashvili N.D., Bortalevich S.I., Loginova V.E. Sistematika atributivno-semanticheskikh svyazey pri osushchestvlenii obrazovatel’nykh programm interaktivnogo obucheniya dlya metaprogrammirovaniya kachestv lichnosti [Systematics of Attributive-semantic Connections in Implementing Educational Programs of Interactive Learning for Metaprogramming of Personality Traits]. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal psikhologii i pedagogiki v sluzhebnoy deyatel’nosti, 2016, no 2, pp. 46–52.

5. Volobuev N.A., Groshev I.V., Loginov E.L., Matskevich I.M., Eriashvili N.D. Konstruirovanie informatsionnoy sredy upravleniya obrazovatel’nym protsessom, realizuyushchey funktsii intellektual’nogo analiza dannykh o kognitivnykh i lichnostnykh osobennostyakh obuchayushchegosya [Constructing an Information Environment for Managing the Educational Process, Implementing the Function of Intellectual Analysis of data on the Cognitive and Personal Characteristics of a Student]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2021, no 6, pp. 366–373.

Isn’t it Time to “Check the Boxes” of What is Permitted? Part III

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.24-31

The problem of the economic policies ontology is examined. Paradigms define practices and scenarios for the future.

Crisis of the “mainstream” and the polymorphic structure of the world economy imply an intensive search for new theoretical and practical solutions.


  1. Rosstat [Website], available at:

On the Issue of Providing Air Transport Accessibility of the Arctic Zone Regions of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.118-125

Current economic and geopolitical situation calls for the need to solve the problems of air transport accessibility in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with maximum financial efficiency and in the shortest possible time. To this end, it seems expedient to use the existing fleet of An-2 aircraft, which have proven themselves to be simple and reliable in harsh Arctic conditions. Minor and inexpensive modifications to the airframe and power plant, application of a modern domestic flight navigation system and autopilot will make this aircraft even more in-demand and competitive.

Isn’t it Time to “Check the Boxes” of What is Permitted? Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.12-17

The problem of the economic policies ontology is examined. Paradigms define practices and scenarios for the future.

Crisis of the “mainstream” and the polymorphic structure of the world economy imply an intensive search for new theoretical and practical solutions.


[1–8] in № 6(192)/2023, p. 51.

9. Ageev A.I. Predprinimatel’stvo: problemy sobstvennosti i kul’tury [Entrepreneurship: Issues of Property and Culture]. Moscow, Nauka, 1991, Glava 3.

10. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Za gorizontom kontsa istorii [Beyond the Horizon of the History End]. Moscow, Prospekt, 2021, pp. 382–388.

11. Bodrunov S.D. Noonomika [Noonomics]. Moscow, Kul’turnaya revolyutsiya, 2018.

12. Bodrunov S.D. Nooindustrial’noe obshchestvo: shag k neekonomicheskomu razvitiyu [New Industrial Society: A Step Toward Non-Economic Development]. Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii, 2018, no 1(55), pp. 5–15.

13. Meadows D., et al. The Limits to Growth. N.Y., 1972.

14. Mesarovic М., Pestel Е. Mankind at the Turning Point. N.Y., 1974.

15. Tinbergen J. Reshaping the International Order. N.Y., 1976.

16. Meadows D. Beyond the Limits. Vermont, 1992.

17. Ageev A.I., Gromov V.A., Lukovnikova N.M., Pereslegin S.B., et al. Spletennyy mir: russkiy doklad Rimskomu klubu: Proektirovanie budushchego.

Problemy tsifrovoy real’nosti (2–3 fevralya 2023 g., Moskva) [The Woven World: Russian Report to the Club of Rome: Designing the Future. Problems of digital reality (February 2–3, 2023, Moscow)]. Pod red. G.G. Malinetskogo. Moscow, IPM im. M.V. Keldysha, 2023, 360 p., pp. 97–120.

18. Ageev A.I. Spletennyy mir: global’nye vyzovy I sverkhvyzovy: Ekonomika Rossii i mira v epokhu smeny mirokhozyaystvennykh ukladov: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika: Sb. tezisov dokladov uchastnikov XV Pushchinskogo simpoziuma po evolyutsionnoy ekonomike [The Intertwined World: Global

Challenges and Super-challenges: The Economy of Russia and the World in the Era of Changing World Economic Structures: Theory, Methodology, Practice: Sat. abstracts of reports of participants of the XV Pushchino Symposium on Evolutionary Economics]. Moscow, IE RAN, 2023, 170 p., pp. 93–95.

19. Ageev A.I., Gromov V.A., Kamionskiy S.A., Pereslegin S.B., et al. Spletennyy mir: koshka perevernulas’: Doklad Rimskomu klubu: Rezyume doklada [The Intertwined World: The Cat Turned Over: Report to the Club of Rome: Summary of the Report]. Moscow, MNIIPU, 2023, 52 p.

Living Textbook on Scientific and Technical Progress and International Relations

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.134-135

Review of the textbook “Scientific and technological progress and modern international relations”, published by the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the initiative of the Centre for International Information Security, Science and Technology Policy.

The textbook provides up-to-date and structured information and analysis on certain types of technologies with an emphasis on their importance for global politics.

Technology of Data Information Space and Improvement of Public Administration

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.62-67

The article examines possibilities of the ontological model and technology of the data information space and the ISIAD software product. This experience can be successfully used in the “Data Economy” national project.


1. Ageev A.I., Kuz’min O.V., Perminova E.A. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ avtomatizirovannykh sistemy upravleniya proizvodstvennym i tekhnologicheskimi protsessami ob”ektov kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktu [Information Security of Automated Control Systems for Production and Technological Processes of Critical Information Infrastructure Facilities]. Ucheb. posobie. Moscow, MNIPU, 2021.

2. Ageev A.I., Bondarik V.N., Ivanova O.D., Kudryavtsev A.V., Loshchinin A.A. Tekhnokraticheskaya kontseptsiya proektov tsifrovoy ekonomiki: sinergiya integratsii sistem i dannykh [The Technocratic Concept of Digital Economy Projects: the Synergy of Integration of Systems and Data]. Mikroekonomika, 2018,

no 5, pp. 14–21.

3. Ageev A.I., Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L., Chinaliev V.U. Tsifrovaya platforma upravleniya nauchno-tekhnologicheskim razvitiem v prostranstve ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva [Digital Platform for Managing Scientific and Technological Development within Economic Cooperation Framework].

Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 1, pp. 56–69, DOI:

4. Loshchinin A.A., Bondarik V.N., Kudryavtsev A.V. Nekotorye informatsionno-tekhnologicheskie aspekty tsifrovoy ekonomiki [Some Information and Technological Aspects of the Digital Economy]. Mikroekonomika, 2017, no 4, pp. 67–71.

5. Ageev A.I., Radina V.Ya. Metodika tsifrovoy ekonomiki v chasti upravleniya i kontrol’noy deyatel’nosti v real’nom sektore ekonomiki [Methods of Digital Economy in Terms of Management and Control Activities in the Real Economy]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2019, no 3, pp. 44–56, DOI: 10.33917/es-3.161.2019.44-56

6. Loshchinin A.A. Informatizatsiya v administrativnykh sistemakh [Informatization in Administrative Systems]. Moscow, 1999.

7. Loshchinin A.A. Bol’shaya informatizatsiya malykh territoriy [Big Informatization of small Territories]. Informatsionnye tekhnologii territorial’nogoupravleniya, 2002, no 36.

8. Loshchinin A.A. Tekhnologii informatizatsii administrativnykh organov territoriy [Technologies for Informatization of Administrative bodies of Territories].

Informatika i vychislitel’naya tekhnika, 1997, no 4, pp. 31–35.

9. Loshchinin A.A. Informatsionnye modeli territorial’nykh administrativnykh system [Information Models of Territorial Administrative Systems]. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v strukturakh gosudarstvennoy sluzhby, Moscow, RAGS, 1999.

10. Loshchinin A.A. Osnovy prikladnoy biznes-informatiki [Fundamentals of applied Business Informatics]. Saransk, 2017, 422 p.

11. Loshchinin A.A. CASE — sreda dlya informatizatsii administrativnykh sistem na osnove IPD-tekhnologii [CASE is an Environment for Informatization of Administrative Systems based on IPD technology]. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v strukturakh gosudarstvennoy sluzhby, Moscow, RAG S, 2001.

Isn’t it Time to “Check the Boxes” of What is Permitted?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.46-51

The problem of the economic policies ontology is examined. Paradigms define practices and scenarios for the future. Crisis of the “mainstream” and the polymorphic structure of the world economy imply an intensive search for new theoretical and practical solutions.


1. Smolyan G.L. Refleksivnoe upravlenie — tekhnologiya prinyatiya manipulyativnykh resheniy [Reflexive Management — Technology for Making Manipulative Decisions]. Trudy ISA RAN, 2013, vol. 63, no 2. Tsentr gumanitarnykh tekhnologiy, 2016, 25 sentyabrya, available at:

2. Lepsky Vladimir E. Reflexive Control in Multi-Subjective and Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedigs of the Workshop on Multi-Reflexive Models of Agent Behavior. ARL-SR-64, May 1999, pp. 111–117.

3. Ageev A.I., Kuroedov B.V., Met’yuz R., Sandarov O.S. Metodologiya strategicheskoy matritsy [Strategic Matrix Methodology]. Monografiya. Moscow, INES, 2004, 152 p. (Strategicheskoe prevoskhodstvo. Seriya MLSU)

4. Global’nyy reyting integral’noy moshchi 100 stran: Doklad-2012 [Global Rating of Integral Power of 100 Countries: Report 2012]. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnaya akademiya issledovaniy budushchego, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2012, 108 p.

5. Strategiya natsional’noy bezopasnosti SShA 2022 [US National Security Strategy 2022]. Rossiyskiy pravovoy portal: Biblioteka Pashkova. 2011. 16 marta.


6. Ponomarev V.P. Polimorfnaya gamma-shkala ekonomicheskogo razvitiya [Polymorphic Gamma-Scale of Economic Development]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 106–111, DOI:

7. Mityaev D.A. O dinamike samorazrusheniya mirovoy finansovoy sistemy (stsenarii i strategii). Vozmozhnosti adaptatsii i vybor strategii dlya Rossii: Stsenarno-igrovoy doklad [On the Dynamics of Self-Destruction of the Global Financial System (Scenarios and Strategies). Adaptation Possibilities and Choice of Strategy for Russia: Scenario-Game Report]. Moscow, INES, 2009, 61 p.

8. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. New Deal — 2008 — “novaya sdacha”. Bludnye ucheniki Franklina Ruzvel’ta [New Deal — 2008 — “New Change”. Franklin Roosevelt’s Prodigal Disciples]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2009, vol. 11, no 2, pp. 31–36.