Personnel Selection and Training for Structures with Critical Cognitive and Psychological Workloads in the Conditions of Complex Special Situations (Operations)

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.78-87

A number of different kinds of critical situations (from natural and man-made disasters to coup attempts and military operations), which took place primarily in the very last period of our country’s life, demonstrated significantly more serious, close to the maximum possible pressure on security forces and other departments – more than it was envisaged for many post-Soviet years. It became clear that new, more rigorous and effective technologies for forming and developing specialists’ competencies are needed. The purpose of the present article is to develop tools and methodological recommendations for selecting and training personnel for work or service in structures whose functioning involves critical cognitive and psychological workloads, including in complex special situations (operations).


1. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Golublev A.A. Spetsial’naya podgotovka kadrov v interesakh gosudarstvennykh vedomstv dlya vypolneniya osobo vazhnykh zadach v slozhnykh usloviyakh s kriticheskoy intellektual’noy i psikhologicheskoy nagruzkoy na sotrudnikov: Novye tekhnologicheskie vyzovy: problemy tsifrovoy transformatsii sistem upravleniya: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Special Personnel Training in the Interests of Government Departments for Performing Particularly Important Tasks in Difficult Conditions with Critical Intellectual and Psychological Stress on Employees: New Technological Challenges: Problems of Management Systems’ Digital Transformation: Proceedings of the International Conference]. Moscow, MNIIPU, 2019, pp. 9–11.

2. Gaynullin D.E., Kodzov T.N. Primenenie tsifrovykh tekhnologiy obucheniya v obrazovatel’nykh organizatsiyakh MVD Rossii [Application of Digital Learning Technologies in Educational Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs]. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2023, no 79-1, pp. 111–113.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Shkuta A.A. Neyrooperirovanie povedeniem kognitivnykh agentov na osnove elektronnoy semanticheskoy interpretatsii sostoyaniy soznaniya i psikhiki s effektami pogruzheniya, prisutstviya i edineniya s virtual’noy real’nost’yu [Neurooperation of the Cognitive Agents Behaviour based on Electronic Semantic Interpretation of States of Consciousness and Mentalit y with the Effects of Immersion, Presence and Unity with Virtual Reality]. Mikroekonomika, 2020, no 1, pp. 5–12.

4. Loginov E.L., Eriashvili N.D., Bortalevich S.I., Loginova V.E. Sistematika atributivno-semanticheskikh svyazey pri osushchestvlenii obrazovatel’nykh programm interaktivnogo obucheniya dlya metaprogrammirovaniya kachestv lichnosti [Systematics of Attributive-semantic Connections in Implementing Educational Programs of Interactive Learning for Metaprogramming of Personality Traits]. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal psikhologii i pedagogiki v sluzhebnoy deyatel’nosti, 2016, no 2, pp. 46–52.

5. Volobuev N.A., Groshev I.V., Loginov E.L., Matskevich I.M., Eriashvili N.D. Konstruirovanie informatsionnoy sredy upravleniya obrazovatel’nym protsessom, realizuyushchey funktsii intellektual’nogo analiza dannykh o kognitivnykh i lichnostnykh osobennostyakh obuchayushchegosya [Constructing an Information Environment for Managing the Educational Process, Implementing the Function of Intellectual Analysis of data on the Cognitive and Personal Characteristics of a Student]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 2021, no 6, pp. 366–373.

The Role of the Curator in the Professional Self-Determination of First-Year Students of the University in the Humanitarian Areas of Training


The article reveals the role of university curators in the professional self-determination of first-year students in humanitarian areas of training. The concept of “professional self-determination” is being clarified. Possible directions of professional orientation work with students are indicated. The relevance of the topic of obtaining a humanitarian education in society is substantiated, the reasons for the emergence in society of the need for professions of a social and humanitarian orientation are indicated. The works of research scientists studying the areas of professional self-determination are analyzed. The dynamics of personal changes that occur with firstyear students as a result of their professional orientation are analyzed. The meaning and tasks of curatorial work are presented, as well as problems that university curators may face today: possible mistakes of the curator in working with first-year students, namely lack of experience, lack of conscientiousness, incompetence. The main directions of the curator’s work with first-year students are revealed. The directions of activity of the university curators in conjunction with the psychological and pedagogical service are proposed. The conditions for the successful implementation of the curator’s activities with students in the direction of professional self-determination, such as planning, organization, control, motivation, are noted.

Peculiarities of Organizing the Staff Training for Priority Areas of Science and Technology Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.146-150

The present paper aims at forming approaches to providing effectiveness of human resources development in research and development sphere. The author raises the problem of studying new opportunities in organizing personnel training, identified by the “Science” national project. The article examines methodological aspects of ensuring the compliance of the workers’ professional competencies with technologies level of the new order, as well as conformity of characteristics of their interpersonal interaction with the systemic requirements for adaptability of production management in the context of technological development acceleration

The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

#1. Change of Leader
The Second Attempt: Necessity and Possibility of Restoring Social Systemogenesis

This paper investigates non-specific meta-factors blocking the social systemogenesis. Delay in transition from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, according to the authors, is conditioned by the meta-subject activity, primarily in the field of education. It is possible to overcome the obstacle only by means of systemogenesis conscious management.

Is it Possible to Raise a Leader? And Most Importantly — is it Necessary?..

#1. Change of Leader
Is it Possible to Raise a Leader? And Most Importantly — is it Necessary?..

Why do typical models of leadership behavior glitch? Why does the effect of the majority of training programs on leadership equal zero? And finally, who is a leader? Why does modern business need him and is it possible to bring him up? The article dwells on all the above aspects.