The "Economic Strategies" journal

2022 #1. 2022

Analytical tools for impact assessment natural resource potential for the development of Russian regions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.105-112

In the article, based on modern ideas about the use of natural resources, the concepts of natural resource potential and an economically demanded resource are formed, a methodological approach to assessing the tax potential for predicting the formation of income of the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the use of mineral resources is proposed. On the basis of the performed analysis, the subjects of the Russian Federation are identified, the economy of which is determined by the development of the mineral resource complex. The development in the regions of stimulating economic approaches in the field of environmental management and resource conservation is substantiated. Proposals are given to expand the economic independence of the regions of Russia.


1. POTENTIAL – Modern Encyclopedia. URL:

2. State report «On the state and use of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation in 2019». M. Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, 2020. 494 p.

3. Melekhin E.S. Economic aspects of the formation of a system of rational subsoil use in modern conditions: monograph [Electronic resource]. Moscow: Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin, 2018. 149 p. (In Russ.).

4. Kleinhof I.A. Strategic management of sustainable development of the forest sector of the economy of the Russian Federation and the European Union: monograph. M: GOU VPO MGUL, 2010. 156 p. (In Russ.).

5. Kryukov V.A. Integral assessment of the effectiveness of subsoil use systems (experience of comparative assessment) / V.A. Kryukov, O.E. Pavlov //Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management. 2014;1:34-41. (In Russ.).

6. Petrov O.V. Strategic Directions for Innovative Use of the Mineral Resource Potential of the Russian Subsoil // Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management. 2010;3:37-47. (In Russ.).

7. Classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases, approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 01, 2013 No. 477 (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 31, 2013, registration No. 30943). Access from legal reference system ConsultantPlus.

8. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated September 30, 2008 No. 232 «On approval of the Methodology for determining the starting amount of a one-time payment for the use of subsoil» (with amendments and additions). Access from legal reference system ConsultantPlus.

9. Dictionary of oil and gas geology. Leningrad: Nedra, 1988. 679 p.: ill. (In Russ.).

10. Melekhin E.S., Karasevich A.M. Methodology for assessing the national wealth of the subsoil. M.: Logos, 2011. 76 p. (In Russ.).

11. Omarov G.Z. Formation of sustainable innovative development of regions based on the rational use of natural resource potential // Microeconomics. 2017. №3. pp. 46-49. (In Russ.).

On the question of the development of historical features security services in the state

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.113-121

The article discusses the history of the development of security services, defines the first forms of implementation of security functions and their evolutionary changes. The authors proposed a definition of the concept of the security services market, identified the dominant elements of the security services market, which include physical, economic, technical protection and information security. Modern problems of organizing the protection of objects are interconnected with the level of legal awareness, legal culture and law-abidingness, which form the mentality of the nation. The structure of the security services market includes departmental and non-departmental security, as well as private security organizations and civil law institutions of insurance and storage. The functioning of the market of security services in foreign countries is due to the desire of the state to reduce the cost of maintaining the police due to the large number of employees of private security structures, leaving behind a monopoly on security.


1. Agafonov D.V. The history of the creation of private security organizations in Russia // Science-2020. 2020;1 (37):45-49. (In Russ.).

2. Alexandrova T.V. Analysis of the features of the activity of private security organizations in the market of security services in the Perm Territory / T.V. Aleksandrova, E.S. Leiberova // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2021;4-1:27-31. (In Russ.).

3. Blyasova, I.Yu. The problem of family education as a factor in the prevention of juvenile delinquency // Man: crime and punishment. 2012; 2:60-64. (In Russ.).

4. Laws of the Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich and the grandson of his tsar Ivan Vasilyevich / ed. K. Kalaidovich, P. Stroev.: Moscow, 1819. URL:

5. History of the Ancient East. Texts and Documents: Textbook. / ed. IN AND. Kuzishchina. – Moscow: Higher School, 2002. P. 167-190. (In Russ.).

6. Monuments of Roman law: Laws of 12 tables. Guyanese Institutions. Digests of Justinian. Moscow: 3ertsalo, 1997. 608 p. (In Russ.).

7. Manual for the study of Russian Truth / ed. M.N. Tikhomirov. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 1953. 192 p. (In Russ.).

8. Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries: In 9 volumes. Volume 1. Legislation of Ancient Russia / ed. V. L. Yanin. Moscow: Legal Literature, 1984. 430 p. (In Russ.).

9. Code of Laws of the XV-XVI centuries / ed. B. D. Grekov. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952. 619 p. (In Russ.).

10. Reader on the General History of State and Law: In 2 volumes / ed. K. I. Batyr and E. V. Polikarpova. Moscow: Jurist, 1996. T. 1. 391 p. (In Russ.).

Model for the development of a long-term forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research in the context of the implementation of strategic planning documents in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.5-21

The article deals with the regulatory and legal grounds and the subject of development of the forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research. Provisions, factors and conditions regulating the formation of this forecast have been developed. Proposals for the development of information and expert support of the forecast are formulated.


1. Scenario conditions for a long-term forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2030 / Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. M., 2013. URL:

2. Mindeli L., Ostapyuk S., Chernykh S. Long-term forecasting of the development of fundamental science in Russia: methodological aspects // Society and Economics. 2017;10:5–22. (In Russ.).

3. Sidelnikov Yu.V., Minaev E.S. Technology of expert scenario forecasting. M.: MAI Publishing House, 2017.

4. Zubova L.G., Mindeli L.E., Motova M.A. et al. Methodological aspects of developing a long-term forecast of scientific and technological development / TsISN // Information Bulletin. 2004;6:31–74. (In Russ.).

5. Mindeli L.E., Ostapyuk S.F., Fetisov V.P. On the organization of long-term forecasting of fundamental and search scientific research // Economics and Mathematical Methods. 2019;55(1):56-67. (In Russ.).

6. Ostapyuk S.F. Conditions, stages, features and information support of the procedure for forecasting the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research. Collection of articles on the results of the international scientific-practical conference «The state and trends in the development of science, technology and innovation». M.: IPRAN RAS, 2021. (In Russ.).

7. Makosko A.A., Abrosimov V.K. On forecasting the development of science as a task of weak artificial intelligence (conceptual approach) // Innovations. 2018; 9 (239):13–19. (In Russ.).

8. Pletnev K.I., Lazarenko N.E. Expertise in the scientific and technical sphere: methodology and organization. M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2003. (In Russ.).

9. Dushkin R.V. Why hybrid AI systems are the future // Economic strategies. 2018;156:84–93. (In Russ.).

10. Russell S., Norvig P. Artificial intelligence. Modern approach. 2nd ed. M.: Williams, 2006.

11. Marcus G. Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal. New York University, 2017. Cornell University Library. URL:

12. Sokolov A.V. Foresight: a look into the future // Foresight. 2007;1(1):8–15. (In Russ.).

13. Novikov D.A., Chkhartishvili A.G. Active forecast. M.: IPU RAN, 2002. (In Russ.).

14. Belousov D.R., Frolov I.E. Long-term scientific and technological forecast: construction methodologies, contours of the technological future, development scenario // Foresight. 2008; 2(3):54-67. (In Russ.).

15. Website of the Council for Science under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. URL:

Logical and analytical events of economic transactions involving state property or its obligations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.22-29

A series of facts of the economic life of any organization has its own history. The direct adoption of a management decision is preceded by a plan and planning based on the analysis of special economic operations in the area of interest to us. The article presents the types of logical stages, which, in turn, contain certain analytical events. The formulation of specific tasks that should be solved in economic operations involving the state (state property and obligations) in the interests of the state should be entrusted to the person making the management decision.



1. Opalsky A.P., Aleshin A.S., Ushanov P.V. About the formulation of tasks which solution is necessary for achievement of the state interests in the transactions and operations carried out with participation of the state property and obligations //Management Sciences in Russia. 2019;9(3):28-39. (In Russ.).

2. Opalsky A.P., Aleshin A.S., Ushanov P.V. On the possibility of classification of the economic role of the state due to economic transactions involving the state or its property. Microeconomics. 2021;6:17-23. (In Russ.).

3. Signs of schemes and nominal participation of the parties. URL: 

Methodological approaches to the goals of Russian economic development in digitalisation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.30-39

The article studies a set of national programmes and federal projects directly and indirectly influencing human resourcing of the national programme for creation of a digital economy in the Russian Federation. It studies implementation criteria of the programmes and projects and changes in their quantitative indicators. It specifically focuses on implementation of main methodological approaches: programme goal, complex-based, process-based, systemic, and situational approaches as a basis for a hierarchy of the set of programmes and projects.


1. On national goals and strategic objectives in development of the Russian Federation until 2024: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No 204 (ver. of 19.07.2018). Collected RF legislation. 14.05.2018. No 20. p. 2817.

2. On the Strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the RF of 01.12.2016 No 642. Collected RF legislation, 05.12.2016. No. 49. p. 6887.

3. On the federal budget for 2020 and the planned period of 2021 and 2022: Federal law of 02.12.2019 No 380-FZ. Official website for legal information 03.12.2019. effective from 01.01.2020. International economic activities.

4. On approval of the government program of the Russian Federation «Development of education»: Decree of the RF Government of 26.12.2017 No 1642 (ver. of 30.11.2019). Collected RF legislation. 01.01.2018. No 1 (Part II). p. 375.

5. On approval of the government program of the Russian Federation «Economic development and innovative economy»: Decree of the RF Government of 15.04.2014 No 316 (ver. of 30.11.2019). Collected RF legislation. 05.05.2014. No 18 (Part II). p. 2162.

6. Description of the federal project «Regulatory control of digital environment» of the national program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation» (approved by the Executive Committee of the Government Commission for Digital Development and Use of Information Technologies for Improving the Living Standards and Conditions of Doing Business, Protocol of 28.05.2019 No 9), published online. URL: as of 09.07.2019

7. Description of the national project (program) «International cooperation and export» (approved by the Executive Committee of the Council on Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the President of the Russian Federation, Protocol of 24.12.2018 No 16). Not published.

8. Description of the national project (program) «Labour productivity and employment support» (approved by the Executive Committee of the Council on Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the President of the Russian Federation, Protocol of 24.12.2018 No 16). Not published.

9. Belous A.P., Lyalkov S.Yu. Vector of business development in the flow of the digital revolution. Banking. 2017; 10:16-19. (In Russ.).

10. Bodrunov S., Plotnikov V., Vertakova Y. Technological Development as a Factor of Ensuring the National Security, Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference — Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth. 2017. 8-9 November. Madrid. P. 66-74.

Analysis of rational preferences in the image-forming space

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.40-54

The principles and algorithms of the analysis of rational preferences of the target group in the image-forming space are considered, with an special attention on the correctness of the application of methods and interpretation of results, based on the identification of factors that determine market processes, and the construction of images of ideal goods/ brands/ firms in the perception of the target group. The issues of promoting a product/ brand/ company based on the analysis of rational preferences are discussed. Examples of solving practical problems of identifying factors of rational preference of goods/ brands/ firms, building their ideal images in the space of rational preferences, analyzing the configuration of ideal images, developing a strategy and essential details of promotion are given using the presented approach.

This article is a continuation of the author’s research presented in No 2(97), No 3(98), No 4(99) and No 5(100) of the journal for 2021.


1. Zakuskin S.V. Analysis of rational choice in the image-forming space // Microeconomics. 2021;5:14-29. (In Russ.).

2. Zakuskin S.V. Analysis of consumer ideals in the space of image-forming factors: problem statement and identification of factors // Microeconomics. 2021;2:19-31. (In Russ.).

3. Zakuskin S.V. Features of the analysis of the formation and differentiation of market images in the space of rational attitude // Creative Economy. 2020; 14(12):3635-3656. (In Russ.).

4. Zakuskin S.V. Integration of marketing communications based on the analysis of consumer preferences // Russian Entrepreneurship. 2018;19(6):1913-1937.

5. Zakuskin S.V. Planning of marketing experiments // Marketing and marketing research. 2018;2:100-106. (In Russ.).

6. Lukina A.V., Krutko M.A., Matveev I.V., Tsekhov A.S., Kiselev V.V. Investigation of the perception of environmental friendliness of goods by consumers and assessment of its impact on the choice of goods when buying // Drukerovsky Vestnik. 2018;2(22):92-103. (In Russ.).

7. Tregubenko P.V. Application of the method of joint analysis for assessing consumer preferences in industrial markets // Practical marketing. 2013;10 (200):36-40. (In Russ.).

8. Chan Kim V., Moborn R. Strategy of the Blue Ocean. How to find or create a market free of other players. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. 2017. 336 p. (In Russ.).

How to dominate the local furniture market without having your own production

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.55-65

The article is devoted to the analysis and forecasting of the institutional structure of the furniture market in Russia, taking into account the theory of economic dominance in a multilevel economy. It is shown that despite the conservative changes in the market, a stable hierarchy of companies has quickly developed on it, which determines the architecture and logic of its development in the medium term. The article examines in detail the situation in the Russian furniture market in 2020, which arose under the influence of the current epidemiological and economic situation. In the context of the groups described in this theory, the factors that furniture companies had to face depending on their size, market position and organizational structure are shown, the prospects for their development are assessed and general recommendations are given for each group. Identification of the key market players and comparison of the institutional strength of its participants belonging to different levels of the hierarchy makes it possible to form scenarios for its development and build appropriate forecasts for the development of this sector of the economy. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the structure and key players in the furniture market and the housing construction market. It is shown that there is a potential for mutual strengthening of the institutional strength of the key players in both markets, but so far it has been implemented to a weak degree. These relationships are expected to strengthen in the coming years.


1. Blokhin A.A. Institutional rent in a multilevel economy // Problems of forecasting. 2019;4:16-26. (In Russ.).

2. Blokhin A.A., Lomakin-Rumyantsev I.V., Naumov S.A. Alfa-business in the Russian food market // Economic strategies. 2019;6:68-77. (In Russ.).

3. Vertogradov V.A. Market strategies of alpha, beta, gamma in the context of the theory of economic dominance // Economic strategies. 2020;2:50-53. (In Russ.).

4. Studnikov C.C. Higher education in Russia: the heyday of economic dominance // The world of the new economy. 2021;1:112-120. (In Russ.).

5. Mertsalova A., Shchurenkov N., Kostyrev A. The shavings were removed from the furniture // newspaper «Kommersant», No. 221 of 2.12.2020. URL:

6. RBC Market Research. Furniture retail chains, 2019. URL:

7. Mauborn Rene, Kim Chan V. The strategy of the Blue Ocean. How to find or create a market free of other players. Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2020. 336 p. (In Russ.).

8. Fligstin N. Architecture of markets: economic sociology of capitalist societies of the XXI century / translated from English by A. A. Kurakin; edited by V.V. Radaev; National. research. un-t «Higher School of Economics». Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2013. 392 p. URL:

9. Blokhin A.A., Sternik S.G., Teleshev G.V. Institutional transformations of housing construction in 2020 // Problems of forecasting. 2021;2(185):43-55. (In Russ.).

Applied aspects of researching the raw materials potential of building complex organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.66-74

The purpose of the article is determined by the need to research the raw materials potential and its impact on the growth and development of building organizations. The article determines that the efficiency of raw materials used in the activities of building complex organizations is a reserve for development of the building potential as a kind of economic activity and stimulates particular actions to fulfill the national objective «Comfortable and safe environment for life». The hypothesis is stated that the identification of the potential types for growth and development of building complex organizations as an economic system acquires real meaning only when there is a possibility of adequate measurement of the parameters of growth and development of the economic system. Proposed signs of parameters identification for measuring the growth of the economy of building organizations reflect the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the growth of their economy. The potential types that determine the functioning and development of building organizations have been broadened by supplementing the existing classification with the potential for administrative transformation in the construction industry. Allocation of the potential of administrative transformation into an independent type of the raw materials potential is justified from the perspective of its impact on the entire raw materials potential of the building organization and the existing backgrounds in the construction sector.


1. Grant R.M. Modern strategic analysis. 5th ed. Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 2018. 762 p. (In Russ.).

2. Unified plan to achieve the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 and for the planned period up to 2030 // Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. URL:

3. Barbarskaya M. N. Resource potential of a construction organization and approaches to its assessment // Traditions and innovations in construction and architecture. Socio-humanities and economic sciences, 2016. pp. 193-196. (In Russ.).

4. Razumei V.Y., Fedoseev I.V. Practical experience of using graphical methods for assessing competitiveness for construction companies // In Situ, 2016;1-2:73-79.

5. Chepachenko N.V., Yudenko M.N., Palicki S. Methodological aspects of research, measurement and evaluation of the development potential of construction organizations // Problems of the socio-economic development of Siberia. 2018;3(33):82-90. (In Russ.).

6. Fedoseev I.V., Vasileva N.V., Salov A.A. Management of innovation and investment activities in housing construction in the region. M.: SPbGehu, 2018, 158 p. (In Russ.).

7. Chepachenko N.V., Yudenko M.N., Goncharova М.S., Sergeeva N.Y. Methodical approach to measurement and evaluating effective activity of construction organizations // Microeconomics.   2019;1:13-19. (In Russ.).

Systematization of scientific approaches to the study of competition and competitiveness of services: from theory to practice

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.75-82

In the scientific article, within the framework of the study of the terminological definitions of «competitiveness» and «competition», the concept of competitiveness of services is clarified. The classification of scientific schools in the field of management theory based on directive, descriptive and complex approaches is presented. The specific typology of the competitiveness of services in the context of the theoretical formula «personnel – processes – partners – products» is substantiated.


1. Galiullin I.R. Innovative competitive advantages of service sector enterprises: macro, meso-level research. / I.R. Galiullin I.R., I.V. Zhukovskaya // Microeconomics. 2017;6:68-73. (In Russ.).

2. Zhukovskaya I.V. Market aspects of the implementation of the investment strategy of corporations // Economic Bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan. 2009;4:42-45. (In Russ.).

3. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of service market research on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan // Microeconomics. 2020;5:93-98. (In Russ.).

4. Leonov E.F. Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the service sector on the basis of the formation of an institutional space.: dis. Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05 / Leonov Egor Fedorovich. St. Petersburg, 2017. pp. 189-194. (In Russ.).

5. Mindeli D. Fundamentals of scientific management. High School, 1999. (In Russ.).

6. Robinson J. The economic origins of dictatorship and democracy. Higher Economics, 2006. 512 p. (In Russ.).

7. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Managing the competitiveness of an organization. Moscow: EKSMO, 2005. 546 p. (In Russ.).

8. Khusaenov Rustem R. Development of Innovative Infrastructure Services in The Conditions of Discreteness of Its Components / Rustem R. Khusaenov, Irina V. Zhukovskaya //International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET). ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499. 2020;11(3):276-291.

9. Shamatov I.K. Evaluation of the market of innovative startups and stakeholders on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan / I.V. Zhukovskaya, I.K. Shamatov // Microeconomics. 2021;5:30-35. (In Russ.).

About the possibility of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.83-90

The article discusses the possibilities of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot. According to the methodology of the National Corporate Governance Rating in 2018, Aeroflot PJSC has a rating of 7++, which indicates compliance with Russian legislation, taking into account the interests of all interested parties (shareholders, the state, employees, consumers of services). Currently, it is established that in 2020-2021. This aspect of corporate governance in PJSC Aeroflot is not fully implemented and needs to be improved. It can be assumed that precisely because of this, the risk management system of PJSC Aeroflot could not cope with the development of anti-crisis measures in a timely manner. The authors recommend considering pessimistic and optimistic scenarios in detail when drawing up budgets, planning a budget system for each of them, developing measures to reduce risks, and responding quickly to emerging threats. It has been established that the use of a scenario approach in budgeting and corporate governance practices will allow PJSC Aeroflot to consider all possible situations, including unlikely ones, to inform representatives of the Board of Directors about all possible risks in a timely manner, and to develop measures to minimize risk.


1. Alenina E.E., Zyulina V.V., Redin D.V. Priority directions of formation of organizational structures of innovative development of high-tech industries. In the collection: Innovations in business creation and management. Materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference of teachers, staff and Graduate students. 2016. pp. 3-8. (In Russ.).

2. Alenina E.E., Zyulina V.V. Sectoral problems of management of the development of modern Russian engineering. In the collection: Materials of the Scientific and practical conference with international participation «Management in the field of science, education and technological development». 2016. pp. 134-140. (In Russ.).

3. Golovanova N.B., Gorin D.S. Methodological approach to assessing the technological state of a machine-building enterprise to increase the validity of management decisions //Management of economic systems: an electronic scientific journal. 2012;4 (40):70. (In Russ.).

4. Golovanova N.B., Gorina T.V. Comparative characteristics of the main approaches to enterprise resource management //Management of economic systems: an electronic scientific journal. 2014;12 (72):83. (In Russ.).

5. Gorin D.S. The growth of the technological gap as a trend in the development of the machine-building industry //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2014;11-4 (52): 503-505. (In Russ.).

6. Gorin D.S. Assessment of the industry significance of machine-building enterprises based on the analysis of fixed assets //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2013;12-4(41):319-322. (In Russ.).

7. Gorin D.S. Organizational and methodological aspects of crisis management at machine-building enterprises //Economics and entrepreneurship. 2012;1(24):282-285. (In Russ.).