The "Economic Strategies" journal


European Company and European Cooperative Society as Forms of Supranational Business Organization in the European Union

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.134-141

The present article analyzes the experience of creation and functioning in the European Union of such supranational forms of business organization as European companies (SE) and European cooperative societies (SCE). The author considers the main stages of developing legislative acts regulating the activities of supranational business structures; requirements for such companies; procedure for their establishment; opportunities provided by supranational status. The data on activities of European companies and cooperative societies is summarized. Possibilities of implementing the experience of European companies in the EAEU are analyzed

Neurooperating the behavior of cognitive agents based on electronic semantic interpretation of states of consciousness and psyche with the effects of immersion, presence and unity with virtual reality

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.5-12

The article is devoted to the possibility of neurooperating behavior of heterogeneous groups of cognitive agents, which in the conditions of immersion of consciousness in virtual reality is based on the formation of a complex image of quasi-reality in the human mind using the information technology platform of non-invasive neurointerfaces. The necessity of using neural networks and fuzzy logic for identification and analysis of nonlinear neuro-fuzzy approximations of the psychosemantic state of the control object’s personality on the basis of electronic semantization (semantic interpretation) of the States of its consciousness and psyche is justified. It is proposed to develop software tools for quenching or activating, depending on the need, neurophysiological or psychoemotional stress as a source of aggressive behavior in real life, through neuro-linguistic elements and neuro-marketing mechanics with the effects of immersion, presence and unity of the individual with the digital virtual environment.

Eurozone on the Verge of Widespread Negative Interest Rates

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.50-54

The global economy, including the eurozone, experienced a shock in 2008. As one of the consequences, central banks of the largest economies in the world, in order to support economic activity, reduced interest rates on loans. Although 11 years have passed, in the eurozone lending rates still remain extremely low. This indicates that the monetary union has not yet recovered from the post-crisis state. In fact, more and more probable is becoming a recently inconceivable scenario that the eurozone for a long time will get into the era of negative interest rates.

Competitive advantage and a model of enterprise management

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.38-41

The article considers the issues of the present-day, resource-based theory of competitive advantage and selection of a corresponding model of enterprise management in conditions of escalating market uncertainty.

Using Contract Forms of Cooperation Between the Business and the State for Strategic Planning Documents Implementation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.126-133

Nowadays economic development governance needs immediate restructuring in accordance with institutional requirements of the new technological mode and world-economy system. The shift to these systems is intermediated by the world financial-economic crisis aggravation. The article considers an promising and qualifying arrangement of the state and the enterprises — contracting mutual obligations. There is a detailed review on a recently implemented in the law framework instrument — agreements on protection and encouragement of capital investments. It is suggested to enhance existing set of tools for strategic planning realisation with the multilateral special agreements — target contracts. Parties to contract can be not only public-law entities but also banks, development institutes, educational and scientific institutions.

Methodology for assessing clinical and economic efficiency dental treatment (on the example of orthopedic planning)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.44-55

The development need an industry methodology for assessing clinical and economic efficiency in the segment of dental practice was reasonable.

Studies have been carried out to identify, the possibility and advisability of applying established theoretical principles and proven methods for assessing the effectiveness of processes and technologies in the dental practice segment.

The most effective methods and techniques for evaluating effectiveness were selected, indicators were developed, and formulas for calculating them in relation to dental practice were developed. The results of testing the developed method on the example of orthopedic planning was presented. The practical significance and feasibility of using the proposed methodology in dental practice was proved.

Use of insider information in the exchange game

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.90-95

Information costs money, especially if its disclosure can greatly affect the financial condition of an economic entity. Possession of this information makes some people think about its protection and temporary preservation, while others – about how to get it. The carriers of this information, referred to as insiders, may themselves use the knowledge in their own favor, or in favor of third parties. Involvement of unskilled investors in trading often serves as a veil of mercenary intentions.

This article gives general approaches to understanding the significance of insider information during stock market games. Clarification of the nature and mechanisms of the misuse of insider information should help to penalize this phenomenon.

On the Reasonable Nature Management in the Economy and Other Spheres of Human Activity

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.122-129

The article dwells on a complex of issues related to rational use of natural resources. It is shown that development of the economy requires not only clear state goal-setting, serious technical and economic calculations, but also other types of substantiations. The cost of goods and services has not yet been thoroughly studied. Pricing in its entirity does not take into account material components that initially exist by nature and are created without human participation. The role of environmental factors in development of economic and other social sciences is revealed.

Comparison of Methodologies for Strategic Forecasting and Planning of Economic Development in Developed Countries and Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.24-31

The authors considered the organization of strategic planning and forecasting of five countries that are among the world’s economic leaders — USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and Russia. The main features of the organization of the process of strategic planning and strategic forecasting in these countries are revealed, and a brief description of the organizational paradigms in the area under consideration is given. The purpose of the article is to determine the possibilities of borrowing in the field of methodology of strategic planning and forecasting. While there are no borrowing problems in the field of technical forecasting methods, there are a number of obstacles in the organizational field, determined by various factors. The authors identified nine such factors, and concluded that the prospects for the development of strategic planning and forecasting in Russia lie outside the directly specified area

Prospects of inter-fuel competition for heat energy production in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.56-61

Reliable and uninterrupted supply of energy resources to the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation in the extremely harsh climatic conditions of the North is the primary state task of state authorities at each level. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that determine the priority demand for energy resources that have the highest efficiency of their use. As a result of the analysis of the use of traditional types of primary energy resources, such as coal, crude oil, diesel fuel and gas condensate at the enterprises of electric and heat power engineering of the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), inter-fuel competitiveness was revealed. Calculations have been made of the energy and environmental efficiency of using alternative fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of the existing traditional types of fuel for boiler houses in the Arctic regions of the republic. Methods for assessing the energy and environmental assessment of the efficiency of replacing traditional fuels with liquefied natural gas for the production of heat energy at heat power plants in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which are universal for use in each region with local heat supply to its territories, are proposed.