The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #2. 2020. Triggers

Structure of Economic Growth of the Countries of the Eurasian Union

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.112-123

The purpose of the study is to determine the existing growth models of the countries of the Eurasian Union by GDP expenditures and sectors (manufacturing, transactional raw materials). The research methodology is a macroeconomic analysis of the dynamics of the main indicator of economic development — gross domestic product. The research method is a structural analysis that allows you to get a structural formula for calculating the contribution of each component of GDP to the growth rate, as well as a comparative analysis of the dynamics models of the countries in question — Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. The result of the study is the obtained structural relationships that make it possible to measure the influence of the investment structure on the growth rate, the criteria describing economic growth with a corresponding change in the country’s national wealth, as well as the identification of models of economic dynamics by the countries of the Eurasian Union. It is indicative that the transaction sector dominates in Kazakhstan and Russia, while in other countries a mixed model is found, or industrial growth as in Belarus. According to the components of GDP and expenditures of the country, either a mixed or a consumer model is found (Kyrgyzstan, Russia), however, the contribution of government spending to the growth rate is provided only in Kazakhstan. It was also revealed that the reaction to the crisis of 2009 and 2015 was fundamentally different for the countries of the Eurasian Union. The search for the factor conditions of such a prevailing dynamics, as well as the influence of union economic relations on the formation of a growth model in each country, requires an expansion of research and an analytical perspective

Towards an Enhanced Institutional Structure of the Eurasian Economic Union

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.102-111

This article considers how to enhance the institutional structure of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in order to enable timely decision-making and implementation of governance decisions in the interests of Eurasian integration deepening. We compare the governance structures of the EAEU and the European Union (EU) using the author’s technique and through the lens of theories of neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism elaborated with respect to the EU. We propose to determine a major driver of the integration process at this stage (the College of the Eurasian Economic Commission or the EAEU member states), to reduce the number of decision-making bodies within the current institutional structure of the EAEU, and to divide clearly authority and competence of remaining bodies to exclude legal controversies in the EAEU

2019. The Year Was Not in Vain?!

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.96-101

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for 2019 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Corporate Transparency Rating of the Largest Companies in the Russian Federation for 2019

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.89-95

As a part of the corporate transparency study, public annual non-financial reports of companies for 2018 (integrated reports, traditional annual reports, environmental reports, social reports, sustainable development reports, corporate social responsibility reports, etc.) are examined. The sample includes companies from the Expert-600 rating, as well as companies listed on the Moscow and foreign exchanges (LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ HKEX, Euronext NV, DeutscheBörseGroup); backbone companies of the Russian Federation; state corporations and the companies they control with revenues of at least 3 billion rubles. 1,192 companies were inspected in 2019. Every year professional audit on conformity of the study with the stated methodology is conducted. The permanent auditor of the study is Nexia Pacioli audit company

Information Model for Strategic Management of Navigation Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.82-88

Development of information technologies allows us to address challenges of different class, ranging from optimizing the execution of individual transactions to building systems for implementing the strategy at the enterprise level or a set of organizations. With an increase in the task scale, proportion of factors that do not fall into the control zone increases, however, with the growing information maturity of the economy, there are less and less zones of inaccessibility. The article dwells on the management model of engineering services on the example of navigation services provided by satellite systems. In order to build economic models the author considers possibilities of applying the life cycle model to implement a customer-oriented approach, as well as opportunities models for optimizing internal processes and interacting with suppliers. As a result of transition from a planned system of economic activity to market mechanisms in the Russian economy, production food chains that unite a large number of different enterprises were disrupted. The article shows how the use of information models can contribute to solving accumulated problems

Development of Hard-to-Reach Regions of the North, Siberia and “Disruptive” Technologies of Unmanned Aviation

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.72-81

The air cargo market is developing rapidly both in Russia and around the world. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles with vertical take-off and landing without an aerodrome base is becoming a promising area for air transportation of goods in remote regions. Companies around the world are intensively developing various types of unmanned aerial vehicles that are potentially capable to carry out cargo transportation. There are objective and subjective issues of their use that have to be solved at present. Russian developers offer promising innovative solutions that can have export potential, expand the range and areas of their application, and may be attractive for investment. Transportation of goods with the help of UAVs is expected to be cost-effective, which should result in business development, should increase jobs, strengthen the economy and infrastructure of hard-to-reach regions

Innovative Activity in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.64-71

The article examines the state of innovative activity in Russia on the basis of the most significant indicators (federal budget spending on science, number of advanced technologies created, training of scientific personnel, effectiveness of new research, etc.), dynamics of innovative development in the Russian scientific and technical sphere over the past 25 years is analyzed. It is noted that with an acute shortage of budgetary funds, labor, investment, material and technical resources and other development factors, it is necessary to take new decisions on priorities for developing all life support spheres, taking into account the continuing threats of extension and possible tightening of international sanctions

Humanitarian and Technological Revolution: Experience and Challenges of Engineering Evolution

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.54-63

Changing the priorities of economic development in transition to post-industrial society inevitably causes reviewing approaches to the role of innovation in modern economy. If in the era of industrial development of society innovations are considered mainly as a factor of technological development, in case of a post-industrial society innovations should be considered in a broader perspective. Innovative technologies in all their diversity are being introduced not only in the technological sphere, but also in education, in the service industry, housing and communal services, life support sphere, etc. The problem of shifting regions and separate territories to innovative development approaches is one of the key issues in forming an economy based on knowledge. “Nuclear” cities, where development of nuclear technologies is implemented both for defense and civilian purposes (nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel production, etc.), can be ideally used as territories of advanced social and economic development (TASED) primarily thanks to human potential of these cities. The article analyzes recent humanitarian and technological changes, called the “humanitarian technological revolution” (HTR), and their impact on the speed and effectiveness of innovative changes in this area

Alpha Market Strategies, Beta and Gamma in the Context of Theory Economic Dominance

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.50-53

This article attempts to analyze the theory of economic dominance formulated by A.A. Blokhin, I.V. Lomakin-Rumyantsev and S.A. Naumov in the article “Alpha-business in the Russian food market” [1], from the point of view of the market behavior strategy of alpha-, beta- and gamma-businesses in modern Russian conditions

Tectoeconomics is the Forerunner of All Social Production Economies

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.40-49

Based on elaborated concept of reviving the culture of industrial consumption of resources, an attempt is made to prove the existence of tectoeconomics resulting from tectology — a universal organizational science. Tectoeconomics is understood as the art of conducting business as well as other creative activities based on selection and implementation of decisions to streamline the processes of creating and consuming material and spiritual goods. It is shown that the possibilities for socioeconomic growth should be sought in cultural origins. On the basis of perceptions on tectoeconomics, the author has identified one of the main structural and organizational shortcomings of domestic economy, which does not contain in the trade sphere a specific industrial branch in the form of a system of culture-forming service material centers, eliminating the own procurement production of finished products producers and contributing to intensive growth of the middle class. The article is commemorating the 100th anniversary of publishing the main work of the national thinker, encyclopedic scientist Alexander A. Bogdanov “Tectology. General organizational science”. In the Belarusian magazine OnAir No. 7 (104) 2018, was published an article by N.V. Kostyukovich “Two lives of Alexander Bogdanov”