The Problem of Marriage Stability in Modern Russia: Theological and Sociological Analysis

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.100-107

The article examines the problem of sustainability of marriage unions in modern Russia. The author reviews the opinions of Orthodox theologians and sociologists on the causes of this phenomenon and identifies two main concepts: the crisis concept and the progressive one. It is argued that the common underlying cause of family destabilization is weakening of faith in the Triune God, manifested in selfishness, fornication, distorted ideas about gender equality, disorderly parental intervention and excessive concern with economic issues. As a conclusion, it is proposed to further develop Orthodoxy’s efforts to affirm the unsurpassed valu of marriage according to “once for a lifetime” formula and to reveal its deep relationship with the teaching of the Church.


1. Aleksandra Romanova, strtp. Darite lyubov’ (Dnevnikovye zapisi) [Give Love (Diary Entries)]. Moscow, 2010, pp. 26, 27.

2. Preobrazhenskiy I.V. Otechestvennaya Tserkov’ po statisticheskim dannym s 1840–1841 po 1890–1891 gg. [The Russian Church According to Statistical Data from 1840–1841 to 1890–1891]. Saint Petersburg, 1901, pp. 65, 71.

3. Engel’s F. Proiskhozhdenie sem’i, chastnoy sobstvennosti i gosudarstva: Marks K., Engel’s F. Sochineniya [The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State: K. Marx, F. Engels. Works]. Vol. 21, Moscow, 1961, pp. 85, 118.

4. Materialy po statistike Leningrada i Leningradskoy gubernii [Materials on the Statistics of Leningrad and the Leningrad Province]. Vyp. 6, Leningrad, 1925, p. 202.

5. Dinamika naseleniya SSSR 1960–1980 gg. [Dynamics of the USSR Population 1960–1980]. Moscow, 1985, p. 44.

6. Chislo brakov i razvodov za god [Number of Marriages and Divorces per Year]. Rosstat. URL:;

7. Razvody: “uvazhitel’nye” i “neuvazhitel’nye” prichiny [Divorces: “Valid” and “Non-valid” Reasons]. Fond “Obshchestvennoe mnenie”, 2022, 14 iyulya, available at:

8. Rossiya i strany mira. 2016 [Russia and Countries of the World. 2016]. Stat. sb. Moscow, 2016, pp. 49–52.

9. Otnoshenie rossiyan k razvodam [Russians’ Attitude Towards Divorce]. VTsIOM, 2021, 11 avgusta, available at:

10. Ioann Zlatoust, svyatitel’. 9-ya beseda na 1-e poslanie k Timofeyu: Izbrannye tvoreniya: Sobranie poucheniy [9th Discourse on the First Epistle to Timothy:

Selected Creations. Collection of Teachings]. Vol. 1, Moscow, 1993. S. 352.

11. Georgiy (Shestun), igum. (vposl. — arkhimandrit). Pravoslavnaya sem’ya. Voprosy i otvety [Orthodox Family. Questions and Answers]. Azbuka, available at:

12. Osnovy sotsial’noy kontseptsii Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi [Basics of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church]. M., 2019.

Human Self-Sufficiency as the Basis for Self-Sufficiency of Socio-Economic Systems and a Multipolar World

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.93-99

The article dwells on relationship between the self-sufficiency of citizens and the self-sufficiency of socio-economic systems (hereinafter referred to as SES) at any level – from a company to a municipality, region and the state. It is shown that equal, self-sufficient states constitute the basis of a multipolar world. On the example of different countries, in particular the USA, it is shown that lack of self-sufficiency of citizens causes large external debt, the risk of reducing self-sufficiency of the state and, as a consequence, its destruction. Through the prism of self-sufficiency of citizens, the author shows the logical result to which Russian Federation is moving and to which it will arrive if it doesn’t change its monetary policy.

Based on her work experience as an expert, the author focuses on consciousness as an economic-cybernetic category and selfsufficiency as a reproductive (economic) function built into human nature to realize human potential.


1. Bychkova N.Yu. Soznanie kak ekonomicheskaya kategoriya [Consciousness as an Economic Category]. Innovatsii i investitsii, 2022, no 12, pp. 22–29, DOI: 10.24412/2307-180X-2022-12-22-29

2. Ageev A.I., Batchikov S.A., Mityaev D.A. V poiskakh koda Pobedy. Za flazhki proval’nogo meynstrima [Searching for the Victory Code. Beyond the check marks of the failed mainstream]. Izborskiy klub, 2021, 17 noyabrya, available at:

3. Bychkova N.Yu. Evolyutsiya pravosoznaniya cheloveka. Smena paradigmy [Evolution of Human Legal Awareness. Paradigm Shift]. Ekonomika i parvo, 2022, no 6, pp. 78–85, DOI 10.37882/2223–2974.2022.06.04

4. Veduta N.I. Ekonomicheskaya kibernetika. Ocherki po voprosam teorii [Economic Cybernetics. Essays on Theory]. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1971, 322 p.

5. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Za gorizontom kontsa istorii [Beyond the End of History Horizon]. Moscow, Prospekt, 2021, 416 p.

6. Marks K., Engel’s F. Sochineniya [Selected Works]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo politicheskoy literatury, 1961, 858 p.

7. Bychkova N.Yu. Prikladnye aspekty upravleniya zakrytoy sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoy sistemoy na primere Kuby [Applied Aspects of Managing a Closed Socio-Economic System on the Example of Cuba]. Ekonomika ustoychivogo razvitiya, 2023, no 2(54), pp. 111–115.

8. Birzhevoy portal [Website], available at:

9. RIA Novosti [Website], available at:

10. Birzhevoy portal [Website], available at:

11. Veduta E.N. Mezhotraslevoy-mezhsektornyy balans: mekhanizm strategicheskogo planirovaniya ekonomiki [Interindustry-intersectoral Balance: Mechanism for Strategic Planning of the Economy]. Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. 2-e izd. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt. 2020, 239 p.

12. Zhukov N.I. Filosofskie osnovy kibernetiki [Philosophical Basics of Cybernetics]. Minsk, Izd-vo BGU, 1976, 224 p.

Global Reset of Russia’s Sociocultural Trend: from “Classical” to “New” Eurasianism

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.86-89

The article identifies dynamics of the Eurasian concept, which is considered as the basic strategy for the positive development of Russia’s foreseeable future. The author shows that over the last century the national Eurasian model has been transformed in the process of actual socio-economic and political-ideological attitudes. Within classical eurasianism Russia is viewed as a special geographical and socio-cultural civilization that combines Western (Western European) and Eastern (Asian) stereotypes.

It is proved that in the process of the USSR development and formation of the “new” Russia, the theory of eurasianism with a Western European trend was being implemented. Since the second decade of the 21st century, in order to overcome the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions, the Russian Federation has been stimulating a national strategy of Eurasianism with an Eastern (Asian) orientation. However, by the middle of the 21st century in implementing the conceptual model of Eurasianism Russia will return, as suggested in the article, to a classical strategy based on a balance of Westernization and Orientalist ideas.


1. Blekher L.I., Lyubarskiy G.Yu. Glavnyy russkiy spor: ot zapadnikov i slavyanofilov do globalizma i Novogo Srednevekov’ya [The Main Russian Dispute: from Westerners and Slavophiles to Globalism and the New Middle Ages]. Moscow, Akademicheskiy proekt, 2003, 608 p.

2. Chumakov A.N. “Filosofskiy parokhod”. 100 let bez pokayaniya [“The Philosophical Ship”. 100 years without Repentance]. Monografiya. Moscow, Prospekt, 2022, 456 p.

3. Zalozhnykh Yu.S. Slavyanofily i neoslavyanofily: problema soderzhaniya kategoriy v dukhovnoy praktike rossiyskogo obshchestva [Slavophiles and Slavophiles: the Problem of the Content of Categories in the Spiritual Practice of Russian Society]. Filosofiya i kul’tura, 2013, no 9, pp. 1212–1216.

4. Berdyaev N.A. Evraziytsy. Russkoe natsional’noe samosoznanie i “evraziystvo” [Eurasians. Russian National Identity and “Eurasianism”]. Moscow, T8, 2018.

5. Iskhod k Vostoku. Predchuvstviya i sversheniya [Exodus to the East. Premonitions and Accomplishments]. Pod red. P.N. Savitskogo, P.P. Suvchinskogo, N.S. Trubetskogo, G.V. Florovskogo. Sofiya, 1921.

6. Osnovy evraziystva [Foundations of Eurasianism]. Moscow, Arktogeya Tsentr, 2002, 800 p.

7. Lyuks L. Zametki o “revolyutsionno-traditsionalistskoy” kul’turnoy modeli “evraziytsev” [Notes on the “Revolutionary-Traditionalist” Cultural Model of the “Eurasians”]. Voprosy filosofii, 2003, no 7, pp. 23–34.

8. Shpotov B.M. Zapadnye istochniki industrializatsii SSSR (konets 1920-kh — 1930-e gody) [Western Sources of Industrialization of the USSR (late 1920s —1930s)]. Moscow, Institut vseobshchey istorii RAN.

9. Sipols V.Ya. Torgovo-ekonomicheskie otnosheniya mezhdu SSSR i Germaniey v 1939–1941 gg. v svete novykh arkhivnykh dokumentov [Trade and Economic Relations between the USSR and Germany in 1939–1941. in the Light of New Archival Documents]. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya, 1997, no 2, pp. 29–41.

Cooperative (Moral) Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.120-133

The authors examine the reasons, prerequisites and ways of addressing such problem as the creation in Russia of a cooperative (moral/ethical) economy sector based on the principles of justice, equal opportunities and conservative ethical standards.


1. Toshchenko Zh.T. Prekariat. Ot protoklassa k novomu klassu [Precariat. From Protoclass to New Class]. Institut sotsiologii FNISTs RAN, RGGU. Moscow, Nauka, 2018, 346 p.

2. Tezaurus sotsiologii: temat. slov.-sprav. [Thesaurus of Sociology: Thematic Dictionary-Reference Book]. Pod red. Zh.T. Toshchenko. Moscow, YuNITI, 2009, 487 p. (Seriya “Cogito ergo sum”.)

3. Ushli v minus: skol’ko rossiiskii biznes poteryal v krizis. Po dannym upolnomochennogo po zashchite prav predprinimatelei Borisa Titova [They Went into the Red: How Much Russian Business Lost During the Crisis. According to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs Boris Titov]. SBER Biznes, available at:

4. Doklad Prezidentu RF — 2021 upolnomochennogo pri Prezidente RF po zashchite prav predprinimatelei Borisa Titova [Report to the President of the Russian Federation — 2021 by the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs Boris Titov], available at:

5. Katasonov V.Yu. O pravoslavnykh bankovskikh utopiyakh [About Orthodox Banking Utopias]. Omiliya, 2015, 4 yanvarya, available at:

6. Zhuravlev A.Yu. Islamskii banking [Islamic Banking]. Institut vostokovedeniya RAN. Moscow, Sadra, 2017. (Ekonomika i pravo.)

7. Analiz razmera i doli islamskogo finansovogo rynka: Tendentsii rosta, vozdeistvie COVID-19 i prognozy (2023–2028) [Islamic Financial Market Size and Share Analysis: Growth Trends, COVID-19 Impact and Forecasts (2023–2028)]. Mordor Intelligence, available at:


8. Mezhdunarodnyi kooperativnyi al’yans [Website], available at:

9. Katasonov V.Yu. Ekonomicheskaya teoriya slavyanofilov i sovremennaya Rossiya. “Bumazhnyi rubl’” S. Sharapova [Economic Theory of the Slavophiles and Modern Russia. “Paper Ruble” by S. Sharapov]. Moscow, Institut russkoi tsivilizatsii, 2014, 656 p.

On the Issue of Identifying a Campaign of Disparate Impact on an Ethnic Group in the Region

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.104-119

Currently, there is no a single methodology that allows us to present substantiated evidence-based statistics on the presence or absence of a “campaign” of racial or ethnic discrimination. Identification or confirmation of the absence of disparate impact that Russia has on Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars as a result of an allegedly ongoing “campaign of racial discrimination” [1] in the field of education was carried out on the basis of an assessment of population census data. The author presents the use of a complex methodology, including analysis of statistical cross-tabulations (contingency tables), variation indicators, testing hypotheses using the Chi-square test (chi-square statistic-χ2), assessing the relationship closeness with the help of the Pearson and Chuprov mutual contingency coefficients, as well as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Assessment of differences in structures by ethnicity is based on calculations and comparison of specific weights and a generalizing/integral indicator of structural shifts/differences (V.M. Ryabtsev index). Testing of this approach resulted in a conclusion that there was no racial/ethnic discrimination as a “campaign” carried out in the territory of the Republic of Crimea in the period from 2014 to the present.


1. MID Rossii. O vystuplenii rossiyskikh predstaviteley v khode ustnykh slushaniy v Mezhdunarodnom Sude OON po delu Ukraina protiv Rossii [Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the Speech of Russian Representatives During the Oral Hearings at the International Court of Justice in the Case of Ukraine v. Russia]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Ministerstva inostrannykh del RF, 2023, 10 iyunya, available at:

2. The advanced theory of statistics. Vol. I. Distribution theory. Maurice G. Kendall, M.A., sc.D., & Alan Stuart, B.Sc. (Econ.). Charles griffin & Company limited. London. 1958.

3. Tractenberg R. Ethical practice of statistics and data science. Ethics International Press Limited, 2022.

4. Surinov A., Dianov M. (red.). Itogi perepisi naseleniya v Krymskom federal’nom okruge. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki (IITs “Statistika Rossii”, Moskva, 2015) [Results of the Population Census in the Crimean Federal District. Federal State Statistics Service (IRC “Statistics of Russia”, Moscow, 2015)]. URL:

5. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, Vserossiyskaya perepis’ naseleniya 2020 goda [Federal State Statistics Service, All-Russian Population Census 2020]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Federal’noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

6. UNECE. Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing. UNECE, available at:

Consolidating Meanings of the North Caucasus as a Factor in Protecting Russian Civilizational Code in Conditions of Cognitive War

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.96-103

The authors present the results of the expert seminars of the “Meanings of the Caucasus” Laboratory” project on the development of consolidating semantic structures that are relevant for the youth of the North Caucasus Federal District. The key challenges in the cognitive sphere, that the civilizational identity of the multinational people of Russia faces in the North Caucasus, are examined.

The authors provide materials from expert discussions of possible options for countering existing threats through the search for consolidating meanings and practices in the following areas: historical memory, value system, image of the future. They identify key historical events and personalities whose activities have had a constructive, unifying character for the Russian Caucasus, and in modern conditions are positively perceived by the youth audience. The article also highlights value orientations specific to the North Caucasus, that correlate with the all-Russian system of traditional spiritual and moral values. An analysis of the honor codes that were in demand over three historical eras (Russian Empire, USSR, modern Russia) by residents of the North Caucasus with description of the common core of values is provided.

Conclusion is made about the need to promote the above described consolidating meanings through the existing publicinstitutions of the North Caucasus Federal District.


1. Il’nitskii A.M. Mental’naya voina Rossii [Mental War of Russia]. Voennaya mysl’, 2021, no 8, pp. 19–33.

2. Magomedova M.A. Mezhetnicheskie konflikty i protivorechiya na Severnom Kavkaze v kontekste regional’noi bezopasnosti [Interethnic Conflicts and Contradictions in the North Caucasus in the Context of Regional Security]. Vlast’, 2023, no 2, pp. 72–78.

3. Starodubrovskaya I.V., Kazenin K.I. Severnyi Kavkaz: Quo Vadis? Ekspertnyi doklad [North Caucasus: Quo Vadis? Expert Report]. Moscow, 2013, 67 p.

4. Nadein-Raevskii V.A. Pantyurkizm: ideologiya, istoriya, politika. Ekspansionistskaya doktrina: ot Osmanskoi imperii do nashikh dnei i sud’by Turtsii, Rossii i Armenii [Pan-Turkism: Ideology, History, Politics. Expansionist Doctrine: from the Ottoman Empire to the Present Day and the Fate of Turkey, Russia and Armenia]. Moscow, Russkaya panorama, 2017, 316 p.

5. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31 marta 2023 g. N 229 “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2023 No. 229 “On approval of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation”]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:

6. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 9 noyabrya 2022 g. N 809 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoi politiki po sokhraneniyu i ukrepleniyu traditsionnykh rossiiskikh dukhovno-nravstvennykh tsennostei” [. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:

Self-similar Attractors of the Historical Process as Observable “Laws of Nature and Society”

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.94-103

The author dwells on self-similar factors that have regulated, regulate and in the nearest future will regulate sociohistorical processes. The old regulation methods, which have been characteristic of the planet and societ y’s biosphere for billions of years, are losing their dominance. This is expressed as a “crisis of crises”. New regulation methods have already begun to emerge in the historical process, but the final transition of societ y to the next stage of development will take place only after the singularity, that is, after a radical change in the principles, scales and dimensions of development. The main features of the new regulation methods are the reasonable exogenous development of our civilization, which can become an element of large space systems.


1. Panov A.D. Krizis planetarnogo tsikla universal’noi istorii [Crisis of the Planetary Cycle of Universal History]. Moscow, NIIYaF MGU, 2005.

2. Nazaretyan A.P. Nelineinoe budushchee: megaistoricheskie, sinergeticheskie i kul’turno-psikhologicheskie predposylki global’nogo prognozirovaniya [Non-Linear Future: Mega-Historical, 3. Synergetic and Cultural-Psychological Prerequisites for Global Forecasting]. Institut vostokovedeniya RAN. Moscow, Izd-vo MBA, 2013, p. 303.

3. Sudakov K.V. Izbrannye trudy [Selected Works]. Moscow, GU NII normal’noi fiziologii im. P.K. Anokhina RAMN, 2007, vol 1. Razvitie teorii funktsional’nykh system, Moscow, 2007, pp. 233, 234.

4. Snooks G.D. The dynamic society. Exploring the source of global change. L. — N.Y., Routledge, 1996.

5. Panov A.D. Universal’naya evolyutsiya i problema poiska vnezemnogo razuma (SETI) [Universal Evolution and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Problem]. Moscow, Izd-vo LKI, 2008, 208 p. (Sinergetika v gumanitarnykh naukakh.)

6. Est’ li budushchee u nauki: Interv’yu S.P. Kurdyumova i G.G. Malinetskogo o regulyatsii slozhnykh sistem [Is There a Future for Science: Interview with S.P. Kurdyumov and G.G. Malinetsky on the regulation of complex systems]. YouTube. Programma «Gordon» («Dialogi»), available at:

7. Kara-Murza S.G. Nauka kak koren’ Rossii [Science as a Root of Russia]. Razvitie i ekonomika: Al’manakh, available at:

8. Ovchinskii V., Larina E. Kholodnaya voina 2.0: Doklad Izborskomu klubu [Cold War 2.0: Report to the Izborsk Club]. Izborskii klub, available at: ht tp://

9. Konets Istorii. Chto takoe singulyarnost’ i nado li ee boyat’sya? Interv’yu K. Frumkina S. Medvedevu [End of History. What is the Singularity and Should We be Afraid of it? Interview of K. Frumkin to S. Medvedev]. Radio Svoboda, available at: ht tp://

10. Malinetskii G.G., Potapov A.B. Dzhokery, rusla ili poiski tret’ei paradigmy [Jokers, Channels or Search for the Third Paradigm]. Sinergeticheskaya paradigma. Moscow, 2000, Sait S.P. Kurdyumova “Sinergetika”, available at:

Social Dominant of the Time Concept in the Process of Cardinal Transformations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.86-93

The author examines a number of topical aspects of socio-political practice and futurology of the ongoing process of cardinal transformations in post-Soviet Russia. It is shown that this process constitutes the essence of global trends of permanent renewal of state-public institutions, socio-political and production practices; it is associated with abandoning outdated ideologemes, economic concepts, with the elites change in the ongoing struggle for dominance in power structures.


1. Kenko-khosi. Zapiski ot skuki [Boredom Notes]. Saint Petersburg, 2011, p. 11.

2. Khaidegger M. Istoki khudozhestvennogo tvoreniya (1935–1936): Izbrannye raboty raznykh let [Origins of Artistic Creation (1935–1936): Selected Works of Different Years]. Moscow, 2008, p. 421, available at: Haydegger_Istok-hudozhestvennogo-tvoreniya_RuLit_Me_515679.pdf.

3. Aron R. Etapy razvitiya sotsiologicheskoi mysli [Stages of the Sociological Thought Development]. Moscow, 1992, p. 256.

4. Knyazeva E., Kurdyumov S. Osnovaniya sinergetiki: Rezhimy s obostreniem, samoorganizatsiya, tempomiry [Fundamentals of Synergetics: Blow-Up Modes, Self-Organization, Tempo Worlds]. Saint Petersburg, 2002, pp. 306–308.

5. Makanin V. Pyataya knopka [Fifth Button]. Novyi mir, 2006, p. 10.

6. Rakitov A. Tsivilizatsiya, kul’tura, tekhnologiya i rynok [Civilization, Culture, Technology and the Market]. Voprosy filosofii, 1992, no 5.

7. Gesse G. Faust i Zaratustra. Doklad, sdelannyi v bremenskoi mestnoi gruppe Germanskogo soyuza monistov 1 maya 1909 g.: V kn. “Faust i Zaratustra” [Faust and Zarathustra. Report made in the Bremen local group of the German Monist Union on May 1, 1909: In the book “Faust and Zarathustra”]. Saint Petersburg, 2001, p. 23.

8. Yadov V.A. Teoretiko-kontseptual’noe ob”yasnenie “postkommunisticheskikh transformatsii” [Theoretical-Conceptual Explanation of “Post-Communist Transformations”]. Rossiya transformiruyushchayasya. Ezhegodnik, vyp. 6, Moscow, 2006, p. 124.

9. Davydov A.A. Mezhdu mistikoi i ratio [Between Mysticism and Ratio]. Moscow, 2006.

10. Kelly K. Fouth, Humanism and Technology. N.Y. — L., 1972.

11. Lisichkin V.A., Virin M.M. Informatsionnoe obshchestvo kak politicheskaya futurologiya [The Information Society as Political Futurology]. Moscow, 2009, p. 25.

12. Mesarovic M., Pestel E. Mankind at the Turning Point. N.Y., 1974, p. 40.

13. Sorokin P.A. Glavnye tendentsii nashego vremeni [Major Trends of Our Time]. Moscow, 1997.

14. Epshtein M. Znak probela [Blank Spaces]. O budushchem gumanitarnykh nauk, Moscow, 2004.

15. Horgan J. The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age. N.Y., Broadway Books, 1997, p. 7.

16. Kuznetsov V. Geokul’tura [Geoculture]. Moscow, 2000, p. 580–582.

17. Annan K. Predotvrashchenie voin i bedstvii: global’nyi vyzov rastushchikh masshtabov: Godovoi doklad OON za 1999 g. [Preventing Wars and Disasters: A Global Challenge of Growing Size: UN Annual Report 1999]. N.Y., 2000.

Combination of Financial Research Methodologies


The article analyzes mathematical modeling as a methodology for the study of finance, which today is quite limited and outdated. The directions of the introduction of additional methodology in the field of finance — behavioral science are studied. The behavioral methodology is revealed for: predicting the reaction of investors; considering the general question of how financial markets help the country in allocating resources and ensuring long-term economic stability; contributing to improving the process of making financial and investment decisions. The usefulness of introducing behavioral models into financial science is substantiated, which in combination with mathematical modeling will allow for significant updates in this area.



1. Bukhvalov A.V., Okulov V.L. Klassicheskie modeli tsenoobrazovaniya na kapital’nye aktivy i rossiiskii fondovyi rynok. Chast’ 1. Empiricheskaya proverka modeli CAPM [Classic Pricing Models for Capital Assets and the Russian Stock Market. P. 1. Empirical Verification of the CAPM Model]. Nauchnye doklady, 2006, no 36 (R). Saint Petersburg, NII menedzhmenta SPbGU.

2. Semenkova E.V. Operatsii s tsennymi bumagami [Operations with Securities]. Moscow, Poisk, 2005, p. 374.

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