Consolidating Meanings of the North Caucasus as a Factor in Protecting Russian Civilizational Code in Conditions of Cognitive War

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.96-103

The authors present the results of the expert seminars of the “Meanings of the Caucasus” Laboratory” project on the development of consolidating semantic structures that are relevant for the youth of the North Caucasus Federal District. The key challenges in the cognitive sphere, that the civilizational identity of the multinational people of Russia faces in the North Caucasus, are examined.

The authors provide materials from expert discussions of possible options for countering existing threats through the search for consolidating meanings and practices in the following areas: historical memory, value system, image of the future. They identify key historical events and personalities whose activities have had a constructive, unifying character for the Russian Caucasus, and in modern conditions are positively perceived by the youth audience. The article also highlights value orientations specific to the North Caucasus, that correlate with the all-Russian system of traditional spiritual and moral values. An analysis of the honor codes that were in demand over three historical eras (Russian Empire, USSR, modern Russia) by residents of the North Caucasus with description of the common core of values is provided.

Conclusion is made about the need to promote the above described consolidating meanings through the existing publicinstitutions of the North Caucasus Federal District.


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Only a Sacred National Idea will Save Russia


In analyzing the essence of the Russian national idea and the way of reviving spiritual and moral values, it is necessary not only to understand the causes and events that destroyed the Soviet state, but also to build a program of overcoming the systemic crisis based on our own historical experience in the historical and philosophical context. The power perceived in Ancient Russia, along with the adoption of Christianity, gained sacredness from Byzantium, which absorbed all the experience of Antiquity, Ancient Judea and the Roman Empire. The article formulates a historiosophical concept, defines the systemic crisis of statehood, and outlines a way out of the time of troubles through the genuine institution of democracy in Russia, the Zemsky Sobor (Russian People’s Assembly), which is inherent in Russian civilization.) from the indigenous classes: the clergy and the peasantry, the officers and the Cossacks, the merchants and the resurgent Russian entrepreneurship, the workers and peasants, the scientific and engineering and creative elite.