The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #4. Two Kingdoms Battle

Gallery of Recognized Leaders

If you want to realize your dream without expending any effort, it means you don’t have it at all. Follow an example of those who have gained success, who are able to overcome difficulties and to lead people. In the periodical series of the “Gallery of Recognized Leaders” there are success stories of those who can solve the most complex problems – E.S. Bezdenezhnykh, Vice President for regional policy and interaction with authorities and management bodies of RUSAL company, P.A. Livinsky, Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Rosseti , A.A. Guryev, General Director of “PhosAgro” PJSC, A.V. Rogov, Deputy General Director of PJSC “MOEK”

Family and Evaluation Business — the Key to successful Tandem of Partner Spouses

How to identify the industry attractiveness, to understand where there are development prospects? There is no clear answer to this difficult question. But at least we can talk about indirect evidence. If people bring relatives and friends into their profession, it means that they are secure about the future, are satisfied with their work, and that “everything is serious” with their profession. Irina and Aleksey Moskalyov, heads of one of the largest regional appraisal companies “InvestOtsenka” Analytical Consulting Group LLC (Voronezh), narrate how to bring a family business to prosperity through mutual understanding and partnership.

Coronavirus Superstrategy: Global Projection of the “Just-in-time Catastrophe’s” Financial Model for Overcoming the Crisis and Entering into a New Geo-Economic Normality

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.6-19

The world is changing rapidly and irreversibly. The critical value of accumulated macroeconomic imbalances requires radical managerial decisions. As a solution to the problem, catastrophe just-in-time was chosen — preparation and implementation of key extreme events aimed at fundamentally reformatting the global economic management structure with achieving a new global investment and financial cycle based on massive issue of US dollars. The classical model of transforming global crises into the format of phased global financial iterations has now been augmented with a new strategic tool — the coronavirus. The result of implementing the coronavirus superstrategy, which was similar in power to the third world war and successfully replaced it, is the shift in key macroeconomic determinants. The USA once again postponed financial collapse for 10–15 years. Dimension of the financial special operation is unprecedented in terms of resources, territorial scales and depth of impact: former key players voluntarily sacrifice their identity for the opportunity to remain on the Great Chessboard at least in the form of pawns. The other countries’ claims to world leadership have been completely removed. For Russia, unlike most countries — geo-economic competitors, coronavirus reality became a marker confirming the Great Power status. Elaboration of a strategy for the economic development of Russia in relation to new conditions is on the agenda

Panacea for Pandemic

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.20-29

The article analyzes the causes of an extreme social event in the format of a global pandemic. They are associated with the “re-quantization of reality” — the change of universal attractors of the historical process, which set specific ways of regulating system structures. The old system-forming meaning of the development of society as a Zoopopulation has finally exhausted its regulatory possibilities; the new meaning is just beginning to integrate social elements for the transition to a psychosocial formation. The clash and struggle of old and new causal connections generates causal dissonance, leads to an increase in entropy in social systems, which, in turn, generates an extremum that threatens humanity with self — destruction-an omnicide. The specifics of a possible suicide of humanity is of relative importance: epidemics, earthquakes, asteroid crashes, and other variants of global misery can threaten and increase until a new sense of development dominates the social consciousness.

A real pandemic is the best time for a quantum transition from the old regulation to the new: as soon as the new anthropic principle of managing causal connections prevails, the disease will disappear, and civilization will pass to a new period of its development.

Evolution of “Value” Concept in Modern Evaluation Activities

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.96-103

Economic evaluation is often based on the concept of “market value”. The article shows that definition of market value contains clarifications (details) regarding the evaluation object, the market nature of the valuation object, participants in this market, which cannot be performed in real conditions. The desire to bring the appraiser’s activities closer to reality gave rise to other types of value — both exchange ones (market value in current use, fair, special, mortgage values) and consumer values (investment, use value). It is noted that this is especially justified in relation to evaluation of real estate and enterprises

COVID-2019 Pandemic — a Catalyst for the Possible Loss of the Democratic Foundations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.30-41

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic began quite unexpectedly for all countries of the world community, although WHO has repeatedly warned about its possibility. It turned out that spreading of infection in all countries of the world depends not only on the level of urbanization and population density per 1 km2, but on the capability to effectively mobilize the national health system and on the quality of medical services, on their accessibility to all sectors of society, on the ability of the states leaders to provide appropriate regulation of public life. The most effective tools in the world became self-isolation, remote work (distance working) and introduction of quarantine regimes. Continuance of such measures implies, on the one hand, developing technologies for monitoring and ensuring social contact between citizens, and on the other, tightening control over the citizens behavior, including in remote work mode. The article provides a comparative analysis of these control systems, including the “social credit” in China, and concludes that remote working and opportunities that modern tracking and person re-identification technologies provide can be used even after the 2020 pandemic.

Real Estate Appraisal in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Marina Evgenievna Fadeeva, director of the valuation department of Atlant Evaluation LLC, appraiser, leading analyst, legal expert, legal adviser, expert council member of the Association of Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers “Free Evaluation Department”, revealed to the ES magazine her suggestions for improving methodology of calculating rental rates for retail real estate in terms of the pandemics

COVID-19 in Russia: Realities Justified by Statistical Analytics and Forecasting

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.42-53

In recent days, the Russian scientific community has sought to provide forward-looking assessments of the development of the situation with COVID-19. The article presents the forecasts made by the authors of a number of indicators characterizing the distribution of COVID-19 in Russia. The obtained forecasting results can be used by government bodies in the development /  adjustment of operational measures aimed at reducing the scale and consequences of a pandemic