The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #6. 2020 Metrics and Meanings

Modern World Crisis and Russia: Diagnostics and Status of Overcoming

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.20-31

The purpose of the study is to generalize the conditions that provoke the economic recession of 2020, taking into account the analysis of the pre-crisis dynamics of the Russian economy according to the parameters characterizing its innovative and technological development. The method of studying the relationships between the relevant development parameters is econometric modeling and regression analysis, which allow to identify the specific characteristics of the crisis in the innovative and technological development of the Russian economy. The analysis of the pre-crisis pattern of the movement of labor resources distracted from old industries in favor of new activities, and created specifically for new types of production. The sensitivity of the level of manufacturability to investments in old and new technologies, the influence of innovative agents on the economic dynamics in Russia are determined. The result of the study is the quantitative estimates obtained, which for the Russian economy, in comparison, for example, with other countries confirm the folding of the innovation process in its systemic dimension. Therefore, the diagnosis of the state of this sphere gives a conclusion about its crisis state. The decrease in the rate of economic growth in Russia was accompanied by a decrease in the number of innovative agents, the diversion of resources from old industries decreased, as did the creation of a new labor resource for new industries.

How to Overcome Stagnation and New Crisis, Providing Socio-Economic Growth

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.6-19

In April 2020, Russia entered a structural social and financial-economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and catastrophic decline of oil and gas exports. Assessing the current socio-economic situation in the country, the author concludes that, in contrast to the crisis of 2009, which was mainly financial and economic in nature, the 2020 crisis for the most part has got a social character, when indicators of the people’s well-being are declining particularly. According to the author, only return to planning would ensure implementation of an integrated financial plan, an investment program for the whole country, directive indicators of enterprises and organizations controlled by the state, as well as would impact public-private partnership.

Innovations in Combating the Shadow Financial Segment in Recent Years on the Example of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.138-143

The article notes that in relation to the growth of the shadow component in the Russian economy, identifying the essence of the shadow economy is especially relevant. The author addresses shadow processes as the basis of the shadow economy, their place in its structure, basic principles of formation and classification according to various criteria.

Labour Potential of the Enterprise: New Forms of Activation

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.130-137

The article examines motivational interests that provide economic growth in the context of transformation process. It is proved that the main role is played by integrated interests of technologically related relations in terms of the result-based indicator. It is substantiated that material incentives, though being one of the most important factors in enhancing labour potential, do not reveal the depth of motivational essence of labour relations and lead to decrease in the activities efficiency. The purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism for activating labour processes, on which the efficiency of using resource potential and economic growth depend.

On the Reasonable Nature Management in the Economy and Other Spheres of Human Activity

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.122-129

The article dwells on a complex of issues related to rational use of natural resources. It is shown that development of the economy requires not only clear state goal-setting, serious technical and economic calculations, but also other types of substantiations. The cost of goods and services has not yet been thoroughly studied. Pricing in its entirity does not take into account material components that initially exist by nature and are created without human participation. The role of environmental factors in development of economic and other social sciences is revealed.

Role of Corporate Governance in Permission of the Agency Conflict

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.116-121

The author considers the mechanism of permission of the agency conflict (redistribution of cash flows) between the shareholder and management with use of model of business. In article are considered the economic interests of the company as legal abstraction behind which there are interests of shareholders. Corporate governance in modern realities has to be directed not only to rapprochement of financial interests of shareholders and the management of the company but also to creation of the social benefit.

Post-Pandemic Syndrome as a Socio-Psychological and Economic Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.94-103

The article highlights the socio-psychological and economic aspects of the regulation of society during an extreme psychosocial event in the format of a Pandemic as a staged act of social separation. Artificial Extremum highlighted the main thing: in state entities aimed at satisfying only the vital needs of a person, intra-system contradictions are critically increasing, since the regulation of society is associated with the dominant satisfaction of higher needs in the creative development of a person.

Technologies of social separation have led to pathological psychological consequences — a critical breakdown of social ties. This is the first time that an irrevocable extreme situation has emerged in History, and there is no way out of it under the old model of social regulation. It also became clear that the “Pandemic-2020” did not allow to remove the accumulated financial crisis contradictions, as the global industrial Autonomous circuit continues to work properly and consistently provides vital functions of the human population.

Since the second wave of the pandemic extreme has been announced, individuals who have lost the features of social subjectivity cannot integrate to achieve socially significant results of their activities. The only way out of the crisis situation is a conscious scientifically based transition to a new psychosocial model of society, already programmed by a new universal attractor of the historical process.

Scientific Foundations of a New World Order Based on Compromise and Harmony

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.86-93

The article proposes a new paradigm of the world order based on the principles of compromise and harmony. In place of liberalism, the world of prehistory, there is a true history — the system of sociohumanism. The dyadic paradigm of the “struggle” of opposites is removed by the triadic paradigm of their harmonic synthesis. A generalized set of innovations is given in opposition to the existing system of life arrangement.

On Some Factors of Economic Growth and Regional Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.78-85

For several years, there has been a considerable interest in the development of regions and their contribution to the national economy, both in Russia and in foreign countries. The regions are characterized by uneven economic development and the amount of taxes and fees going to the Federal budget. Moreover, in Russia, this unevenness in regional development is particularly strong, which is facilitated by tax policy that affects the reduction of regional tax independence and does not encourage the regions to develop their income base. The task of achieving a balance between donor and recipient regions, reducing the number of subsidized regions, and creating incentives to increase their incomes and economic growth is one of the most actual problems of Russian economic policy.