Changing Business Models in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Global Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.64-69

Technological advances have resulted in rapid decrease of the data processing unit cost, which has stimulated a significant increase in the use of digital information that can be manipulated at a high speed and with low marginal costs. This change facilitated the use and integration of digital products and transactions, which led to continuous structural transformation of the economy. Digital technologies are increasingly blurring the boundaries between human life and information technologies, which requires a systemic approach to innovative business models, but so far general concept and unified methodology for systemic development of digital business models are missing. The present article summarizes the main approaches to analyzing changes in business models under the influence of digital transformation. The latter has led both to modification of global value chains and to the development of a new type of global digital platforms operating based on a new system of competitive advantages

Role of Corporate Governance in Permission of the Agency Conflict

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.116-121

The author considers the mechanism of permission of the agency conflict (redistribution of cash flows) between the shareholder and management with use of model of business. In article are considered the economic interests of the company as legal abstraction behind which there are interests of shareholders. Corporate governance in modern realities has to be directed not only to rapprochement of financial interests of shareholders and the management of the company but also to creation of the social benefit.

Transformation of business model of enterprise implementing modern principles of production system construction

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.20-28

The reduction of the state defense order required the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex to urgently change the process of production in favor of civilian products. However, their main part was not ready to solve this task due to the preservation of the production system characteristic of defense enterprises. According to the study, the introduction of modern principles of enterprise management requires a change in the entire business model, including the production, social and enterprise management subsystems. The article presents the results of the transformation of the business model of one of the defense enterprises, which received a significant increase in the output of civilian products due to the changes.

About Architecture as a Systemic Approach to Enterprise Development in Digital Transformation of Business

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.106-117

In the article, enterprise architecture is characterized as a “system of systems”, covering the business strategy of the company, IT architecture and IT strategy and representing a multidimensional system of interconnections and interactions controlled by the architectural process and ensuring cumulatively the implementation of the company’s strategic goals. It is demonstrated that in the context of digital transformation, the speed of enterprises’ technical and structural changes should be extremely high, otherwise organizations won’t be able to implement their strategies and transform their structure and new competitors will have a chance to gain certain positions. Processes of technological changes that require new organizational capabilities deserve particular attention in a digital environment. The paper sets out an approach to developing an innovative business model as a focused system of organizational changes based on a systemic technological basis typical for high-tech enterprises rather than on innovative products or processes. It is shown that the role and place of strategy in the digital enterprise activities, unlike enterprises operating on the third and the fourth generations technologies, change significantly due to the different organizational structure of modern companies, where the strategy is integral to architecture. In these conditions, the strategy stands out as a tool for the enterprise development and for implementation of its goals. Discussion of systemic concept of Enterprise’s Architecture (EA) as a whole is the purpose of the present article

Business Modeling as a Technology for Creation of New Activities

#5. Longstanding Generation
Business Modeling as a Technology for Creation of New Activities

The article presents the analysis of primary sources on the concepts of business models and business modeling. The mainstream types of approaches to the process of business modeling and their fundamental differences from each other are identified and described. Furthermore, the article describes a situation in which business modeling is used in business practice, such as attracting financial capital and the creation of new activities. In particular, the relationship between necessity for the business modeling with the stages of the emergence and development of the product market is discussed.

Concept of a New Industrial Platform Organizational

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Concept of a New Industrial Platform Organizational

The article examines one of the possible areas of designing and manufacturing complex high-tech products through implementing the concept of creating a single digital industrial platform. Formation and development of the new digital economy paradigm in Russia is actively discussed at all levels of public administration, it contributes to global involvement of a large number of stakeholders, to emergence of new strategic decisions that are realized in various forms — from government programs to successful business models at the level of individual organizations. Materials of the article reflect the content and prospects of developing sectoral and inter-branch relations on the example of implementing the program for creation of a promising Frigate Ecojet wide-body short-range airplane.

“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

#4. Monument up to the Sky
“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

Information economy is forcing management to redefine drastically the business models of managerial decision making by leveraging the aspects of interdependence and mutual influence of business and information technology and systems. Such interaction, known as the concept of enterprise architecture (EA) in the international practice, opens up new possibilities for an effective strategy of the enterprise. The article analyzes the conceptual framework of EA and considers the tools and the technology of its deployment.

Developing Breakthrough Strategic Decisions Under Crisis Changes in the External Environment: Logics and Algorithms

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Developing Breakthrough Strategic Decisions Under Crisis Changes in the External Environment: Logics and Algorithms

The article dwells on comprehension of approaches and methods of strategic decision-making under growing instability of external conditions. The author proposes an algorithm for elaborating breakthrough strategic decisions based on diagnostics of a problematic situation, identification of systemic contradictions, which resolving allows to reach breakthrough strategic solutions and to form new business models. Methods and typical techniques for searching such decisions are shown.

Business Model: History of the Term and Variants of its Understanding

#6. Forecasts and Results
Business Model: History of the Term and Variants of its Understanding

Article recalls the history of appearance and development of the “business model” concept since the 50s of the last century. Separately is presented classification of the “business model” concepts existing today among foreign management theorists. Based on the analysis of the comprehension varieties of this term the definition that transmits its fundamental meaning is set forth.