The "Economic Strategies" journal

#1. Start Request

Total Figure: Pandemic as a Portal to the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.70-81

Review of 2020 strategic trends presents an analysis of the key components of the country’s integral power — economy, foreign policy, armed forces, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, governance — according to the original methodology developed by specialists of the Institute for Economic Strategies

Introduction to the New Global Studies (Eco-Studies)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.84-91

The world is an integral (holistic) “system of systems” (SoS), a set of self-sufficient, but interconnected (energy-materially, information-genetically and mental-conceptually), structural-functional formations (SFF), which are in a permanent state of stable development.

Separate subsystems of the world system are the space and terrestrial oecumene, geotories (closed socio-natural systems) and civilizations, biosphere and technosphere, the world of reason (noosphere) and the cognitive world of a man. Metasystem as a whole (SoS) — is fractal (with SFF similar in space and time) dynamic system, in which “what’s above, the same is below”, “what happened is what will happen.” Global studies is a complex of scientific knowledge, established generally accepted information and individual speculative assumptions, views and intuitive sensations about the world system as a whole and its individual parts, laws of their dynamic functioning and development, as well as a targeted vision system (foresight) of the present, the past and the future of SoS on the whole.

Fractality of the world system allows us to use, for its general management, conseptions inherent in one of its constituent parts (“want to know the Universe — cognize a human himself”, and vice versa). Cosmology, natural history, social science and   human studies are determined by the same structural and functional concepts, in particular, the cyclical nature of both separate SFF and SoS as a whole. Therefore, the present article examines basic principles of a new metasystem-based world studies on the example of eco-studies (ecological, economic and energy conceptions on development of the planetary house-ecos in which we live: from the Greek oikos – house, place of residence, oikumen). At the same time, based on ideas about cyclical nature of the development of terrestrial oecumene and Eurasian civilization, an attempt is made to present the structure of a new project “Targeted vision of the new world” for the second half of the 21st century and for the coming 36-year period, “Christmas Eve” is the culmination of the 144-year “imperial” cycle

Causal Dissonance as a Basis «New Reality» (on the Mechanisms of Post-pandemic Social Regulation)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.92-103

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the regulation of social processes in Extreme conditions — the change of cause-andeffect relationships as a causal dissonance.

Causal misalignments are a natural and necessary process of preparation for a quantum leap in the development of our reality:

manifesting themselves critically in psychophysiological dysontogenies and generating socio-psychological polarization of society, they lead to the formation of an unbalanced social environment with a difference in levels of complexity.

So far, this causal environment is used for post-pandemic social regulation to attempt to preserve the existing world order through the formation of a «new reality».

But under the same conditions, new social actors are being formed that can make a conscious choice between the old and the new world, between the old zoopopulation methods of regulation and the new ones-psychosocial ones.

In order to ensure the quantum transition to the future, it is necessary to provide state support to the subjects of the new society in the format of education, upbringing and appropriate scientific support, as well as to ensure vertical institutional regulation.

The Institutions of Liberal and Conservative Values

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.104-109

The article is dedicated to the liberal and conservative values: to the actual problem of comparable analyze of the liberal and conservative sights on individual behavior on its influence on their judgments on economy policy. There is the small sketch about liberal movement in last and its interaction with religious reformation. The author does conclude about nearsightedness of the neoliberal and neoconservative judgments on individual behavior and economy policy that have the important mean for development of market institution

About Ideology for Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.110-113

The issue of ideology for Russia has become an integral part of the country’s political thought. There is a range of opinions: from affirmation that Russia is just a commercial enterprise and does not need any idea, to the statement that Russia is an empire and should behave in an imperial manner. Well, Plato’s  statement “ideas rule the world” that has become common, can only be strengthened — this is not thoughts that belong to us, but we belong to the thoughts.

In the beginning was the Word. After all, everything that exists has its essence — an idea, the expression of which, in other words — a word generates the existence of this being

Decision Support System in Complex Entrepreneurial Structures as a Developing Management Tool

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.114-121

Information support for making strategic decisions in groups of companies can be, on the one hand, very relevant due to the large number of parameters taken into account, on the other hand, it is quite productive due to the objective measurability of these parameters. Unlike traditional approaches to the economic analysis of an independent business entity, subsidiaries and dependent companies (SDCs) are also evaluated in terms of their impact on the parent company and the group of companies as a whole. Therefore, the authors of the study have formed a set of indicators that can be regrouped for various analytical and forecasting purposes, thereby creating and testing the author’s methodology for assessing the activities of subsidiariesn and affiliates

On the Role of Communication Environment for Creating Industrial Products

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.122-127

The article discusses the place and role of a new generation of communication environment in the industrial products creation. At the same time it is proposed to distinguish, when describing and placing in the software environment, products for production purposes and final consumption products for the population. For industrial products the function of developing a “building material” and technologies of declared for development of end-use products of all types is defined. The level of industrial products development also determines the development level of the economy as a whole, its self-sufficiency and competitiveness. An approach to developing a communication environment for industrial products as the basis for a cluster of the modern version of “Silicon Valley” is considered

Technological Changes in Consumption Strategies in Modern Tourism

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.128-135

The article analyzes the strategic impact of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, on the tourism sector of the world economy. The content of technology packages 4.0., the impact of the technological transition on the competitiveness of Russian tourism are described. The relevant resolutions of international tourism organizations are discussed, Megatrends of future tourism. A critical assessment of the main provisions of the Strategy for the development of Russian tourism until 2035 has been made. Examples of implementation of technological and social Megatrends in the world tourism and in the regions of Russia industry are given. The results of research of the world’s leading enterprises on the revealing of preferences and wishes of modern tourists, the value of digital services for them, and ways to choose locations are studied. Differences in the expectations and preferences of travelers of different ages are formulated. The parameters of technological features of modern tourists and the list of main studies of technological changes at the present stage of production of tourist products are formed

Assessing the Possibility of a Gas Hub Emergence in East Asia

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.136-141

The article examines the problem of emergence in East Asia of a regional trading center (hub) for liquefied natural gas (LNG) with its own independent price index, which can become the basis for pricing in long-term contracts for supplying gas to the countries of this region. The author identifies the main factors stimulating Asian players in the gas market to pass to a new pricing system while signing gas purchase contracts. The countries — the main candidates for creating their own LNG hub — are considered. The article analyzes current situation and the prospects for developing regional LNG hubs in such countries as China, Japan and Singapore.

The paper also identifies the main obstacles to creating developed exchange trade of LNG in the Asia-Pacific countries and estimates the most likely places for the emergence of a gas hub.