Digitalization: Sociology and Law, Concept and Practice of Socialization


The article highlights the short history of the Russian and world digitalization in details, focusing on the identified problems and priorities, which must be resolved if to successfully build and further effectively function information society in all its aspects.

The theoretical part has formed important opinions and ideas about the topic under study and shows that the spread of digital technology in all spheres of life is evidence of an active stage in the transition of human civilization from an industrial development stage to a digital one with social reality relevant to it. An analysis to identify the process of digitalizing human civilization’s linear development vector based on creating an indicative planning system allowed the author to conclude that there is a long-awaited transition to a purposeful scientific management of society and the state.

As it follows from the title of the article, legal coverage and all-round socialization are dominant in providing a successful solution to many challenges of digitalization. Russia’s political class is fully aware of the need to develop legal provisions, which are able to successfully prevent and mitigate possible threats to information society. It is primarily about the data breach related to both the functioning of the State and corporate/personal data. But the proposed draft legal acts of various kinds do not provide enough insight into how these protective, desirably preventive measures will be globally and nationally ensured.

Digitalization offers great opportunities for a rapid economic and social recovery to society. Developing information and communication technology gives an unprecedented rise in productivity, creates new forms of work organization, ensures conditions for increased trade in goods and services, offers infinite possibilities for education, communication between representatives of various societies and cultures, community commitment and network. The challenges of digitalization are so complicated that they do not seem possible to be solved by legal precedents without enhancing the population’s moral upbringing. The efforts of the really responsible citizens, the users of digital technology, the Internet initially can only effectively confront a new global digital environment in which there are opportunities to act rather immorally while at the same time anonymously and with impunity. We shall have to act gradually, but as strict as possible in the domestic and international legalization of the “digital environment”, paying a special attention to its moral dimension and the creation of particular barriers for ethical violations.



1. Moiseev N.N. S myslyami o budushchem Rossii [Thinking About the Future of Russia]. Moscow, Fond sodeistviya razvitiyu sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh nauk, 1997, pp. 59–60.

2. Pochemu Mask ne da Vinchi. Kasperskaya — o tsifrovom kontrole i “kloune” iz SShA [Why Musk is not da Vinci. Mrs Kaspersky — About Digital Control and the “Clown” from the USA]. Argumenty i fakty, 2021, June, 25, available at:

Current State of the Worldwide and Russian E-commerce Markets and Prospects for Their Development


The article examines the current state of the world and Russian retail e-commerce markets and assesses the prospects for their development — the study of these issues is the purpose of the work. The research topic is relevant, because in the context of the global digital revolution and the rapid development of the world economy, the development of e-commerce is becoming one of the key drivers of the growth of all trade and the economy. To achieve this goal, based on the integrated application of such scientific methods as analysis, systematization, synthesis, generalization, classification and description, the following tasks were performed: the main development approaches included in the strategic management system of e-commerce market leaders were identified; the dynamics of the global and Russian e-commerce markets were analyzed; a comparative analysis of the development of e-commerce markets of the leading countries in terms of market volume and market growth rate was made; the key drivers and obstacles to the development of the global and Russian e-commerce markets, which are related to the current economic situation, the state of legal support and changes in consumer preferences, are identified and described; forecasts and trends in the development of markets are formulated.

Designing a Financial Mechanism for a “Technological Breakthrough”. How to “Format” Own Ecosystems so That Other People’s Digital Devices and Financiers Should Not “Format” Us


Acceleration of technological and institutional development results in reduced lags between innovations and their installation in the economy and society, which modifies long-wave patterns (but doesn’t cancel them). In this regard, the question arises on the possibility of a “Russian economic miracle” on a new financial and digital basis. This is a question about ecosystems (digital platforms — a relatively recent complex financial and production innovation), the prototypes of which, however, have already been in history. Historical studies of protoecosystems and modern ecosystems, addressed by the author, allow us to answer the question: “ecosystem” (convergent) technologies are a factor undermining macroeconomic stability in the interests of a narrow circle of global and local players and (or) a mechanism for changing technological and institutional patterns (?!).

Digital Transformation of National Security in the Context of Global Hybrid Threats


In this article, the authors raise the issues of compliance (adequacy) of the ideology, approaches and infrastructure of the national security system in the light of global changes in the economy, de facto hybrid wars and ongoing natural and environmental emergencies. As a central element of preparation for such events and reaction to them, the authors considers mobilization in the classical sense, enshrined in the legislation, analyzes it for compliance with current hybrid threats, and also suggests new approaches to the digital transformation of the complex system of national security and mobilization, in particular

Digital Citizen and Digital Society: the Impact of Individual and Society on Achieving National Strategic Goals


Russia faces a critical choice. The world civilizational shift objectively determines the new roles of the individual, society, state and new models of their relationships and mutual influences. The digital citizen and the digital society are becoming the main factors of success in achieving national strategic goals, the balance of individual and social development forms the social order of the 21st century in Russia

Changing Business Models in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Global Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.64-69

Technological advances have resulted in rapid decrease of the data processing unit cost, which has stimulated a significant increase in the use of digital information that can be manipulated at a high speed and with low marginal costs. This change facilitated the use and integration of digital products and transactions, which led to continuous structural transformation of the economy. Digital technologies are increasingly blurring the boundaries between human life and information technologies, which requires a systemic approach to innovative business models, but so far general concept and unified methodology for systemic development of digital business models are missing. The present article summarizes the main approaches to analyzing changes in business models under the influence of digital transformation. The latter has led both to modification of global value chains and to the development of a new type of global digital platforms operating based on a new system of competitive advantages

China as a Neural-Information Megamatrix: Digital Technologies for Structuring Cognitive Ensembles of Order

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.50-61

In China, the strategy for the national information infrastructure development is implementing a large-scale and unparalleled project for developing artificial intelligence and its application to solving critical problems. Threats and risks of the current stage left no choice to China. The best Soviet and Russian developments of centralized planning and modeling are actively used, advanced American experience in applying neuroinformation technologies to influence society is being adopted. In fact, a neuroinformational mega-matrix is being formed, which will allow the Chinese authorities to keep the seething mass of people and organizations within a controlled circuit. Configuring cognitive communications in the socio-technical system “person — infocommunication environment — the state” allows to develop a social credit model for forming behavior vectors in large groups of the population with culling disloyal in behaviour (implemented now) and disloyal in thinking (soon to be implemented) human units of the China-community

Institutional Barriers to the Innovations Introduction in Implementing the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” Program

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.36-43

The institutional environment study makes it possible in an era of high uncertainty to identify patterns that impede changes, implementation of which currently determines not only performance indicators, but is also critical for survival. Based on analysis of the current state of the digital economy development in the Russian Federation, taking into account experience of the first half of 2020, as well as approaches to organization and performance indicators of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” national program, assumptions are made regarding the main components of the institutional environment for digital transformation. Institutional barriers, that impede economic growth as a result of increased informatization of processes, were compared. The main reason for the formation of institutional barriers is considered to be the low speed of response, the delay in transformation of the institutional environment in relation to establishment that ensures the maximum positive effect of applying digital technologies

Social Networks, Their Basic Factors, as Well as Their Role in Society and the State in the Context of Digital Transformation

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.26-35

Society is historically associated with the state, which plays the role of an institution of power and government. The main task of the state is life support, survival, development of society and the sovereignty of the country. The main mechanism that the state uses to implement these functions is natural social networks. They permeate every cell of society, all elements of the country and its territory. However, they can have a control center, or act on the principle of self-organization (network centrism). The web is a universal natural technology with a category status in science. The work describes five basic factors of any social network, in particular the state, as well as what distinguishes the social network from other organizational models of society. Social networks of the state rely on communication, transport and other networks of the country, being a mechanism for the implementation of a single strategy and plan. However, the emergence of other strong network centers of competition for state power inevitably leads to problems — social conflicts and even catastrophes in society due to the destruction of existing social institutions. The paper identifies the main pitfalls using alternative social networks that destroy the foundations of the state and other social institutions, which leads to the loss of sovereignty, and even to the complete collapse of the country.

Strategy of a Legal Framework Formation in the Field of Determining Liability for the Harm Caused by Technologies with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Elements

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.118-124

In the modern world, introduction of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence into all spheres of life is developing rapidly, significantly ahead of the development of legislation. In this regard, the problem of determining liability for the harm caused by the use of such technologies arises. The problem can be solved by creating a comprehensive strategy for the development of the legal field in this area and bringing the current legislation to the level of information-oriented Society 5.0, the concept of which assumes technical breakthrough in the field of cyber technologies. The aim of this research is to analyze current situation in the field of legal regulation of liability for the harm caused by technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence and to determine the strategy for the formation of legal framework in this field. In the first part of the article the analysis of the current legal situation on the basis of scientific developments in this area is carried out, as well as the solutions proposed by the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence technologies as the basis for the formation of the legal framework are shown. The second part of the article is devoted to the strategy of a legal framework formation in the field of determining responsibility for the use of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence. In conclusion it is said that the strategy under consideration can be realized by developing a set of measures aimed at implementing the provisions that define responsibility for the use of technologies with elements of artificial intelligence into current legislation.