Unified Precision Time System for Power Facilities and Control Centers of Eру Power Grid Companies

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.90-93

Tougher requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the system time scale (TS) in the electric power industry, as well as changes in the geopolitical situation, have caused the need to revise the existing methods of TS organization. “UEC” JSC has developed the Methodological Recommendations “Unified Precision Time System at High-Voltage Network Facilities”. The article reveals the current method of organizing power facilities of the power grid companies in the Russian Federation. Results of the analysis of the need to improve reliability of the TS organization and to ensure the required accuracy of time signals, as well as proposals for their implementation are presented.


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Methodical approach to managing sustainable development in the electric power complex of Russia

The article shows the approach to the organization of interaction between the state, energy companies and power engineering companies for the purpose of sustainable development of the electric power complex of Russia. The necessity in the preparation of strategic plans for the development of enterprises complex evaluation and accounting not only the best available technologies, but also the best available resources, including human resources.

The System Approach to Forming Objectives in the Development of Power Sales Organization’s Strategic Program

#7. Hysteresis Loop
The System Approach to Forming Objectives in the Development of Power Sales Organization’s Strategic Program

The article emphasizes the relevance of developing economic and mathematical tools based on a systemic approach and allowing to evaluate the objectives consistency of energy sales organizations (ESO) with the objectives of electric power industry in the process of strategic programs development. The paper considers the available methodological basis in the field of systemic research in the energy sector, on the basis of which co-ordination was selected as the most appropriate method for addressing questions of coordinating industry objectives with those of its subjects. The proposed structural model for assessing consistency of industry goals with the ESO’s goals comprises objectives of different levels: formation of energy-efficient economy; objectives of the state economic policy in the energy sector; electric power industry objectives; goals of a power sales organization. Its application will reduce contradictions in the ESO’s interaction with other subjects of electric power industry.