Forecast of economic development and energy consumption in Russia and abroad in the medium term

The article analyzes the development of the economy and the consumption of energy resources for the coming years in Russia and abroad. The role of energy resources in the growth of prices in 2022 in the EU countries is shown. An increase in the export of energy resources from Russia to Asia (China, India) was noted, with a significant decrease in oil and gas supplies to Europe. The impact of the Russian oil price ceiling on the budget in 2023 is assessed. The results of the Davos Forum in January 2023 are analyzed.


1. Alifirova E. A. Novak: oil production in Russia in 2022 will grow by 2%, gas – will fall by 18-20%. URL:

2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2022 No. 961 «On the application of special economic measures in the fuel and energy sector in connection with the establishment by some foreign states of the maximum price for Russian oil and oil products». – Access from the information and legal system «Garant».

3. Alifirova E. The Russian budget in January 2023 received less than 52.1 billion rubles. oil and gas revenues. URL:

4. Viktorov V. LNG is exported on a record // Radio «Kommersant FM» dated December 7, 2022. URL:

5. Edovina T. Gas occupies the provided volume. URL:

6. Urvachev L. The dollar fell below 68 rubles, the euro – below 73 rubles. URL:

7. Babkin D. The West did not have enough ceiling. URL:

8. The IMF has revised forecasts for GDP dynamics in the world and in Russia // Kommersant dated 10/11/2022. URL:

9. Borovikova K. Davos ended with a discussion of the shaky prospects for the global economy // Kommersant, 2023. URL:

10. Kuzovkin A.I. Climate, the role of fuel and renewable energy sources. Microeconomics. 2022;3:28-37. (In Russ.).

Analytical modeling of natural gas energy consumption and basic principles of the conceptual approach to strategic management at an industrial enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.65-73

This study considers the analysis of modern conditions in the energy market, which currently objectively requires a fundamentally new strategic management of natural gas consumption at industrial enterprises. The existing strategy for the energy-efficient use of natural gas does not meet the current energy situation in the world and does not allow a comprehensive assessment of all the processes that take place at the enterprise, which in turn affects the environmental situation, the efficiency of the use of natural gas and the rational formation of the fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise. Systemic conceptual provisions are needed that would allow the fundamentally new implementation of strategic energy management at the enterprise, which would ensure sustainable economic growth of the industrial enterprise and environmental balance in the region.


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3. Nikiforov G.V., Zaslavets B.I. Energy saving at metallurgical enterprises. Magnitogorsk, MSTU, 2000. (In Russ.).

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5. Lisienko V.G., Shchelokov Ya.M. Energy analysis – methodology of energy saving in metallurgy // Energy of the region. 2000. No. 1. (In Russ.).

6. Nekrasov A.S. Construction and analysis of the energy balance. (Questions of methodology and methodology) / A.S. Nekrasov, Yu.B. Sinyak, V.A. Yanpolsky. Moscow: Nauka, 1974. 180 p. (In Russ.).

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8. Power industry in Russia 2030: Target vision / Under total. ed. B.F. Weinsicher. Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2008. 360 p. (In Russ.).

9. Koksharov V.A. The concept of effective management of energy consumption of an industrial enterprise // Bulletin of the UMO Series «Economics, statistics and informatics». Moscow: MESI, 2014;4:66-71. (In Russ.).

10. Koksharov V.A. The concept of effective energy consumption management of an industrial enterprise // Bulletin of the UMO Series «Economics, statistics and informatics». Moscow: MESI, 2014;4:66-71. (In Russ.).

11. Beschinsky A.A. Development of the global fuel and energy balance in the long term and the role of new energy sources. Beschinsky, T.V. Inaura // Achievements and Prospects. 1982;27:64-74. (In Russ.).

12. Andronov M. Energy supply sector. Actual challenges and development prospects // Energorynok. 2011;05 (88):29-30. (In Russ.).

13. Kirshina I.A. Formation of a mechanism for strategic management of natural gas consumption by industrial enterprises // Microeconomics.2022;3:12-20. (In Russ.).

Concept of situation and strategic planning of natural gas consumption in industrial enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.58-68

The scientific article considers the concept of situational and strategic planning of natural gas consumption at an industrial enterprise based on two matrix models: a situational model of planning energy efficiency and energy conservation strategies and the choice of strategic use of technologies, a situational model of planning strategies for energy consumption in the fuel and energy balance. The interrelation of these models makes it possible to form a matrix for monitoring the main indicators of characteristics that ensure the implementation of an energy efficient strategy for natural gas consumption, which assumes a number of characteristics, optimizing which it is possible to ensure the quality of planning and management of situational and strategic consumption of natural gas in the fuel and energy balance system of an industrial enterprise.

Natural Gas Energy Consumption Strategy by iron and steel industry enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.38-46

The existing modern conceptual approaches to the formation of an assessment of the natural gas consumption strategy in the steel industry do not allow assessing comprehensively all the processes that occur in the enterprise affecting the efficiency of natural gas consumption. Due to the fact that natural gas acts an important role as a universal energy resource, both in the economy and in international politics, the modern strategy for assessing the consumption of natural gas in the steel industry is becoming a key factor in increasing competitiveness and guaranteeing sustainable economic growth of the country’s steel industry.

The article proposes a conceptual approach to the development of the model in order to assess the strategy of natural gas consumption at iron and steel enterprises, which allows timely management decisions to be taken to increase the organization of efficient energy consumption at the enterprise.

Based on the proposed conceptual approach to assessing the strategy of natural gas consumption at the iron and steel industry, it can be stated that this assessment is interconnected with the assessment of the integral criterion for the implementation of the goals of organizing effective energy management.

The Global Economy and Way of Life on the Threshold of a New Era

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

Many claim that it is impossible to reform “socialist” societies, that their collapse was inevitable. But there is the Chinese experience, which does not correspond to this interpretation…