Epic Fail of BigTech Digital Transformation. Where is the Key to Level Up? [Epic Fail of Digital Transformation of Transnational Corporations. Where is the Key to a Level up Management?]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-4.184.2022.46-55

World trend of the XXI century — Industry 4.0 and digital platforms. In 2014, General Electric (GE) partnered with Big Tech giants — AT&T, Cisco, IBM and Intel — to take control of the global manufacturing industry created the Industrial Internet Contributors Association (Industry IoT Consortium IIC). By 2021, the IIC included Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Accenture, Huawei, Bosch, EMC, SAP, Siemens, SAS and others. GE together with BigTech created the industrial cloud platform Predix, declaring it to be practically an “operating system” for factories, analogous to Android or iOS in the world of machines, the language of the industrial Internet.

However, in 2020 GE and Predix suffered a devastating fiasco.

The article provides an analysis of the root causes and problems, and formulates the requirements for digital platforms of industrial software. The author describes alternative solutions and new principles for implementing digital transformation of Industry 4.0 based on the closing technologies of digital genesis, graph-centric platforms, tools, models and systems of collective conscious scientifically based balanced management (industrial, corporate, social, state). Closing technologies offered by Russia have got an enormous social and political resource.

Modern approaches to staff material motivation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.50-56

This article discusses modern approaches to staff motivation, taking into account current market trends. In the context of digitalization and entry of the «millennials» into the labor market, historically established policies and practices become less effective and require their revision. The role of short-term remuneration become more important, including bonuses based on key performance indicators (KPI), one-time bonuses for special achievements and project bonuses. The remote labor market is growing, and the role of base salary for presence in the workplace is decreasing. Most employers focus on «millennials» who are accustomed to living «here and now», so the role of long-term remuneration programs become less important and the approaches to setting and revision of salary are changing. The widespread integration of information technologies and production robotics have direct impact on the requirements for personnel and their competencies. Professional knowledge and skills fade into the background, personal qualities and social skills become priority. Employers are required to be flexible and systematic in matters of personnel management to make the company efficient and ensure its competitiveness.

On the Need to Change Methodology of Calculating Labour Productivity

#6. For the High Norm
On the Need to Change Methodology of Calculating Labour Productivity

In May 2018 the Decree of the RF President formulated the task: an increase in labour productivity at the enterprises of basic non-primary sectors of the economy by at least 5% per year. Obviously, key performance indicators (KPIs) of companies with state participation should include this indicator. But this is hampered by imperfection of both the methods of calculating the indicator itself and the calculating methodology for the integral indicator of the companies’ KPI. In the article, the author cites a number of inaccuracies (defaults) in the traditional calculation of labour productivity and suggests a new approach to its calculation.