Import Substitution of Marketing Channels and Products in the Field of Perfumery and Cosmetics Retail


This article discusses various aspects of the situation of import substitution in the field of perfumery and cosmetics retail, which has developed in the Russian Federation in the middle of 2022. The author analyzes the changes that have occurred in the market after the tightening of sanctions and restrictions by Western countries. Further trends in the development of the domestic perfumery and cosmetics market are revealed. It is concluded that the events taking place not only have negative aspects, but also provide ample opportunities for domestic producers. The Russian market and the perfume and cosmetics industry itself are waiting for serious internal transformations in the coming years, but the market capacity cannot decrease and will tend to increase, which determines the need for effective import substitution based on the development of own production and increased supplies from friendly countries.


1. Shmidt M. B’yuti-rynok Rossii: vzglyad top-menedzhera ekspata [Russian Beauty Market: View of an Expat Top Manager]., available at:

2. Importozameshchenie v sfere kosmeticheskogo osnashcheniya [Import Substitution in the Field of Cosmetic Equipment]. Postavshchiki mashin i oborudovaniya, available at:

3. Andrianova D. Kraski bleknut. Kosmetika dorozhaet i plokho importiruetsya [Colors Are Fading. Cosmetics Become More Expensive and Poorly Imported]. Kommersant”, 2022, 3 marta.

4. Mertsalova A., Kostyrev A. Parfyumeriya zapakhla defitsitom [Perfumes Started Smelling of Deficiency]. Kommersant”, 2022, 26 marta.

5. Bezuglova V. V ozhidanii renessansa rossiiskoi kosmetiki [Waiting for the Renaissance of Russian cosmetics]. Ekspert, 2022, no 23, available at:

6. Kobits E. Kosmeticheskie perspektivy: peredel rynka na ruku rossiiskim brendam [Cosmetic Prospects: Market Redistribution Is on Hand to Russian Brands]. Ekspert, 2022, 20 aprelya, available at:

7. Kobits E. Rossiiskaya kosmetika pokazala nereal’nyi rezul’tat [Russian Cosmetics Showed an Unrealistic Result]. Ekspert, 2022, 1 iyunya, available at:

8. Minpromtorg isklyuchil sokrashchenie assortimenta kosmetiki i parfyumerii [Ministry of Industry and Trade Ruled Out a Reduction in the Range of Cosmetics and Perfumes]. Retail Loyalty, available at:

9. Rynok kosmetiki v Rossii (s vidami), vliyanie sanktsii (s dannymi za yanvar’ — fevral’ 2022 g.): issledovanie i prognoz do 2026 g. Vypusk: 2022 g., iyun’ [Cosmetics Market in Russia (with Types), Impact of Sanctions (with Data for January — February 2022): Research and Forecast until 2026. Issue: 2022, June]. ROIF Expert, available at:

The Current State of the Problem of the Development of the Russian Market of Ferrous Metallurgy under the Conditions of the Sanction Crisis Caused by a Special Military Operation


The article studies the current state and development problems of the Russian ferrous metallurgy market in the context of the sanction’s crisis caused by a special military operation. It is shown that the conduct of a special Russian military operation in Ukraine increases the burden on the already stretched global supply chains, and the metal markets are no exception. The metals that fell under the sanctions are considered.

It is concluded that the start of a military special operation in Ukraine caused an increase in sanctions pressure on Russia from Western countries and a ban on the supply of steel products to the EU countries. It has been determined that under the current conditions, the issue of redistributing production volumes to other markets becomes the most relevant for the industry, while the replacement of falling volumes will occur by increasing supplies to Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, as well as to the domestic market.


1. Bazhenov O. V., Baev D.V. Vliyanie pryamykh zarubezhnykh investitsii na razvitie otrasli chernoi metallurgii v Rossii [Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Development of the Ferrous Metallurgy Industry in Russia]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Chernaya metallurgiya, 2017, no 60(1), pp. 67–73.

2. Kostyukhin Yu.Yu. Potentsial promyshlennogo predpriyatiya i ego ispol’zovanie [Potential of an Industrial Enterprise and its Application]. Moscow, MISiS, 2019, pp. 87–92.

3. Kostyukhin Yu.Yu. Formirovanie sistemy upravleniya postupatel’nym razvitiem metallurgicheskogo predpriyatiya na osnove ego potentsiala [Establishing the Management System for Progressive Development of a Metallurgical Enterprise on the Basis of its Potential]. Moscow, MISiS, 2020, pp. 98–104.

4. Kostyukhin Yu.Yu. Strategicheskoe upravlenie rossiiskoi metallurgiei v usloviyakh vyzovov i riskov [Strategic Management of Russian Metallurgy in the Face of Challenges and Risks]. Upravlencheskie nauki, 2022, no 2, available at:

5. Kharlanov A.S. Analiz trendov mirovogo metallicheskogo kompleksa v period postpandemiinogo vosstanovleniya: chernaya i tsvetnaya metallurgiya [Analysis of Trends in the Global Metal Complex in the Period of Post-Pandemic Recovery: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy]. Innovatsii i investitsii, 2021, no 3, available at:

6. Shtanskii V.A. Obespechenie ustoichivogo innovatsionnogo razvitiya predpriyatii metallurgicheskogo kompleksa [Ensuring Sustainable Innovative Development of Metallurgical Complex Enterprises]. Ekonomika promyshlennosti, 2019, no 4(12), pp. 466–472, DOI: 10.17073/2072-1633-2019-4-466-472.

7. Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo v 2021 godu [Industrial Production in 2021]. Rosstat, available at:›folder›document.

Determining the Optimum Power Supply Configuration of an Isolated Mining Industry Facility Using a Autonomous Hybrid Power Plant Including a Hydrogen Energy Storage System


The article gives a brief description of the concept of autonomous hybrid power plant with hydrogen energy storage system, lists the main elements of the power complex and their characteristics, describes the technical and economic model and calculation algorithms, allowing to obtain a pre-project vision of the power complex, as well as to make an operational assessment of the economic feasibility of its introduction into the power supply system of mining industry facilities in isolated and hard-to-reach territories of the Russian Federation.



1. Ob”ekty generatsii v izolirovannykh i trudnodostupnykh territoriyakh v Rossii [Generation Facilities in Isolated and Hard-to-reach Territories in Russia]. Analiticheskii tsentr pri Pravitel’stve Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2020, available at:

2. MakKraken M. Nakoplenie energii kak sposob radikal’no sokratit’ uglerodnye vybrosy [Energy Storage as a Way to Radically Reduce Carbon Emissions]. Vestnik tsentra Organizatsii Ob”edinennykh Natsii po promyshlennomu razvitiyu. YuNIDO, 2012, N 8, pp. 66–71.

3. Shafiev D.R., Trapeznikov A.N., Khokhonov A.A., Agarkov D.A., Bredikhin S.I., Chichirov A.A., Subcheva E.N. Metody polucheniya vodoroda v promyshlennom masshtabe. Sravnitel’nyi analiz [Industrial-scale Hydrogen Production Methods. Comparative Analysis]. Uspekhi v khimii I khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, no 12 (235), pp. 53–57, available at:

4. Tarasov B.P., Lototskii M.V., Yartys’ V.A. Problema khraneniya vodoroda i perspektivy ispol’zovaniya gidridov dlya akkumulirovaniya vodoroda [Hydrogen Storage Problem and Prospects of Using Hydrides for Hydrogen Accumulation]. Rossiiskii khimicheskii zhurnal, 2006, no 6, pp. 34–48, available at:

5. Wolf E. Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage. Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing, 2015.

6. Il’kovskii K.K., Karpov V.E. Metodika provedeniya operativnoi otsenki investitsionnoi privlekatel’nosti modernizatsii elektrostantsii v izolirovannykh I trudnodostupnykh raionakh [Methodology of Operational Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Modernization of Power Plants in Isolated and Hard-to-reach Areas]. Mikroekonomika, 2021, no 3, pp. 75–85, available at: DOI:

Energy and Climate Change: Modeling the Relationship


Assessing feasibility and possible consequences of integrated energy consumption regulation requires the creation of hybrid model complexes that combine climate modeling, energy modelling and economic modeling as well as investment in the development of certain technologies and areas. These model complexes allow to build various long-term development scenarios for the world and individual regions and countries, to assess the impact of introduced policies and regulation methods on all stakeholders and on the economy and public welfare in general. The paper describes the basic approaches to modeling and also considers in detail the European set of models and the main results that it provides at the output. Taking into account this foreign experience in developing assessments of the economic consequences of climate change and decarbonization, according to the author, will be useful for Russia.



1. Parizhskoe soglashenie [Paris Agreement]. Organizatsiya Ob”edinennykh Natsii, available at:

2. Energoperekhod i riski dlya Rossii [Energy Transition and Risks for Russia]. Neftegazovaya vertikal’, 2021, 13 marta, available at:

3. Boiko A.N. Gosudarstvennaya korporatsiya “Rosatom”: unikal’naya forma vnutrisistemnogo upravleniya i khozyaistvovaniya [“Rosatom” State Corporation: a Unique Form of Intra-System Control and Management]. Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie, 2020, no 4, pp. 25–36.

4. Kpasyukova N.L. Otsenka innovatsionnoi sostavlyayushchei chelovecheskogo kapitala Nizhegorodskoi oblasti [Evaluating the Innovation Component of the Human Capital of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]. Samoupravlenie, 2021, no 4(126), pp. 420–427.

5. Britz W., Ittersum М., van, Lansink A.O., Heckelei T. Tools for integrated assessment in agriculture. State of the art and challenges. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 2012, N 1(2), pp. 125–150, available at: DOI:

6. Jansson T., Britz W. Sequential calibration of economic simulation models, the cases of CAPRI and a CAPRI-GTAP link. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Bangkok, Thailand, June 9–11, 2010, available at:

7. Jacoby H.D., Sch fer A. Experiments with a hybrid CGE-MARKAL model. Energy Journal, 2006, N 27, pp. 171–178.

8. Lanz B., Rausch S. General equilibrium, electricity generation technologies and the cost of carbon abatement: A structural sensitivity analysis. Energy Economics, 2011, N 33, pp. 1035–1047.

9. Weitzel M., Vandyck T., Keramidas K., et a1. Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies. Nat. Clim. Chang., 2019, N 9, pp. 345-347, available at: DOI:

10. Wene CO. Energy-economy analysis: linking the macroeconomic and systems engineering approaches. Energy, 1996, N 21(9), p. 809e24.

Political Role of the Dunbar Project in Developing the Global Financial Architecture


Digitalization is one of the main transformation processes of the modern system of global interactions, changing the nature of social links not only at the technical and economic, but also at the political level. Herewith, technological innovations also become instruments of political influence. The present article analyzes the management structure of one of the leading participants in the global financial market — the Bank for International Settlements (hereinafter — BIS) and highlights the important place the BIS occupies in the global financial architecture on the example of the Dunbar project, being developed in its innovation hub. In digital age the BIS has assumed a new leading role in exploring, developing and testing digital innovations in the central banking sector. It is noted that potential to use the BIS for political purposes is great, given that the Dunbar project will have far-reaching consequences for the structure of modern international relations.


1. Biały B. Social media: from social exchange to battlefield. The Cyber Defense Review, 2017, vol. 2, N 2, p. 75.

2. Farakh A.S. Rol’ Banka mezhdunarodnykh raschetov v protsesse evropeiskoi integratsii. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, 2020, no 4, pp. 75–84.

3. Promoting Global Monetary and Financial Stability. The Bank for International Settlements after Bretton Woods, 1973–2020. Edited by Claudio Borio, Stijn Claessens, Piet Clement, Robert N. McCauley, Hyun Song Shin. NY.: Cambridge University Press, 2020, p. 60.

4. Statutes of the Bank for International Settlements (of 20 January 1930; text as amended on 7 November 2016). Bank for International Settlements, 2016, 29 p., available at:

5. Central bank digital currencies: The next disruptor. Deloitte Development LLC, 2021, September, 4, available at:

6. Annual Economic Report 2021. Bank for International Settlements, 2021, 95 p., available at:

7. Lyons N.S. Just say no to CBDCs: A central bank digital currency would enable a totalitarian nightmare. The Upheaval, 2022, March, 11, available at:

8. Enhancing cross-border payments: Stage 3 roadmap. Financial Stability Board, 2020, p. 6, available at:

9. Project Dunbar: International settlements using multi-CBDCs. Bank for International Settlements, 2022, p. 8, available at:

10. Farrell H., Newman A.L. Weaponized interdependence: How global economic networks shape state coercion. International Security, 2019, vol. 44, N 1, p. 45.

Dominance of National Systems of Higher Education


The theory of economic dominance in a multilevel economy, developed by Blokhin A.A. and Lomakin-Rumyantsev I.V., has been actively tested by researches on different markets since 2019 — the distribution of players in the markets allows to formulate different strategies for their development. This article is a development of studies devoted to the study of competition in the education market and presents the result of economic dominance of national higher education systems in the international market. This research aims to analyze the subject areas of social sciences and management, for further identifying dominance in the QS ranking.

The sample consists of 58 QS subject rankings for 2018–2021. The main instrument is the SV-matrix (strength/variety). The analysis outlines areas of subject ratings where there is dominance of national educational systems and characterizes its level. In addition, an interpretation of the situation when constructing the SV matrix, where Lind index shows boundary values when determining dominant group size. The SV matrix gives valid results and allows both qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the positions of countries in educational rankings. Analysis using SV-matrix made it possible to identify 8 out of 15 subject areas, in which there is clear dominance and determined positions of Russian universities relative to the dominant group. The hypothesis of United States presence in the dominant group in most areas of social sciences and management was confirmed, however, several subjects were defined, where the higher education system of anther countries were in the lead. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the proposal and testing of a method for assessing the level of dominance of national educational systems in the international education market. The SV matrix allows to analyze the positions of different countries in the international educational space, both in dynamics and in statics (to assess the level of competitiveness of national educational systems); to understand theoretically the level of differentiation of national educational systems in certain subject ratings; to assess the concentration (barriers to enter the rating) and the strength of competition (how strongly the players differ) of subject areas.


1. Kireeva N., Slepenkova E., Shipunova T., Iskandaryan R. Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions and Academic Entrepreneurship. Espacios, 2018, no 23, pp. 15–25.

2. Nefedova A.I. Masshtaby, struktura i tseli eksporta rossiiskogo vysshego obrazovaniya [Scales, Structure and Reason for Export of Russian Higher Education].

Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya, 2017, no 2, pp. 154–174.

3. Vorob’eva E.S., Krakovetskaya I.V. Prodvizhenie rossiiskikh vuzov v mirovye reitingi konkurentosposobnosti: tsel’ blizka? [Promoting Russian Universities in the World Ratings of Competitiveness: is the Goal in Sight?]. Kreativnaya ekonomika, 2017, no 5, pp. 521–552.

Methodological Approach to Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Digital Projects Applying Internet of Things Platforms


One of the key ones and most cost-effective technology from an economic point of view for the real sector is the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which is usually provided in the form of Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, still does not have its own framework for assessing its economic efficiency. The author proposes a methodological approach based on a combination of classical methods of investment analysis and an architectural approach. From the information point of view the scientific work is based on cost-effectiveness studies of IoT projects, domestic and foreign scientific publications, IT cases and research on taxonomy of IoT platforms. The proposed approach may serve as the basis both for preparation of financial business cases and for facilitating the development of tools for objective assessment of the project initiatives attractiveness as part of implementation of the state digital development programs in Russia.


1. Tsifrovoe desyatiletie. V nogu so vremenem [Digital Decade. In Step with the Times]. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2017, available at:

2. Tsifrovaya Rossiya: novaya real’nost’ [Digital Russia: New Reality]. McKinsey, 2017, available at:

3. Pasport federal’nogo proekta “Tsifrovye tekhnologii” [Passport of the “Digital Technologies” Federal Project]. Tsifrovaya ekonomika, available at:

4. Internet of Things, IoT, M2M market in Russia. TADVISER, available at:

5. Kaczorowska A., Sloniec J., Motyka S. Comprehensive methods of evaluation and project efficiency account. Proceedings of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2016, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 1159–1168.

6. The State of Today’s IT: Process Maturity, Business Alignment, and Digital Transformation. HDI, available at:

7. SDG Digital Investment Framework — A whole-of-Government Approach to Investing in Digital Technologies to Achieve the SDGs. International Telecommunication Union, available at:

8. 2021 List of IoT Platforms Companies. IOT-ANALYICS, available at:

9. APQC Cross Industry Process Classification Framework version 7.2.1. APQC. 2021, available at:

10. Porter M. Konkurentnoe preimushchestvo: Kak dostich’ vysokogo rezul’tata i obespechit’ ego ustoichivost’ [Competitive Advantage: How to Achieve High Result and Ensure Its Sustainability]. Moscow, Al’pina Pablisher, 2016, 1020 p.

Transaction Costs in Development and Creation of New Weapons and Military Equipment and the Problems of Their Diversification


The article examines manufacturing process of a product from the life cycle point of view, identifies the key, according to the author, problematics of each life cycle stage. An alternative view of the product creation process from the stage of conception to the moment of its utilization is formulated.


1. GOST R 15.000–2016 “Sistema razrabotki i postanovki produktsii na proizvodstvo. Osnovnye polozheniya” [GOST R 15.000–2016 “System of Product Development and Launching into Production. Basic Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

2. GOST RV 15.004–2004 “Sistema razrabotki i postavki produktsii na proizvodstva. Voennaya tekhnika. Stadii zhiznennogo tsikla izdelii i materialov” [GOST RV 15.004-2004 “System of Product Development and Delivery to Production Facilities. Military Equipment. Life Cycle Stages of Products and Materials”]. VII SFU, available at:

3. GOST R 56135–2014 “Upravlenie zhiznennym tsiklom produktsii voennogo naznacheniya. Obshchie polozheniya” [GOST R 56135–2014 “Life Cycle Management of Military Products. General Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

4. Federal’nyi zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. “O gosudarstvennom oboronnom zakaze” [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 “On the State Defense Order”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

5. Prikaz Ministerstva oborony RF ot 21 dekabrya 2017 g. N 792 “Ob utverzhdenii Obyazatel’nykh trebovanii v oblasti tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya k oboronnoi produktsii (rabotam, uslugam), yavlyayushcheisya pod”emnymi sooruzheniyami i oborudovaniem, rabotayushchim pod davleniem, v sostave vooruzheniya i voennoi tekhniki, postavlyaemoi dlya Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii po gosudarstvennomu oboronnomu zakazu, protsessam proektirovaniya (vklyuchaya izyskaniya), proizvodstva, stroitel’stva, montazha, naladki, ekspluatatsii, khraneniya ukazannoi produktsii” [Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 No. 792 “About Approval of Mandatory Requirements in the Field of Technical Regulation to the Defense Products (Works, Services) which are Lifting Constructions and the Equipment Working Under Pressure as Part of Arms and the Military Equipment Delivered for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation According to the State Defense Order, Design Processes (Including Research), Production, Construction, Installation, Adjustment, Operation, Storage of the Specified Products”]. Kodeks, available at:

Human Capital: Fiscal Policy to Support the Development of Labor Cooperatives as a Way to Create the Welfare Society and to Form the National Financial-Exchange Asset

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.116-121

Production cooperative (artel) historically is a native Russian form of collective labour activity, aimed, as a rule, at performing certain permanent or temporary work and requiring mutual guarantee of all workers. Artels and their associations are based only on free creative labour (not hired labour), which allows workers themselves to be responsible for efficiency of managing their time and to improve constantly, providing an increase in labour productivity and production profitability. Such work is fundamentally different from the work under an employment contract. Members of cooperatives do not pass “their time” for rationing “from above”, but independently organize their work, revealing their potential, based on personal experience, ingenuity, freedom and personal motivation, effectively interacting with each other in the workforce.

Perception of Cybersecurity in the B2C Segment of the Russian Market: Problems and Solutions in the Context of the Marketing Strategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.134-142

Russian cybersecurity market shows insignificant positive growth rates due to development of the B2B segment: launch of individual projects in the sphere of digitalization at the federal level, as well as adoption of security systems to deflect cyber attacks and proactively identify threats from major market players. At the same time, the B2C segment is really inferior to B2B. This is primarily attributable to the fact that ordinary consumers do not realize the need to protect digital data. The present paper will consider the main parameters of the macroenvironment, competitive saturation and will analyze a modern consumer of cybersecurity services. These factors will help to identify the roots of negative perception of cyber services among Russian consumers. The article authors suggest a marketing communication strategy to improve the current situation on the example of Kaspersky Lab and the target IT Administrators audience.