Author page: Vitaly Tupchienko

Energy and Climate Change: Modeling the Relationship


Assessing feasibility and possible consequences of integrated energy consumption regulation requires the creation of hybrid model complexes that combine climate modeling, energy modelling and economic modeling as well as investment in the development of certain technologies and areas. These model complexes allow to build various long-term development scenarios for the world and individual regions and countries, to assess the impact of introduced policies and regulation methods on all stakeholders and on the economy and public welfare in general. The paper describes the basic approaches to modeling and also considers in detail the European set of models and the main results that it provides at the output. Taking into account this foreign experience in developing assessments of the economic consequences of climate change and decarbonization, according to the author, will be useful for Russia.



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Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

#1. Change of Leader
Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

The article discusses the macroeconomic regulation as a method of economic management, where the control center — the state does not need to study and to evaluate any slightest impact on the system, to give indications to the system elements how to react to it. The paper analyzes major challenges associated with implementation of innovation potential. The main trends of developing innovation potential of Russia are described.

The Main Socio-E conomic Indicators of the Population Living Standards

#3. Green question

Today the population of Russia is in a situation when any, even the most effective, reforms can be implemented only on the assumption of immediate rescue of the labor potential of the country.