Determining the Optimum Power Supply Configuration of an Isolated Mining Industry Facility Using a Autonomous Hybrid Power Plant Including a Hydrogen Energy Storage System


The article gives a brief description of the concept of autonomous hybrid power plant with hydrogen energy storage system, lists the main elements of the power complex and their characteristics, describes the technical and economic model and calculation algorithms, allowing to obtain a pre-project vision of the power complex, as well as to make an operational assessment of the economic feasibility of its introduction into the power supply system of mining industry facilities in isolated and hard-to-reach territories of the Russian Federation.



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Prospects for solar stations as part of autonomous hybrid power plants for the far eastern region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.67-74

The article describes the problems that are typical for technologically isolated energy districts, shows the values of the annual insolation of the Khabarovsk territory, provides an example of an implemented project to supply a field with a solar power plant, and builds a model of an Autonomous hybrid power plant for one of the settlements of the Khabarovsk territory.