Pilot training for the Civil air fleet of the USSR in the pre-war period

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.87-97

The he article provides the contents of archival documents that allow us to judge the timeliness of the formation of plans and specific measures for the training of pilots of the civil air fleet in the pre-war period in early 1941, determining their required number and correlation with aviation schools and training squadrons, and also considers the basic requirements for the selection and training of youth in aviation schools and flight center flight instructors. The documents on the staffing of training squadrons and the distribution of cadets to territorial administrations and cities of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are presented.


1. Akmatova A.T. Air transport of Kyrgyzstan / A.T. Akmatova, U.Bakirov. Izvestiya vuzov Kyrgyzstan. 2018;12:84–87.

2.   Astrakhantsev O.N. The history of the formation and development of the military aviation personnel training system in Siberia (1910–1991): dissertation… Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.02. Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 2019. 638 p.

3.   The day before. Collection of ZapOVO documents (39–41). Information portal Milita. URL: https://milita.jofo.me/519813.html

4.   Nurpiisova E.M. The history of the formation and development of aviation sports clubs in Eastern Siberia in the XX century: dissertation … Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.02. Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 2010. 225 p.

5.   Ponomarev N.A. The recruitment system for variable flight personnel of the osoaviakhim aero clubs in the last pre-war years (1939 – June 22, 1941). Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice. 2012;10–1(24):139–142.

6.   Orders of the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR. 1941. Information portal «Military law». URL: http://www.voennoepravo.ru/node/2381

7.   Russian Archive: The Great Patriotic War: Vol. 13 (2–2). Orders of the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR. June 22, 1941–1942. Moscow: TERRA, 1997.

8.   From July 1 to August 5, 1941, the evacuation of aircraft factories 380 and 381 from Leningrad to Nizhny Tagil was carried out. Information Portal Textarchive.ru. URL: https://textarchive.ru/c-2034849-pall.html

The importance of investments in economic growth and increasing incomes of the population

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.78-86

The relevance of attracting investments into the country’s economy in order to achieve economic growth, ensure its stability and thereby increase the population’s income is analyzed. The dynamics of attracting investments into fixed capital in the country as a whole and for individual types of economic activity are considered. The share of investments in GDP and the level of investment efficiency are estimated. The relationship between increasing domestic and foreign investment attractiveness, increasing the volume of investments and increasing the population’s income is determined.

The methods of statistical, comparison, grouping, analysis and synthesis, and economic analysis are used in the coverage of this article. A comparative analysis of the data was carried out, on the basis of which an attempt was made to more accurately highlight the role of investments in economic growth and ensuring the well-being of the population.


1. Makasheva N. Does J.M. Keynes Help Study the Russian Economy? Voprosy ekonomiki. 2010;12:131–140.

2. Massé P. Criteria and Methods for Optimal Determination of Capital Investments / Translated from French. Moscow: Statistika, 1971. 160 p.

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4. Dolan E.J., Lindsay D.E. Microeconomics. St. Petersburg, 1994. 448 p.

5. Abdukarimov B.A. Korkhona iktisodiyoti (darslik). T.: Fan, 2005. 241 p.

6. Karimov N. The mechanism of investment integration and the development of the mechanism of investment. T.: Fan and technology, 2007. 240 p.

7. Nodirkhanov U.S. Foreign investment in Uzbekistan: experience, problems, growth prospects. T.: Fan and technology, 2011. 184 p.

8. Egamberdiev F.T., Daniyarova F.B., Kholmatjonov F.M. The importance of investment in the development of the economy. Economy and Finance 2017;10:68–74.

9. Mihaela Peres, Waqar Ameer & Helian Xu. The impact of institutional quality on foreign direct investment inflows: evidence for developed and developing countries, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. 2018;31(1):626–644.

The role of renewable energy sources and secondary renewable energy sources in the energy management of the European union countries

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.65-77

This article examines the role of renewable energy sources (RES) and secondary renewable energy sources (VVE) in the energy management of the European Union countries in modern socio-economic conditions. The decrease in electricity consumption in the EU over the past two years amounted to 6%, reflecting the serious impact of the energy crisis on European consumers and industry. This decrease of 60% is due to a slowdown in the growth rate of EU industrial production and the transfer of energy-intensive technological processes from the EU to regions with cheaper energy. It is concluded that Europe’s transition to renewable energy has reached a colossal pace, which will lead to a further reduction in fossil fuel electricity production, with renewable energy sources (wind and solar) becoming the backbone of the future EU electricity supply system by the end of 2024.


1. Zhiznin S. Vasilev S. Options for using secondary renewable energy sources. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 2020. URL: https://nvo.ng.ru/ng_energiya/2020-09-07/14_7957_variants.html

2. Redl C., Hein F., Buck M., Graichen P., Jones D. The European Power Sector in 2020: Up-to-Date Analysis on the Electricity Transition. Agora Energiewende and Ember. 2021. p. 18.

3. The share of solar and wind generation in the world will reach from 54 to 72% by 2050. URL: https://yearbook.enerdata.ru/renewables/wind-solar-share-electricity-production.html

4. National Hydrogen Strategy of Germany. URL: https://www.bmbf.de/files/bmwi_Nationale%20Wasserstoffstrategie_Eng_s0

5. Verbruggen A. In the hurdle race to the energy transition: transformations, reforms and innovations / A. Verbruggen / ed. A. Brunnengräber, Di Nucci, M. Rosaria. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014. p. 120.

6. Gesetz für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien. URL: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/eeg_2014/

7. Baek Ja.H., Park S.Ho., Choi S., Kim H. Renewable forecasting method for local renewable management system. Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. 2022;71(8):1062–1069.

8. Beksultanova A., Aygumov T., Valeev S. Achieving renewable energy goals through the utilization of renewable resources. International Conference on Actual Problems of the Energy Complex and Environmental Protection (APEC-VI-2023). Les Ulis, 2023, p. 01008.

9. Chien F., Chayka Ka.Y., Sadiq M., Diep G.L., Tran T.K., Pham T.Ha.An. What is the role of renewable energy consumption, renewable electricity, energy use and import play in environmental quality? Energy Reports. 2023;10:3826–3834.

10. Çinar M. The investigation of the causal relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy resources and economic growth. Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2023.

11. Mohammadi H., Saghaian S., Zandi Dareh Gharibi B. Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and its impact on economic growth. Sustainability. 2023;15(4):3822.

12. Soares P.H., Kang M., Choo Ph. Art and design entanglements for renewable energy education: renewable energy art and design approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 2024;20(1):2401.

Training of personnel for the development of innovative activities in the aviation industry of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.52-64

The aim of the study was to identify current development trends in the tourism industry. When conducting the study, methods for processing qualitative and quantitative information were used: methods for analyzing the structure and dynamics of key indicators, graphical and tabular methods for presenting research results. The information basis of the study consisted of statistical materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, periodical scientific press, and Internet resources.

Based on the results of the analysis, the main problems in the tourism industry of the Russian Federation were identified: insufficient development of tourism and transport infrastructure, lack of the required number of qualified personnel to work in the tourism industry, insufficiently developed digital environment and information resources in the tourism industry, etc. Based on the identified problems, measures were recommended supporting the tourism industry: increasing investment in the tourism industry by raising funds on the basis of public-private and municipal-private partnerships, life cycle contracts and special investment contracts; increasing the number of budget and extra-budgetary places in tourism specialties, expanding the list of educational programs in tourism destinations, and other measures.


1. Passport of the national project (program) «Labor Productivity and employment support»: approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects (Protocol No. 16 dated December 24, 2018. URL: https://base.garant.ru/72185994/?ysclid=lykkqnxtci881108903

2. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985.

3. Passport of the national program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» (approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects on December 24, 2018 No. 16). URL: https://base .garant.ru/72296050/?ysclid=lykkpit4uq663593874

4. Anpilogov N.I. Digitalization of the economy of the Russian Federation: the current state and directions of improvement. Vector of economics. 2023;5(83).

5. Babkina L.N., Skotarenko O.V., Khatsenko E.S. Modeling of the economic indicator of the standard of living of the population of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Regional economic issues. 2022;2:10–19.

6. Passport of the national project «Science and Universities» (approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, April 2023). URL: https://base.garant.ru/407955661/

7. Klushina L. Innovations in priority. Evening St. Petersburg. June 20, 2024. No. 20.

8. Bodrunov S.D. The State and the revolution. The economic revival of Russia. 2019;1(59):9–13.

9. Lischuk E.N., Kapelyuk S.D. Problems of developing digital skills of the population in Russian regions. Development of socio-economic, scientific and technological potential of regions as a factor in strengthening Russia’s position in the modern world, dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, the Year of Youth in the Republic of Khakassia (July 5–8, 2023). Abakan: V.M. Torosov Khakass Book Publishing House, 2023. C.121–125. URL: https://www.ieie.su/assets/files/news/2023/sbornik_3.07.23.pdf

Development dynamics of the tourist industry in the Russian Federation in recent years

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.41-51

The aim of the study was to identify current development trends in the tourism industry. When conducting the study, methods for processing qualitative and quantitative information were used: methods for analyzing the structure and dynamics of key indicators, graphical and tabular methods for presenting research results. The information basis of the study consisted of statistical materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, periodical scientific press, and Internet resources.

Based on the results of the analysis, the main problems in the tourism industry of the Russian Federation were identified: insufficient development of tourism and transport infrastructure, lack of the required number of qualified personnel to work in the tourism industry, insufficiently developed digital environment and information resources in the tourism industry, etc. Based on the identified problems, measures were recommended supporting the tourism industry: increasing investment in the tourism industry by raising funds on the basis of public-private and municipal-private partnerships, life cycle contracts and special investment contracts; increasing the number of budget and extra-budgetary places in tourism specialties, expanding the list of educational programs in tourism destinations, and other measures.


1. Glebova O.V., Mitrofanova M.N. Assessing the economic security of a hotel enterprise. Economic security. 2023;6(3):1133-1152.

2. Federal State Statistics Service. URL: https://rosstat.gov.ru/statistics/

3. Ivantsov A.A. Problems and prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. Sports, tourism and hospitality in the educational space: innovations and development prospects: collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, April 21, 2022. Moscow: Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, 2022. pp. 27–32.

4. Levina A.B., Trofimenko E.Yu., Yakunina Yu.S. Problems and prospects for the development of domestic tourism in Russia. Man. Sport. Medicine. 2023;23(S1):175–187.

5. Samakaeva M.D., Kovaleva I.N. Problems of development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. Industrial Economics. 2021;5–1:46–49.

6. Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2035. URL: http://static.government.ru/media/files/ FjJ74rYOaVA4yzPAshEulYxmWSpB4lrM. pdf

7. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. URL: https://www.economy.gov.ru/

8. Tourism.RF Corporation. URL: https://tourism.rf/

9. Lavrov V.V. Trends in the development of tourism in the Russian Federation in the context of the new economic reality. Petersburg Economic Journal. 2022;1–2:178–185.

10. Nikolenko P.G., Terekhov A.M. Analysis of the state of the tourism industry in Russia and the direction of its development. Statistics and Economics. 2022;19(4):57–70.

11. Rusina A.N., Karpycheva O.V., Yakimova E.A., Likhman D.A. Prospects for the development of domestic tourism in modern conditions. Economics, entrepreneurship and law. 2021;11(10):2343–2356.

Opportunities for the development of critical industries in Russia under sanctions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.26-40

The machine tool industry, microelectronics and the aviation industry are among the critically important sectors of the economy of any industrialized state, as they determine the technological sovereignty of industry and ensure the technological security of the country, as well as set the direction of innovative development. These industries have been the target of sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia against the background of the Ukrainian crisis. «Unfriendly» states have imposed a ban on the supply of machine tools and components to the Russian Federation; microcircuits and other microelectronics; aircraft and their spare parts (including engines), in addition, leasing agreements with Russian airlines were terminated and aircraft maintenance was discontinued. In this regard, the industries in question faced serious challenges – to find a replacement for Western supplies as soon as possible and to mobilize their own production facilities. Even though the problem of dependence of the machine-tool, microelectronic and aviation industries on foreign supplies has been discussed for about 10 years (since the «Crimean» sanctions), no significant results have been achieved in terms of reducing import dependence. There was no collapse due to the restrictions imposed in these industries, but several difficulties arose, which require government support to solve.


1. Analysis of the processor and controller market in Russia in 2018–2022, forecast for 2023–2027 under sanctions. BusinessStat. 2023. URL: https://businesstat.ru/news/processors_and_controllers/

2. Afanasyev A. The market for Russian machine tool products under external restrictions. Economy, entrepreneurship and law. 2023;13(10):4073–4088.

3. Butov A. The market for civil aircraft products. HSE Development Center. 2018. URL: https://dcenter.hse.ru/data/2018/11/19/1141804200/

4. State support for microelectronics in 2024 will amount to 210 billion rubles. Interfax. 2023. URL: https://www.interfax.ru/russia/925028

5. Kapoguzov E. Import dependence of the Russian civil aviation industry. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Economics. 2022;58:58–76.

6. Comprehensive program for the development of the air transport industry of the Russian Federation until 2030. URL: http://static.government.ru/media/files/

7. Kostyuchenko S. The role of machine tool building in the modern economy and its impact on various industries and production processes. Economy and Society: Modern Development Models, 2023;13(3):177–194.

8. Microelectronics of Russia: from deficit to technological independence. Yakov and partners. 2023. URL: https://yakov.partners/upload/iblock/f25/

9. The current state of the Russian machine tool industry: problems and prospects. Rhythm of mechanical engineering. URL: https://ritm-magazine.com/ru/public/nastoyashchee-sostoyanie-rossiyskogo-stankostroeniya-problemy-i-perspektivy

10. Russia increased the production of civilian helicopters by 70% in 2022. Vedomosti. 2023. URL: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2023/02/20/963574-rossiya-uvelichila-vipusk-grazhdanskih-vertoletov

Artificial intelligence and natural intelligence: relationships, opportunities and limitations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.14-25

Artificial intelligence and natural intelligence are two types of intelligence coexist in the world today. Despite the artificial intelligence is still little studied, it is changing all areas of human activity. It is a universal tool allows people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data, and use insights to improve decision-making. The study analyzes areas where artificial intelligence and natural intelligence are unique. It also reveals the artificial intelligence positive value for natural intelligence. Artificial intelligence algorithms are not like passive machines capable of mechanical or predetermined responses. It combines information from different sources, instantly analyzes the material and displays information results obtained from the data. Data form can vary and may be as digital information, satellite imagery, visual information, text or unstructured data. Due to massive improvements in storage systems, processing speed, and analytical techniques, artificial intelligence is capable of incredibly complex analysis. The article identifies the main differences and similarities in the artificial and natural intelligence characteristics, as well as the exceptional capabilities of these concepts. Despite the natural intelligence is endowed with a creative component that nothing can supplant so far, artificial intelligence is already changing the world and raising important issues for the social, economic and political spheres. Artificial intelligence acts as an assistant to natural intelligence. Artificial intelligence is not a futuristic concept, but rather something that exists today, being integrated and implemented in various sectors. This includes areas such as finance, national security, healthcare, litigation, transportation, construction, and industry. There are many examples of how AI is already making an impact on the world and significantly expanding human capabilities.


1. Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason / Translated from German by N. Lossky, verified and edited by Ts.G. Arzakanyan and M.I. Itkin, note by Ts.G. Arzakanyan. Moscow: Mysl, 1994. 591 p.

2. Osipov G.S., Velichkovsky B.M. Artificial Intelligence. The Great Russian Encyclopedia 2004–2017. URL: https://old.bigenc.ru/mathematics/text/2022537?ysclid=lxnb09fze448915724

3. Bridges A., Royka A., Wilson T. et al. Bumblebees Socially Learn Behavior Too Complex to Innovate Alone. Nature. URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07126-4

4. Marx K., Engels F. Works. v. 46, part 2. 652 p.

5. Kozlowski P. Postmodern Culture: Social and Cultural Consequences of Technical Development: Transl. from Germ. 1997. 240 p.

6. Lepskiy V.E. Artificial Intelligence in Subjective Management Paradigms. Philosophical Sciences. 2021;64(1):88–101.

7. Glukhikh V.A., Eliseev S.M., Kirsanova N.P. Artificial Intelligence as a Problem of Modern Sociology. DISCOURSE. 2022;8(1):82–93.

8. Belikova E.K. Popov E.A. Modern problems of the relationship between natural and artificial intelligence in the paradigm of culture. Social problems of society development. Sociology of culture. 2023;11: 9–13.

Quantum simulators as a tool for observability of a digital supersystem with a significant component of unpredictable behaviour of its elements

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.5-13

The article dwells on the problems of increasing stability of artificial societies consisting of organizational agents as elements of a digital supersystem with a significant component of unpredictable behaviour. The problems of supersystem observability are analyzed. It is proposed to unify information, telematic and computing services for creating a digital twin in order to support the transition of an individual from a cluster of unpredictable behaviour (aggressive behaviour) to a cluster with confirmed trust as a computing solution. Introduction of quantum computing allows us to obtain more substantiated assessments of productivity of the process of increasing the artificial societies’ sustainability based on the use of quantum simulators that allow, in difficult crisis conditions, to calculate all the optimization indicators for a large number of objects and resources in relation to the personalities of recipients (buyers) of information, each of whom is in a local uncertain and confusing choice of solutions for actions in a digital supersystem. The author substantiates direction of the imprinting vector of the reflexive matrices’ developed profiles depending on the different person’s satisfaction with life as a base point, from which one can start for artificially inducing the experience of reality in order to support transition of an individual from a cluster of unpredictable behaviour (aggressive) to a cluster with confirmed trust as a computing solution.


1. Ageev A.I., Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Using artificial intelligence in the implementation of troop command and control of civilian facilities as a single hybrid battlefield. Neurocomputers and their application: Abstracts of the XX All-Russian scientific conference, Moscow, March 22, 2022. Moscow: MGPPU, 2022. pp. 31–33.

2. Ageev A.I., Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Using supercomputer technologies to manage the operation of super-large organizational systems in the implementation of complex special projects (operations). Microeconomics. 2024;1:5–10.

3. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency • Budget Estimates FY 2024. URL: https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/fy2024/budget_justification/pdfs/

4. Loginov E.L. Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts to Intercept Control in the Socio-Political Environment. Moscow: «Rusains», 2024. 234 p.

5. Ageyev A.I., Loginov E.L. Neurocommunity – is it the Future of Humanity? Economic Strategies. 2022;24(5 (185)):42–51.

6. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Maintaining the Operation of an Integrated Complex of Civil and Special Structures Based on Digital Synchronization of Monitoring, Communication, Analytics and Control Functions. Problems of Complex Systems Security Management: Proceedings of the XXXI International Conference, Moscow, December 13, 2023. Moscow: V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2023. pp. 499–504.

Choosing a Competitive Strategy for Launching a Medical Product on the Market: By the Example of Technical Rehabilitation Equipmen

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.136-143

Competitive strategy of the company engaged in medical equipment in the B2G market is considered. The author analyzes the process of choosing a strategy for launching a new brand in conditions of high market competition — against the background of significant market monopolization and risks of the new competitors’ emergence. Driving forces of this market, regulation, target audiences and stakeholders are described.


1. Kornienko D.A. Rynok rossiiskogo meditsinskogo oborudovaniya v period ekonomicheskikh sanktsii. Modernizatsiya rossiiskogo obshchestva i obrazovaniya: novye ekonomicheskie orientiry, strategii upravleniya, voprosy pravoprimeneniya i podgotovki kadrov [The Russian Medical Equipment Market During the Period of Economic Sanctions. Modernization of Russian Society and Education: New Economic Guidelines, Management Strategies, Law Enforcement Issues and Personnel Training]. Materialy XXIV Natsional’noi nauchnoi konferentsii (c mezhdunarodnym uchastiem). Taganrog, 2023. Tom I. Taganrog: Taganrogskij institut upravleniya i ekonomiki, 2023. pp. 412–429.

2.Kopylov M.A. Obespechenie ustoichivogo razvitiya rossiiskikh proizvoditelei medtekhniki v usloviyakh vneshne ekonomicheskikh sanktsii [Ensuring Sustainable Development of Russian Medical Equipment Manufacturers in the Context of Foreign Economic Sanctions]. Tsifrovizatsiya tekhnosfery: nauchnyi podkhod: Sbornik nauchnykh statei Natsional’noi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Moskva: Rossiiskii tekhnologicheskii universitet, 2022. pp. 110–113.

3.Basil N. Stoma care: the market in products lets patients down. BMJ, 2013.

4.Simatov S.A. Problemy organizacii okazanija medicinskoj i reabilitacionnoj pomoshhi stomirovannym bol’nym na sovremennom jetape [Problems of the Organization of Medical and Rehabilitation Care for Stoma Patients at the Present Stage] // Vestnik medicinskogo instituta «REAVIZ». 2017. № 3. pp. 78–82.

5.Simatov S.A. Spornye i nereshennye voprosy okazanija pomoshhi stomirovannym pacientam v ambulatornyh uslovijah (obzor literatury) [Disputed and Unresolved Issues of Assistance to Stoma Patients in Outpatient Settings (a literature review)] / S.A. Simatov, M.Ju. Zasypkin, S.A. Stoljarov [et al.] // Vestnik medicinskogo instituta «REAVIZ». 2019. № 5. pp. 75–84.

6. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 22 noyabrya 2017 g. N 2599-r «O strategii razvitiya proizvodstva promyshlennoi produktsii reabilitatsionnoi napravlennosti do 2025 g.» [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2017 No. 2599-r “On the Strategy for the Development of Industrial Production of Rehabilitation Products until 2025”]. Garant, available at: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71719020/

7. Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsial’noi zashchity Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 31.05.2023 № 482n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pomoshchnik po ukhodu»» [Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2023 No. 482n “On Approval of the Professional Standard Care Assistant”]. Garant, available at: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/407247740/

Subject-Oriented Business Process Management as a Tool for Innovative Development of an Enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.128-136

The article explores mechanisms for increasing resilience and sustainability of commercial organizations in conditions of growing instability of the external environment. Approaches to understanding viability, sustainability and adaptability of an organization are analyzed. The concept of managerial cross-section is introduced. Among the highlighted sections, the authors examine in more details the tools for studying a communication aspect. Advantages of subject-oriented management for designing communications in an organization are described, some risks of implementing the proposed strategy are identified. Relevance of the study is determined by parameters and trends of change in the modern market environment, which really necessitate to strengthen the dynamics of renewal and adaptation processes, since acceleration of technological innovation is not accompanied by adequate and comparable development of management models. Results obtained can be applied for theoretical research into the functioning of sociotechnical systems of different scales. Also, the proposed approach can be put into practice as part of the development of measures aimed at transforming the company’s business model or improving the efficiency of operational management.


1. Lavrikova Yu.G., Buchinskaya O.N., Myslyakova Yu.G. Teoriya khaosa: rasshirenie granits ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy [Chaos Theory: Expanding the Frontiers of Economic Research]. AlterEconomics, 2023, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 79–109, DOI: 10.31063/AlterEconomics/2023.20-1.5

2. Abramov V.I., Churkin D.A. Otsenka urovnya zrelosti sistemy upravleniya vzaimootnosheniyami s klientami [Assessing the Maturity Level of a Customer Relationship Management System]. Vestnik universiteta, 2022, no 12, pp, 5–13.

3. Pratt M., Kakula S. Motivatsiya v kommercheskoy kompanii s ispol’zovaniem kommunikatsiy, osnovannykh na tekhnologiyakh: V kn.: Dingli A., Khaddod F. Iskusstvennyy intellekt v Industrii 4.0. Issledovaniya v oblasti vychislitel’nogo intellekta [Motivation in a Commercial Company Using Technology-based Communications: In: Dingli A., Haddod F. Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0. Research in Computational Intelligence]. Springer, 2021, vol. 928, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61045-6_2 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-61045-6_2

4. Abramov V.I., Abramov I.V., Polivanov K.V., Semenkov K.Yu. Kontseptual’naya mode’’ tsifrovoy sistemy analiticheskoy podderzhki distantsionnogo upravleniya personalom organizatsii [Conceptual Model of a Digital System of Analytical Support for Remote Management of an Organization’s Personnel]. Ekonomika, predprinimatel’stvo i pravo, 2023, vol. 13, vol. 7, pp. 2341–2352, DOI: 10.18334/epp.13.7.118326.

5. Romanova O.A., Sirotin D.V., Ponomareva A.O. Ot ekonomiki soprotivleniya — k rezil’entnoy ekonomike (na primere promyshlennogo regiona) [From the Economy of Resistance to the Resilient Economy (Using the Example of an Industrial Region)]. AlterEconomics, 2022, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 620–637, DOI: 10.31063/AlterEconomics/2022.19-4.4