The "Economic Strategies" journal

#9. Triupmh of chronophages
2012 #9. Triupmh of chronophages

Indicator of the Economy

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

A market index of the “Economic strategies” (MIES) shows how the trends of economic development in Russia are changing, to what extent the economic situation in Russia is favourable for business.

How to Launch an Innovation Cycle?

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Potential of the Russian Academy of Science nowadays is economically not claimed, and the academy has found itself in extreme dependence on the state funding, but the state doesn’t need it economically, and this explains all the difficulties of the Academy.

Innovative Supply and Demand: the Market Mechanism Singularity

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

It seems that talk about creating some special innovation legislation is screening to do nothing, just wait: it’s well known that the procedure of legislation development and adoption is a long process, and innovations do not wait, we are so far behind anyway.

How Strange is Our Country…

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Stalin unlike Khrushchev considered dismemberment of Germany as failure of our policy, and in contrast to Beria he led the affairs not to neutralization of this country, but to its non-participation in any militarypolitical groupings.

Buy Tea “Caravan”!

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Historical relations of Russians and Germans are deeper than Russia’s ties with other European nations. It is enough to remember the Empress Catherine II, a German by birth, who entered into our history as Catherine the Great.