The "Economic Strategies" journal

Analasys of FDI Flow in Russian Economy Taking into Account Some Global Trends


The author suggests a non-customary approach to the study and forecasting of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the Global Value Chains (GVC) — within the modern framework of Kondratieff long waves hypothesis. Taking into account long waves (about 40 years), in 2009 the author warned about the possible economic crises in Russia in 2014–2015,2020 and such crises actually happened. There were three economic crises in Russia — 40 years after the world economic crises of 1969, 1974–1975 and 1980. The question is raised about the large-scale spread of COVID-19. Also the author concludes that it is necessary to continue studying long waves approach with the aim of its use in forecasting.

Innovative Economy and Economic Growth

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.102-107

The article examines relationship between innovation and economic development in the framework of new technological structures, as well as implementation of an innovative macro-strategy in the context of modern credit and banking system, supported and stimulated by the state and by transnational corporations. The function of an entrepreneur is to contribute to prosperity of both an individual business and the country’s economy as a whole. In the absence of entrepreneurs, budget financing of projects often involves irresponsible decision-making (economically ineffective), bureaucracy and business degeneration. Systemic support for the development of entrepreneurial innovation is needed, and macroeconomic management tools should be stimulatory. Modern legal regulation does not comply with new technological possibilities.

Technological change can have both positive and negative social consequences. Growing unemployment is considered one of the serious social threats. A well-thought-out state policy should be aimed at neutralizing the negative social consequences of the economy technological transition. It is necessary to use international experience in implementing credit issue in order to stimulate investments in innovative sectors of economy. The role of the Central Bank in targeting the growth of corporate incomes and incomes of the population is important, as well as implementation of the program for innovative development of the economy under the state support.

Imposition of Restrictions on Payments with Cash Breaks the Principle of Proportionality of the Law

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.110-115

The author considers the initiative from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation about restriction of payments with cash from citizens. The argument of imposition of restrictions from the Ministry of Finance is stimulation of non-cash payments and also the method of fight against doubtful transactions. The similar initiative is contrary to peremptory rules of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the civil law of the Russian Federation, also to the consumer protection law.

Human Capital: Fiscal Policy to Support the Development of Labor Cooperatives as a Way to Create the Welfare Society and to Form the National Financial-Exchange Asset

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.116-121

Production cooperative (artel) historically is a native Russian form of collective labour activity, aimed, as a rule, at performing certain permanent or temporary work and requiring mutual guarantee of all workers. Artels and their associations are based only on free creative labour (not hired labour), which allows workers themselves to be responsible for efficiency of managing their time and to improve constantly, providing an increase in labour productivity and production profitability. Such work is fundamentally different from the work under an employment contract. Members of cooperatives do not pass “their time” for rationing “from above”, but independently organize their work, revealing their potential, based on personal experience, ingenuity, freedom and personal motivation, effectively interacting with each other in the workforce.

Lessons of Centralized Procurement of Domestic Office and Antivirus Software in 2019–2020 Years

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.122-133

The article shows effects assessment of procurement process centralisation and centralized purchasing; describes case of centralized procurement of domestic office and antivirus software for federal government bodies; explain advantages and disadvantages; forms recommendations for future centralized procurement.

Perception of Cybersecurity in the B2C Segment of the Russian Market: Problems and Solutions in the Context of the Marketing Strategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.134-142

Russian cybersecurity market shows insignificant positive growth rates due to development of the B2B segment: launch of individual projects in the sphere of digitalization at the federal level, as well as adoption of security systems to deflect cyber attacks and proactively identify threats from major market players. At the same time, the B2C segment is really inferior to B2B. This is primarily attributable to the fact that ordinary consumers do not realize the need to protect digital data. The present paper will consider the main parameters of the macroenvironment, competitive saturation and will analyze a modern consumer of cybersecurity services. These factors will help to identify the roots of negative perception of cyber services among Russian consumers. The article authors suggest a marketing communication strategy to improve the current situation on the example of Kaspersky Lab and the target IT Administrators audience.

On Catastrophic Increase in Mortality and Measures to Save the People in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.6-15 

How is it that in Russia, unlike in other countries, during the coronavirus pandemic the total mortality increased by a record amount and the income and consumption of the population decreased to the greatest extent? The point is that the crisis, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is completely different from previous ones. It highlights the dilemma: should we use forces and means to prevent an economic recession with lower costs for anti-crisis measures, or focus on saving people’s lives while minimizing additional mortality and maintaining real incomes of the population? Each country, depending on objectives, prevailing conditions and opportunities, chooses its “golden mean”. In many cases such choice is not fully conscious, since it’s not possible to forecast with any certainty even over the near term. Decisions have to be taken up along the way, based on the situation and assessing the probability of certain events, including in view of the other countries’  experience in combating the pandemic.

Social Choice Dilemma in Concluding Concession Agreements

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.16-27

Result of the government’s many years of efforts to liberalize the market of social services is a huge number of organizations that are privately owned — 45,9%, but which have minimal impact on the infrastructure development. The reason is that private business alienates long-term and capital-intensive projects, and the overwhelming part of the social infrastructure (for sports facilities it constitutes 95.2%) remains in the state and municipal ownership. The state mistakenly classifies concession projects as investment projects that are paid back only through fee-based exploitation. Thus, social policy is being deprived of a promising mechanism — transformation of concession agreements into the basis for socialization of private investments, infrastructure and services. The identified problems of social disorientation in specifying criteria for evaluating the proposals of participants in concession tenders form the basis for asocial conditions of concession agreements, which makes social services inaccessible to the general population. Commercialization of the activities of social facilities is admissible (although in a limited sense), but at the same time, services at state tariffs or free of charge should prevail. There is a need for systematic scientific and methodological work on cross-cutting incorporation of this approach into the current regulatory framework and guidelines in order to create a network of basic social infrastructure for all segments of the population.

Russia in Supercritical Situation: Managing Restoration of Life-Support Functions to Overcome the Consequences of a Natural Macro Catastrophe


Supercritical fluid is a state of matter when its temperature and pressure are above the critical point. Supercritical situation is a state of the economy in its cumulative manifestations and mutual influence, whereby the state of key life-support profiles is below the critical point of controllability. Various forecasts are increasingly actualizing the probability of a natural (and man-made) macro-catastrophe (a large meteorite fall, an earthquake of 10–12 points and others, as well as a pandemic similar to COVID–19, but with more severe consequences). As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, modern civilization is becoming ever more vulnerable to such disasters. To overcome the destabilizing trends of a natural (and man-made) macro-catastrophe, it is necessary to adopt proactively a set of measures in Russia that will drastically increase the efficiency of public administration in relation to the list of regulated resource,  economic, technical, social and other parameters incorporating mechanisms and procedures of public administration into market mechanisms and the budgeting structure with regard to external and internal factors of the supersystem’s vital activities