Rating does not Detract from the Company’s Business Reputation

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.120-125

The article examines legal features and consequences of compiling a rating of companies. The situation may arise when a company, included in the rating, is dissatisfied with its position. The business entity believes that it was ranked lower than its competitor, which understates the professional results achieved by the company. In this case, the company may initiate legal proceedings declaring that information in the rating is untrue and discredits its business reputation. The author argues that ratings are an expression of subjective opinion of their compilers and must not impair business reputation.


1. Lopatnikov L.I. Ekonomiko-matematicheskii slovar’: slovar’ sovremennoi ekonomicheskoi nauki [Economic-mathematical Dictionary: Dictionary of Modern Economic Science]. Moscow, Delo, 2003, 488 p.

2. Postanovlenie Vosemnadtsatogo arbitrazhnogo apellyatsionnogo suda ot 8 oktyabrya 2009 g. po delu N A76-2371/2009 [Resolution of the Eighteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated October 8, 2009 in case No. A76-2371/2009]. Access from the Consultant Plus ATP.

3. Postanovlenie Devyatogo arbitrazhnogo apellyatsionnogo suda ot 14 sentyabrya 2011 g. po delu N A40-37334/11-27-323 [Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated September 14, 2011 in case No. A40-37334/11-27-323]. Access from the Consultant Plus ATP.

4. Grazhdanskii kodeks Rossiiskoi Federatsii (chast’ pervaya) ot 30 noyabrya 1994 g. N 51-FZ [Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) No. 51-FZ of November 30, 1994]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 1994, no 32.

5. Opredelenie Vysshego arbitrazhnogo suda RF ot 15 dekabrya 2008 g. N 16321/08 [Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2008 No. 16321/08]. Access from the Consultant Plus ATP.

6. Postanovlenie Evropeiskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 8 iyulya 1986 g. po delu “Lingens protiv Avstrii” (zhaloba N 9815/82) [Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 8 July 1986 in the case of Lingens v. Austria (application no. 9815/82)]. Access from the Consultant Plus ATP.

7. Postanovlenie Evropeiskogo suda po pravam cheloveka ot 21 iyulya 2005 g. po delu “Grinberg protiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii” (zhaloba N 23472/03) [Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of July 21, 2005 in the case “Grinberg v. Russian Federation” (complaint No. 23472/03)]. Access from the Consultant Plus ATP.

8. Obzor praktiki rassmotreniya sudami del po sporam o zashchite chesti, dostoinstva i delovoi reputatsii (utv. Prezidiumom Verkhovnogo suda RF 16 marta 2016 g.) [Review of the Practice of Courts Considering Cases on Disputes Regarding the Protection of Honor, Dignity and Business reputation (approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2016)]. Byulleten’ Verkhovnogo suda RF, 2016, no 10.

9. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo suda RF ot 24 fevralya 2005 g. N 3 “O sudebnoi praktike po delam o zashchite chesti i dostoinstva grazhdan, a takzhe delovoi reputatsii grazhdan i yuridicheskikh lits” [Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities”]. Byulleten’ Verkhovnogo suda RF, 2005, no 4.

From Pandemic to Geopolitical Turbulence: Twists and Turns of the Appraisal Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.77-85

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of valuation companies in Russia is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, its algorithm involves the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to build a complete profile of the company and to give a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters under analysis are: the degree of innovation and differentiation of services, the competition level and the market position of the company, priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture and ability to quickly access the necessary resources.


1. The 10 innovations and disruptions that will impact property valuation. CBRE. 2022. 22 November, available at: https://www.cbre.com.au/insights/articles/ The-10-innovations-and-disruptions-that-will-impact-property-valuation.

2. Neopredelennost’ i chuvstvennyi vybor: kakim byl rynok nedvizhimosti v 2022 g. [Uncertainty and Sensual Choice: what the Real Estate Market was Like in 2022]. ROO Assotsiatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo otsenshchikov”, 2022, 20 dekabrya, available at: http://sroroo.ru/press_center/news/3690904/

3. Spiridonov F.F. Otsenochnye kompanii dolzhny imet’ khoroshuyu reputatsiyu i dorozhit’ eyu [Evaluation Companies Shall Have Good Reputation and Value it]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2013, no 4, pp. 64, 65.

4. Rekomendatsii dlya otsenshchikov iskhodya iz tekushchei situatsii i tendentsii kratkosrochnogo perioda [Recommendations for Appraisers Based on the Current Situation and Short-term Trends]. SMAO, 2022, 18 marta, available at: https://smao.ru/press/news/smao/rekomendatsii_dlya_otsenschikov_ishodya_iz_

5. Metodicheskie raz”yasneniya po opredeleniyu stoimosti v usloviyakh vysokoi neopredelennosti vneshnikh faktorov [Methodological Explanations for Determining the Value in Conditions of high Uncertainty of External Factors]. Ekspertnyi sovet, available at: https://srosovet.ru/press/news/040322-2/

6. Kosorukova I.V. Standartizatsiya otsenochnoi deyatel’nosti: problemy i analiz situatsii [Standardization of Valuation Activities: Problems and Situation Analysis]. Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2022, no 9(252), pp. 33–44.

7. Itogi i materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Otsenochnaya deyatel’nost’ v sovremennykh usloviyakh”. 27 maya 2022 g., Moskva [Results and Materials of the Scientific-practical Conference “Evaluation Activity in Modern Conditions”. May 27, 2022, Moscow]. ROO Assotsiatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo otsenshchikov”, available at: http://sroroo.ru/press_center/events/results/3616162/?ELEMENT_ID=3616162&back_url_admin=%2Fbitrix%2Fadmin%2Fiblock_

8. Maksim Skatov. Vpisat’sya v standarty [Fit into Standards]. Kommersant”, 2022, 31 avgusta, available at: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5525875

“I Immediately Blurred the Map of Everyday Life”, or the Recent Situation in the Appraisal Business

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.183.2022.101-109

The methodology for studying the strategic potential of valuation companies in Russia is based on the use of the Strategic Matrix of the Company software package, the algorithm of which involves the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow building a complete profile of the company and giving a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters taken for analysis include such as the degree of innovation and differentiation of services, the level of competition and the position of the company in the market, the priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, the effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture, the ability to quickly access the necessary resources.


1. God bol’shikh nadezhd. Rynok otsenki opravilsya ot koronakrizisa i zhdet zakonodatel’nykh peremen [Year of Great Hopes. The Appraisal Market has Recovered from the Corona Crisis and is Waiting for Legislative Changes]. Kommersant”, 2021, August, 31, available at: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4957853.

2. Kratkosrochnyi azhiotazh na rynke nedvizhimosti zavershitsya zhestkoi stagnatsiei [Short-term Boom in the Real Estate Market will End in Hard Stagnation]. IRN.ru, 2022, February, 28, available at: https://www.irn.ru/articles/41756.html.

3. Skatov M. Zamestitel’ general’nogo direktora OOO “Mobil’nyi otsenshchik” [Deputy General Director of Mobile Appraiser LLC]. RAEX, available at: https://raex-a.ru/editions/skatov_2021.

4. Rynok otsenshchikov v Rossii: stagnatsiya, krizis ili novaya real’nost’? [Appraiser Market in Russia: Stagnation, Crisis or New Reality?]. Expert. Biznes-resheniya, available at: https://expert-business.ru/researches/appraising/2019/

5. Kak transformirovalsya rynok otsenki za poslednee vremya [How the Appraisal Market has Changed in Recent Times]. Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2021, September, 27, available at: https://rg.ru/2021/09/27/kak-transformirovalsia-rynok-ocenki-za-poslednee-vremia.html.

6. Otsenka absurda [Estimating Absurdity]. Ekspert Ural, 2022, no 10–13 (862), available at: https://expert-ural.com/archive/nomer-10-13-862/ocenka-absurda.html.

7. Moratorii na bankrotstvo: kak on rabotaet v 2022 godu [Bankruptcy Moratorium: How It Works in 2022]. AG-Ekspert, 2022, April, 11, available at: https://www.advgazeta.ru/ag-expert/advices/moratoriy-na-bankrotstvo-kak-on-rabotaet-v-2022-godu/

8. Nasledniki EY v RF pervymi iz ushedshei “Bol’shoi chetverki” smenili nazvanie [The EY Heirs in the Russian Federation were the First of the Departed Big Four to Change Their Name]. Audit-it.ru, available at: https://www.audit-it.ru/news/audit/1058123.html.

9. Naslednikov “Bol’shoi chetverki” auditorov v RF proveryat na nezavisimost’ [The Heirs of the Big Four Auditors in Russia will be Checked for Independence]. Audit-it.ru, available at: https://www.audit-it.ru/news/audit/1058180.html.

10. Bol’shaya chetverka auditorov vyidet iz SRO [Big Four Auditors will Leave the SRO]. Swiss Appraisal, 2016, available at: https://swissapp.ru/appraisal/press/news_d.php?ID=30850.

Appraisal: Business Development Trends After COVID-19

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.177.2021.90-98

Research methodology for studying the strategic potential of Russian appraisal companies is based on “Strategic Matrix of a Company” software package, whose algorithm implies analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to create a complete profile of the company and to prepare a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters under analysis include such criteria as the degree of innovation and services differentiation, the level of competition and the company’s position in the market, priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture, the ability to quickly gain access to necessary resources.

Uncertainties in Pandemic Assessment. Chronicles of Appraisal Business

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.72-79

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of Russian appraisal companies is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, the algorithm of which involves analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to create a complete company profile and to provide a scenario forecast for its development [1]. The main qualitative parameters accepted for analysis include such as the degree of innovativeness and differentiation of services, the level of competition and the company’s position in the market, priority of various strategic goals in the company’s activities, motivation effectiveness, corporate culture and the ability to quickly gain access to necessary resources. The present study resulted in the rating of 50 the most strategic appraisal companies in Russia according to results of the second half of 2019 — the first quarter of 2020

Corporate Transparency Rating of the Largest Companies in the Russian Federation for 2019

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.89-95

As a part of the corporate transparency study, public annual non-financial reports of companies for 2018 (integrated reports, traditional annual reports, environmental reports, social reports, sustainable development reports, corporate social responsibility reports, etc.) are examined. The sample includes companies from the Expert-600 rating, as well as companies listed on the Moscow and foreign exchanges (LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ HKEX, Euronext NV, DeutscheBörseGroup); backbone companies of the Russian Federation; state corporations and the companies they control with revenues of at least 3 billion rubles. 1,192 companies were inspected in 2019. Every year professional audit on conformity of the study with the stated methodology is conducted. The permanent auditor of the study is Nexia Pacioli audit company

Transparency of Systemically Important Companies in Russia

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Transparency of Systemically Important Companies in Russia

The present review of corporate transparency of Russian system-building companies is based on results of the annual national research of Russian companies’ corporate transparency prepared by the Russian regional network. This research is carried out since 2013 in order to examine the reporting quality of the largest Russian companies, to identify and to propagate best practices of corporate transparency, to make a rating and sub-ratings of corporate reporting.

Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

#8. New Year’s Forces
Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

The authors of the present article dwell on the main topics and forecasts of the telecommunications industry development that were dominant in 2017 in the world, as well as the situation on the Russian telecommunications market, and draw a conclusion that the situation on the telecommunications market is somewhat similar to the situation on the fronts of the First World war in 1917.

With the Speed of Tsunami?

#8. Hunting for Scientists
With the Speed of Tsunami?

The authors of the article examine the place of the world telecommunications industry in the process, called “Industry 4.0”. The article also considers the main technology trends within the industry. On the basis of experts’ opinions survey the authors conclude that the major trend in telecommunications field is the development of 5G networks and commercial distribution of SDN and NFV technologies. The basic tendencies of economic development of the global market largest players and the situation in the Russian telecommunications market are considered.