From Pandemic to Geopolitical Turbulence: Twists and Turns of the Appraisal Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.77-85

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of valuation companies in Russia is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, its algorithm involves the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to build a complete profile of the company and to give a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters under analysis are: the degree of innovation and differentiation of services, the competition level and the market position of the company, priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture and ability to quickly access the necessary resources.


1. The 10 innovations and disruptions that will impact property valuation. CBRE. 2022. 22 November, available at: The-10-innovations-and-disruptions-that-will-impact-property-valuation.

2. Neopredelennost’ i chuvstvennyi vybor: kakim byl rynok nedvizhimosti v 2022 g. [Uncertainty and Sensual Choice: what the Real Estate Market was Like in 2022]. ROO Assotsiatsiya “Russkoe obshchestvo otsenshchikov”, 2022, 20 dekabrya, available at:

3. Spiridonov F.F. Otsenochnye kompanii dolzhny imet’ khoroshuyu reputatsiyu i dorozhit’ eyu [Evaluation Companies Shall Have Good Reputation and Value it]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2013, no 4, pp. 64, 65.

4. Rekomendatsii dlya otsenshchikov iskhodya iz tekushchei situatsii i tendentsii kratkosrochnogo perioda [Recommendations for Appraisers Based on the Current Situation and Short-term Trends]. SMAO, 2022, 18 marta, available at:

5. Metodicheskie raz”yasneniya po opredeleniyu stoimosti v usloviyakh vysokoi neopredelennosti vneshnikh faktorov [Methodological Explanations for Determining the Value in Conditions of high Uncertainty of External Factors]. Ekspertnyi sovet, available at:

6. Kosorukova I.V. Standartizatsiya otsenochnoi deyatel’nosti: problemy i analiz situatsii [Standardization of Valuation Activities: Problems and Situation Analysis]. Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2022, no 9(252), pp. 33–44.

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8. Maksim Skatov. Vpisat’sya v standarty [Fit into Standards]. Kommersant”, 2022, 31 avgusta, available at:

Appraisal: Business Development Trends After COVID-19


Research methodology for studying the strategic potential of Russian appraisal companies is based on “Strategic Matrix of a Company” software package, whose algorithm implies analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to create a complete profile of the company and to prepare a scenario forecast of its development. The main qualitative parameters under analysis include such criteria as the degree of innovation and services differentiation, the level of competition and the company’s position in the market, priority of certain strategic goals in the company’s activities, effectiveness of motivation, corporate culture, the ability to quickly gain access to necessary resources.

Movement to the East

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Movement to the East

The article examines the processes taking place in Russian appraisal business at present, taking into account general economic background of development: this is actual introduction of the state monopoly on cadastral valuation of real estate objects owned by individuals, the cancellation of the mandatory examination of the SRO evaluation reports, the introduction for all appraisers of the mandatory qualification examination. Against this background, the strategies of a successful evaluating company are analyzed. It is concluded that the competitive advantage is the ability of the company to develop new markets, to conduct evaluation in growing or emerging new sectors of the economy, which requires highly qualified specialists and high quality of work. Consequently, the most strategic companies in the industry under consideration will be large enterprises with a developed branch network and wide coverage of fields of activity, companies which adhere highest standards of quality.

Crimea, Mortgages, Education: What’s New for the Appraiser?

#4. Why that is needed?
Crimea, Mortgages, Education: What’s New for the Appraiser?

In his interview with the “ES” magazine Kirill Kulakov, the First Deputy General Director of “Center for Independent property expertise” (CIPE), doctor of economic sciences, MGSU professor told about the specific aspects of appraisal activities in Crimea. Special attention according to K. Kulakov should be paid to professional appraisers training system — it is necessary to develop new educational programs, “it’s requirement of time associated with legislation changes, with development of new methods, information technology”.