Model of Assessing the Balance of the Budgets of Subjects of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.24-29

Over the past decade, new trends have emerged, political and technological, which will set the conditions for the development of global economic processes in the near future. Within the framework of the modern paradigm, qualitative economic growth is possible only in the case of large-scale introduction of innovations and digital technologies, which is possible while ensuring macroeconomic stability. The article discusses the issues of quantitative assessment, based on the developed economic and mathematical model, the level of budget balance of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When forming the model of the category “macroeconomic stability”, the methods of regression, correlation and factor analysis were used. An index method has been used as a quantitative assessment tool. A calculation-experimental method was used to prove the realism of the developed model, and to give a quantitative assessment using examples of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Volga and Siberian federal districts. The results obtained develop scientific knowledge in the field of regional economics, and their practical use will allow to purposefully and reasonably solve the problems of regional and leading development management.

In Anticipation of Changes

#7. Connected Space
In Anticipation of Changes

Calculation data of the multifactorial “Strategic Matrix” model methodology showed stability of the relatively low value of Russia’s integral index. However, just such static character of the calculated indicator means an increase of problems in the Russian society, which is evidently shown by hard decline in social support for the authorities activities. Another reelection of V.V. Putin as the President of Russia did not result in prospects for a way out of the crisis in the minds of Russian citizens.

Perfection of Government Programs as a Major Tool for Improving Efficiency of Budget Spending

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Perfection of Government Programs as a Major Tool for Improving Efficiency of Budget Spending

This article analyzes government programs as a major tool to improve the efficiency of budget spending. The author proposes specific measures to improve the system of evaluating effectiveness of the government programs in the budget process.

Movement to Beacons

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Movement to Beacons

The Tomsk region is a diverse region. Half the population lives in the region capital, known all over the country by its research-educational and innovation potential. The rest of the population lives in cities with economic predominance of oil and gas industry and in rural areas. The Tomsk region governor Sergey Zhvachkin tells how the regional government manages to diversify the economic policy.

The Role of Parliament in the Economic and Financial Crisis. Work for the Prospects: Lessons of the Past and Modern Solutions in France

#12. Evil People

The lessons of history allow us to clarify contemporary issues, even despite the fact that every financial crisis has its own specifics. However, if we put aside the singlevalue decisions, we shall be able to identify constantly recurring problems that become apparent in those periods when public financial system malfunctions.