Activities of the State Defence Council to Strengthen the Defence Capability of the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the XXth Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.126-131

The author examines the main activities of the State Defenсe Council (SDC) of the Russian Empire to ensure the defenсe potential at the beginning of the XXth century, in particular elaboration of a general plan for the state defence in accordance with requirements of that time and development of the provisions of the state military doctrine, which was accompanied by a major scientific discussion. Based on a large number of archival documents and materials, the stages of decision-making by the SDC and implementation of major measures to strengthen the defence capability of the empire are revealed. The author traces the ways of solving a very difficult task – strengthening military potential of the state in difficult conditions on the eve of the First World War.


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At the Seoul Olympic Games of 2018 our Goal Will Be Again Protected by Tretiak

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
At the Seoul Olympic Games of 2018 our Goal Will Be Again Protected by Tretiak

Personal example of Vladislav Tretiak, his sense of discipline, self-control, will, his renowned sports fate are ultimately needed today for education of a new generation of Russian athletes. One must be certainly born as a great hockey player, as well as a great artist or a great musician. But in order to become so, a phenomenal capacity for work and discipline, strong nerves and intuition, based on detailed calculations and knowledge of the enemy, are required.