The "Economic Strategies" journal

2022 #3. 2022. Racing Without Looking Back

Features and Directions of Real Estate Valuation for the Purposes of State Economic Policy in the Context of Digitalization


The article deals with topical issues of digital cadastral accounting, calculating the value of a real estate object in the context of the dynamics of market indicators. The statistics of the distribution of Russian cities by the indicator of the average level of real estate prices in the context of market types in 2020 are reflected. An approach to the formation of reports on the results of real estate valuation is proposed.



1. Khrustalev B.B., Ayupova Z.V. Osnovnye napravleniya effektivnogo razvitiya rynka kommercheskoi nedvizhimosti v zhilom sektore [The Main Directions of Effective Development of the Commercial Real Estate Market in the Residential Sector]. Ekonomika stroitel’stva, 2021, no 1, 44–53.

2. Zinkovskii M.A. Ekonomika i grazhdanskii oborot: nekotorye aspekty vzaimosvyazi [Economics and Civil Circulation: Some Aspects of the Relationship]. Gosudarstvennaya vlast’ i mestnoe samoupravlenie, 2021, no 5, pp. 29–34.

3. Belyaev M.K. Tsifrovye metamorfozy torgovli [Digital Metamorphoses of Trade]. Problemy natsional’noi strategii, 2021, no 2, pp. 85–98.

4. Volovich N.V., Kovalev D.V. Voprosy osparivaniya rezul’tatov opredeleniya kadastrovoi stoimosti ob”ektov nedvizhimosti. Part 1. Metodologiya [Issues of Challenging the Results of Determining the Cadastral Value of Real Estate Objects. Part 1. Methodology]. Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2021, no 2, pp. 53–64.

5. Predvaritel’nye itogi rynka nedvizhimosti za 2020 god, perspektivy 2021 ot ekspertov rossiiskoi gil’dii rieltorov [Preliminary Results of the Real Estate Market for 2020, Prospects for 2021 from Experts of the Russian Guild of Realtors]. Rossiiskaya gil’diya rieltorov, 22 p., available at:

6. Analiticheskaya sistema ob”ektov nedvizhimosti [Analytical System of Real Estate Objects], available at:

7. Yablonovskaya M.Yu. Metody otsenki upravleniya informatsionno-analiticheskoi sistemoi kadastra nedvizhimosti munitsipal’nogo obrazovaniya. Pokolenie budushchego: vzglyad molodykh uchenykh – 2015: Sb. nauchnykh statei 4-i Mezhdunarodnoi molodezhnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Methods of Assessing the Management of the Information and Analytical System of the Real Estate Cadastre of the Municipality. The Generation of the Future: the View of Young Scientists-2015. Collection of Scientific Articles of the 4th International Youth Scientific Conference]. V 4 t. Kursk: Universitetskaya kniga, 2015.

8. Yarotskaya E.V., Matveeva A.V., Zaitseva Ya.V. Osnovy otsenki ob”ektov nedvizhimosti [Fundamentals of Real Estate Valuation]. Ucheb. posobie, Krasnodar, KubGAU, 2020, 66 p.

9. Stroitel’stvo [Construction]. Rosstat, available at:

10. Lavrova E.V., Morgun T.N., Polyakova O.E. Analiz rynka nedvizhimosti kak istochnik informatsii dlya formirovaniya kadastrovoi stoimosti [Analysis of the Real Estate Market as a Source of Information for the Formation of the Cadastral Value]. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya, 2018, no 6, pp. 148–153.

The Failure of Automated System of Planning Calculations (ASPC) as Theoretical and Methodological Mistake of the State Planning Committee: Analysis and Conclusions


Real economic growth and development is no longer conceivable without digital revolution achievements. However, to this day, introduction of these achievements into the national economy is far from being the easiest task, since its solution entails a number of methodological and conceptual problems. That was also understood in the USSR after the end of the Second World War, when society for the first time in history thought about improving the national economy management based on the latest technological solutions. The project of automating economic planning, officially called the automated system of planning calculations (ASPC) became a new unique solution of that time. Such a system was supposed to bring Soviet planning to a qualitatively higher level, however, due to theoretical and methodological contradictions contained in the concept, the Soviet digitalization project initially went the wrong way and was never brought to its logical conclusion. The question is whether it was possible to implement ASPC with the same capacities, but with the different theoretical and methodological basis.



1. Lebedinskii N.P. Osnovy metodologii planirovaniya i avtomatizatsii planovykh raschetov [Fundamentals of Planning and Automation Methodology for Planned Calculations]. Ucheb. dlya sistemy perepodgot. i povysheniya kvalifikatsii ruk. kadrov nar. khoz-va. ANKh pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. Moscow, Ekonomika, 1989, p. 102.

2. Metody i modeli ASPR: itogi i perspektivy [ASPC Methods and Models: Results and Prospects]. Moscow, Ekonomika, 1989, p. 6.

3. Avanproekt avtomatizirovannoi sistemy planovykh raschetov Gosplana SSSR i gosplanov soyuznykh respublik [Preliminary Design of an Automated System for Planning Calculations of the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the State Planning Committees of the Union Republics]. Moscow, 1969, p. 12.

4. ASPR — avtomatizirovannaya sistema planovykh raschetov (osnovnye printsipy proektirovaniya) [ASPС — Automated System of Planning Calculations (Basic

Design Principles)]. Moscow, TsEMI AN SSSR, 1970, 130 p.

5. Lebedinskii N.P. Voprosy sozdaniya i funktsionirovaniya avtomatizirovannoi sistemy planovykh raschetov [Issues of Creation and Functioning of an Automated System of Planning Calculations]. Ucheb. posobie. Moscow,ANKh SSSR, 1979, p. 10.

6. Veduta E.N., Dzhakubova T.N. Ekonomicheskaya nauka i ekonomiko-matematicheskoe modelirovanie [Economic Science and Economic-Mathematical Modeling]. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. Elektronnyi vestnik, 2016, no 57, pp. 287–307.

7. Veduta N.I. Sotsial’no effektivnaya ekonomika [Socially Efficient Economy]. Moscow, Izd-vo REA, 1999, 254 p.

8. Galushka A.S., Niyazmetov A.K., Okulov M.O. Kristall rosta. K russkomu ekonomicheskomu chudu [Crystal of Growth. To the Russian Economic Miracle]. Moscow, 2021, 360 p.

9. Elena Veduta. Otvet “Kommersantu”: chto takoe model’ mezhotraslevogo mezhsektornogo balansa [The Answer to Kommersant: What is the Model of Intersectoral Cross-industry Balance]. Regnum, 2021, November, 5, available at:

Dominance of National Systems of Higher Education


The theory of economic dominance in a multilevel economy, developed by Blokhin A.A. and Lomakin-Rumyantsev I.V., has been actively tested by researches on different markets since 2019 — the distribution of players in the markets allows to formulate different strategies for their development. This article is a development of studies devoted to the study of competition in the education market and presents the result of economic dominance of national higher education systems in the international market. This research aims to analyze the subject areas of social sciences and management, for further identifying dominance in the QS ranking.

The sample consists of 58 QS subject rankings for 2018–2021. The main instrument is the SV-matrix (strength/variety). The analysis outlines areas of subject ratings where there is dominance of national educational systems and characterizes its level. In addition, an interpretation of the situation when constructing the SV matrix, where Lind index shows boundary values when determining dominant group size. The SV matrix gives valid results and allows both qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the positions of countries in educational rankings. Analysis using SV-matrix made it possible to identify 8 out of 15 subject areas, in which there is clear dominance and determined positions of Russian universities relative to the dominant group. The hypothesis of United States presence in the dominant group in most areas of social sciences and management was confirmed, however, several subjects were defined, where the higher education system of anther countries were in the lead. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the proposal and testing of a method for assessing the level of dominance of national educational systems in the international education market. The SV matrix allows to analyze the positions of different countries in the international educational space, both in dynamics and in statics (to assess the level of competitiveness of national educational systems); to understand theoretically the level of differentiation of national educational systems in certain subject ratings; to assess the concentration (barriers to enter the rating) and the strength of competition (how strongly the players differ) of subject areas.


1. Kireeva N., Slepenkova E., Shipunova T., Iskandaryan R. Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions and Academic Entrepreneurship. Espacios, 2018, no 23, pp. 15–25.

2. Nefedova A.I. Masshtaby, struktura i tseli eksporta rossiiskogo vysshego obrazovaniya [Scales, Structure and Reason for Export of Russian Higher Education].

Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya, 2017, no 2, pp. 154–174.

3. Vorob’eva E.S., Krakovetskaya I.V. Prodvizhenie rossiiskikh vuzov v mirovye reitingi konkurentosposobnosti: tsel’ blizka? [Promoting Russian Universities in the World Ratings of Competitiveness: is the Goal in Sight?]. Kreativnaya ekonomika, 2017, no 5, pp. 521–552.

Political Role of the Dunbar Project in Developing the Global Financial Architecture


Digitalization is one of the main transformation processes of the modern system of global interactions, changing the nature of social links not only at the technical and economic, but also at the political level. Herewith, technological innovations also become instruments of political influence. The present article analyzes the management structure of one of the leading participants in the global financial market — the Bank for International Settlements (hereinafter — BIS) and highlights the important place the BIS occupies in the global financial architecture on the example of the Dunbar project, being developed in its innovation hub. In digital age the BIS has assumed a new leading role in exploring, developing and testing digital innovations in the central banking sector. It is noted that potential to use the BIS for political purposes is great, given that the Dunbar project will have far-reaching consequences for the structure of modern international relations.


1. Biały B. Social media: from social exchange to battlefield. The Cyber Defense Review, 2017, vol. 2, N 2, p. 75.

2. Farakh A.S. Rol’ Banka mezhdunarodnykh raschetov v protsesse evropeiskoi integratsii. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, 2020, no 4, pp. 75–84.

3. Promoting Global Monetary and Financial Stability. The Bank for International Settlements after Bretton Woods, 1973–2020. Edited by Claudio Borio, Stijn Claessens, Piet Clement, Robert N. McCauley, Hyun Song Shin. NY.: Cambridge University Press, 2020, p. 60.

4. Statutes of the Bank for International Settlements (of 20 January 1930; text as amended on 7 November 2016). Bank for International Settlements, 2016, 29 p., available at:

5. Central bank digital currencies: The next disruptor. Deloitte Development LLC, 2021, September, 4, available at:

6. Annual Economic Report 2021. Bank for International Settlements, 2021, 95 p., available at:

7. Lyons N.S. Just say no to CBDCs: A central bank digital currency would enable a totalitarian nightmare. The Upheaval, 2022, March, 11, available at:

8. Enhancing cross-border payments: Stage 3 roadmap. Financial Stability Board, 2020, p. 6, available at:

9. Project Dunbar: International settlements using multi-CBDCs. Bank for International Settlements, 2022, p. 8, available at:

10. Farrell H., Newman A.L. Weaponized interdependence: How global economic networks shape state coercion. International Security, 2019, vol. 44, N 1, p. 45.

Analysis of scientific methods and practical approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of gas motor fuel

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.5-11

The work is devoted to the generalization of scientific methods and practical approaches for choosing an effective gas motorization policy. Domestic and foreign peculiarities of evaluating the economic efficiency of projects in the field of gas motor fuel are disclosed in detail. The author describes the assessment of the environmental and economic benefits of natural gas motor fuel based on the calculation of social costs, the cost-benefit analysis.

The conclusion is made about the insufficient development of the model of the functioning of the gas engine market, cooperation and competitive behavior of participants, methods for assessing its economic efficiency and commercial potential at the national level and the level of economic entities.


1. IvanovA.V., KarpelE.M., SarkisovA.S.Strategicproblemsofusingnaturalgasasa motor fuel. M .: «Publishing House of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after.I.M. Gubkin», 2011. 94 p., ill.

2. Ivanov A.V., Karpel E.M., Sarkisov A.S.Evaluation of the corporate and economic (social) efficiency of projects for the sale of natural gas as a motor fuel in vehicles//Oil, gas and business. 2014;4:14-21.

3. Johnson C., Nobler E., Eudy L., Jeffers M. Financial analysis of battery electric transit buses. – National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020. №. NREL/TP-5400-74832.

4. Johnson С. Business Case for Compressed Natural Gas in Municipal Fleets. Technical Report NREL/TP-540-38843. 2006.

5. Karpel E.E., Zubareva V.D., Ivanov A.V. Methods for economic assessment of the effectiveness of gas industry development; Ed. V.D. Zubareva. M.: Oil and gas, 2000. 104 p.

6. Andreev A.F., Dunaev V.F., Zubareva V.D.Fundamentals of design analysis in the oil and gas industry. M.: UMTs of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, 1997.

7. Barnitt R., K. Chandler L. Eudy 2006, New York City Transit Hybrid and CNG Transit Buses: Interim Evaluation Results, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report NREL/TP-540-38843.

8. Cohen J.T., Hammitt J.K., Levy J.I. Fuels for urban transit buses: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 1477–1484. 2003.

9. Kuzina E.A.Updating the regulatory and technical base in the field of operation of gas-engine transport and equipment. Gas industry.2015;S3(728):94-95.

10. Makarova I.V., Khabibullin R.G., Valiev I.I., Gabsalikhova L.M.Transfer of vehicles to natural gas fuel: advantages, prospects, risks. Transport: science, technology, management.2014;1:52-55.

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12. Bagdasarov L.N. Advantages of natural gas as a motor fuel. Gas industry. 2017;10 (759):12-18.

13. Bukharov D.B. The economic effect of the conversion of municipal transport to gas motor fuel. Transport on alternative fuel. 2015;2 (44):37-40.

14. Velnikovsky A.A. Modeling of the infrastructure of automobile gas-filling compressor stations in St. Petersburg. Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2017;4(63):201-204.