Voice Assistant as a Corporate Competitive Strategy at the Healthcare Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.132-137

The article describes the competitive strategy of a pharmaceutical company in the context of digitalization of society. It describes how the patient’s voice assistant allows the company to influence levels of demand, receive information about the behavior patterns of the target audience and increases the brand’s points of contact with the target audience. The technology of developing a voice assistant for the healthcare industry is presented, and mechanisms of influence on the target audience are described.


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Beyond the Pill – relationship marketing strategy in the pharmaceutical market

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.112.2023.39-47

The purpose of the study was to describe one of the forms of implementation of the relationship marketing strategy characteristic of the pharmaceutical industry – the Beyond the Pill strategy. The article describes the history of the strategy, the main forms of its implementation, defines the role of the Beyond the pill strategy in the era of digitalization and the transition of healthcare to a value-oriented approach, and provides an example of the implementation of the strategy in the Russian market. The features and conditions of the implementation of the relationship marketing strategy in the pharmaceutical market are highlighted. A system of balanced indicators is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy.


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