On the issue of improving the higher education system at the present stage of development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.14-18

The article examines a number of problems associated with the development of the higher education system at the present stage, and the current measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to streamline it. The necessity of taking urgent measures to improve the learning process in the magistracy has been substantiated. Proposals are given on priority measures for solving the issues of training masters, as the most qualified specialists in their profile, and their relevance by business entities.

Current problems of restructuring of the system of engineering education

The article formulates the basic principles of personnel training in the transition to a new technological order. Successful transformation of the Russian economy into the knowledge economy could be carried out if the labor market is oriented towards highly skilled intellectual work. Against the background of a technological breakthrough and constantly changing external variables, the question of the principles that will form the basis for the design of vocational training for technical specialties requires a speedy solution.

Personnel Trajectory

#3. Countdown
Personnel Trajectory

The results of opinion poll conducted among participants of the Second closed business dinner for personnel directors of different enterprises and business owners, held in Moscow on October 11, 2013 in the “Davos” hall of “Swissotel Red Hills” Hotel, eloquently demonstrate that personnel problems in enterprises and companies from completely different branches of the Russian economy are very similar and require systematic approach and solution on a national or industry scale, and not within a single enterprise.

The Concept of “Network-Centric” War for the Russian Army: “Force Multiplier” or a Mental Trap?

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

In recent discussions of future wars character and methods of future warfare Russian authors in their works often use such terms as “network-centric”, “network” war, “network-centric warfare”, “network-centric operations”, “network-centric counteraction”, “network-centricity”,”universal network-centric tools” and etc. up to “defensive network-centricity “. At the same time authors sometimes attribute quite different meanings and significance to these concepts. Just the meaning of the term “network-centric war”, the possibility and feasibility of applying “network-centric” war concept to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are referred to in the article.