Author page: Budzinskaya Olga V.

Staffing support for strategic projects of oil and gas companies: elements of the corporate environment and the evaluation method

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.65-74

The digital transformation in the oil and gas industry is in full swing, requiring constant updating of personnel competencies. The system of personnel training does not cope with the task of providing advanced education. High-tech industries are experiencing a personnel shortage. Corporate universities are more dynamic in their development and are able to quickly reflect on external changes. The purpose of the study is to identify elements of the corporate environment, the presence of which allows companies to provide personnel for strategic projects. Currently, the author considers the most significant elements to be a knowledge management system; HR analytics based on predictive analytics and big Data analysis (Big Data); the use of immersive educational technologies; a training workplace and personnel training costs. Based on the point-factor analysis, the author developed a methodology for assessing the role of the corporate university in the staffing of the company’s strategic projects. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to rank foreign and Russian oil and gas companies according to their ability to provide strategic projects with personnel with the required set of competencies.

The educational aspect of the staffing of the fuel and energy complex in the Arctic region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.64-69

The quantitative and qualitative imbalance in the labor market threatens the implementation of fuel and energy projects in the Arctic zone. In projects for the development of offshore fields, there is an acute shortage of specialists who possess management skills with modern computer equipment, electronics, robotic systems. The analysis of the personnel training system showed that among all the Arctic States, the Russian Arctic has the most numerous and extensive network of highly qualified personnel training. However, the functioning system of training does not meet the needs of the industry in full. The purpose of this article is to consider the importance of the educational component in meeting the needs of the Arctic zone in qualified personnel of the fuel and energy sector.

Current problems of restructuring of the system of engineering education

The article formulates the basic principles of personnel training in the transition to a new technological order. Successful transformation of the Russian economy into the knowledge economy could be carried out if the labor market is oriented towards highly skilled intellectual work. Against the background of a technological breakthrough and constantly changing external variables, the question of the principles that will form the basis for the design of vocational training for technical specialties requires a speedy solution.

The «corporate University 2.0»: functional and content structure

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.29-35

Digitalization has changed the environment and nature of human work, offering a network principle of interaction. Despite the obvious changes, corporate universities continue to evaluate staff training through normative indicators: the number of people who have completed training and the hours of full-time training in corporate centers. Is it possible in a modern converged environment to ensure the translation of knowledge into the business environment without changing the corporate University model? From the author’s point of view, no. Corporate universities, just like manufacturing companies, are undergoing a digital transformation, moving into the digital space and implementing the latest technologies in the educational process: virtual and additional reality, chatbots in the learning process, online multimedia courses. The article presents functional and content structure of the corporate University 2.0.