The "Economic Strategies" journal

#5. The Forerunners of Memory
2013 #5. The Forerunners of Memory

It Is Difficult to Respect the Russian, but Impossible Not to Love Him

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The famous literary critic, author of popular books, hundreds of actual articles, television cycles, profound researcher and subtle stylist, winner of the prestigious awards Lev Anninsky believes that the best of his works is “Ivanov’s Life”, the documentary novel about his family history. He is convinced that “the literary process in Russia is inseparably linked to the tragic history of our country, and the future mankind will remember alternately heroic and tragic side of this history, depending on what will be hurting humanity at the moment.” The place of Russia and Russians in the changing world, international relations at different historical stages, Russian history and culture in the context of contemporary historical moment, why the great Russian literature “was, and is not existing and cannot exist today ” – all the above in the interview of Lev Anninsky to Alexander Ageev and Alexander Isayev.

Sorokin and Kondratyev — Two Twisted Paths

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The XX Congress of the Communist Party triggered the process of returning to society the names and works of those who had been cut off by Bolshevism, the GULAG or forced emigration from their motherland, for the sake of which they worked. In the present article the authors tell the story of life, friendship and scientific activities of two Russian scientists, whose work received both international attention and international recognition. The first – Pitirim Sorokin, Russian-American sociologist and culture specialist, one of the founders of the theory of social stratification and social mobility. The second – Nikolay Kondratyev, Russian and Soviet economist, founder of business cycles theory, the author of “Kondratyev’s five-year plan”.

Collapse of Russia in the 1990s. Causes and Effects in Contemporaries’ Estimates

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Yeltsin’s “dashing years” and their impact on financial position and spiritual-moral condition of Russia have not yet been objectively, accurately and comprehensively estimated in our historical literature and in mass media, although it was written a lot about this. The author tries to reveal properly, what external and internal forces were behind the Yeltsin’s “reforms” and determined their nature and direction of.

Orthodox Banking as a Socially Oriented Model of the Credit System

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The financial system of modern world market economy is not only means of functioning of world economy, but it has everything that is necessary to perform functions of global management system for social and economic development of every nation. It requires the development of new social-oriented model of credit system (orthodox banking) with special institutions that would operate according to ethical standards of business and religious values. Our research reflects opportunities of modernization of Russian credit system in post-crisis period, and there is described new attitude to banking system, which provides new type of banking service.

Brownian Motion in Modern Russia

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Gennady Khazanov is known even to schoolchildren. Actor’s mastery promoted his glory. So today he is known to some people through the stage, to the other – from the videos. In his interview to “ES” the artistic director of the Moscow Variety Theatre Gennady Khazanov explained the reasons for his decision once to leave the stage, spoke about the principles of the theatre management, about the modern spectator, as well as about today’s Russia.

Economic Mechanism of Public Pension Liabilities Formation (Pension Formula)

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Functioning and development of the national pension system today is constantly dependent on external factors (macro-economic, demographic, etc.), which directly influence the pension amount, the indexation rate, the size of the premium tariffs and other pension characteristics. The global financial crisis had a negative impact on macro-economic and demographic parameters of the country. In these sircumstances the problem of state regulation of the pension system development, creation of favorable macroeconomic and demographic conditions for its long-term financial stability becomes especially urgent. In the context of elaboration of the pension system long-term development strategy (up to 2030), the most pressing problem of pension reform at the present stage seems to be the need to modernize the formula of calculating the retirement pension in accordance with the insurance principles.

Integration Processes: Practical Aspects of Russian Customs Modernization

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The article deals with the matters of Russian customs further perfecting in the framework of integration processes within the Customs Union by means of developing interaction between the FCS Russia and Federal bodies of executive power, on the basis of new mechanisms for exchange of information necessary for customs control and other types of state control carried out at the border check-points.

On the Materialist Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Algorithmic aspect

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Approaches to the nature of creativity are divided into materialistic ones and not quite. In the present article the author pays tribute to the materialist conception.

The Pricing Loop of Global Power Engineering Development (Fundamental Factors Analysis)

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

To answer numerous questions about the future price dynamics the author carries out a research in the field of cyclical energy resources consumption and cyclical changes in their prices and concludes that the pricing loop will be tightened enough. In this regard, the author believes that the global economy will choose the path of more quick decrease in the world oil price and the lack of need for providing global oil demand by developing new, more expensive fields.