Author page: Sergey Azintsev

About Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Inside and Outside the Brain

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
About Materialistic Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Inside and Outside the Brain

Discoveries model, containing information from the future, is contrary to the “arrow of time”, if the system is open, or to inability for spontaneous entropy reduction within it, if it is closed (self-contained). Top representatives of science, defending the materialist concept of creativity, run into a barrier, on the other side of which they are already expected by religious philosophers.

On the Materialist Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Links

#6. Territory Without Aims?
On the Materialist Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Links

Each object of Being, including thinking, determines links that it creates to other objects and at the same time is determined by them. From their number and nature depends, in particular, the possibility of the object development (structuring), including the discovery, having the character of bifurcations.

On the Materialist Concept of Discovery Mechanism. Algorithmic aspect

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Approaches to the nature of creativity are divided into materialistic ones and not quite. In the present article the author pays tribute to the materialist conception.

Locality and Globality. Self-Reproduction of Society

#5. Cultural Revolution

The society consumes what it was convinced to consider necessary, but to convince it are not those who are concerned about life and true needs of a man as he was conceived by the Creator, but consumer hunters, concerned only about his wallet.

Locality and Globality. Information Aspect

#4. Handful of Developments

Information, “canned” in a particular medium or carrier can be delivered anywhere, but it makes sense, if is carried out in a period of time, at least an order of magnitude shorter than the life of a person (generation).