Problems of Establishing Pension Rights in the Context of Pension Reform

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.38-45

Pension provision of disabled citizens is one of the basic functions of a modern welfare state, which should be based, on the one hand, on constitutional and legal norms, and on the other — on real organizational and administrative mechanisms and should have resources and economic support.

The study analyzes economic mechanism and peculiarities of forming the pension rights of insured persons in various employment conditions, taking into account the presence in the compulsory pension insurance system of both pay-as-you-go and funded components.

Following the study, a set of measures was developed for state regulation of macroeconomic and institutional factors in order to increase the efficiency of establishing the insurance pension rights in the pension system in the context of demographic aging of the population.

Capitalism for Everyone?!

#1. Minds Confusion
Capitalism for Everyone?!

The pension reform of 2018 caused serious changes in the labor relations system, in forming the country’s budget and sensitized the public opinion in respect of the real state of the Russian economy. For citizens, this resulted in a large-scale offensive on the retirement age, which, after previously prepared intervention by V.V. Putin, was adjusted in an acceptable manner. The problem of the citizens’ pension age is brought to the fore. Is it part of a prepared strategy or is it an answer to a demographic question (aging and longevity at the same time, lack of money for retirement pension payments)?

Demographic and Macro-Economic Problems of Retirement Age Regulation in the Russian Federation

#9. Preserving humanness
Demographic and Macro-Economic Problems of Retirement Age Regulation in the Russian Federation

The problem of raising the retirement age in our country has been under discussion from the very outset of pension insurance market reforms, is for a quarter of a century, and without any apparent progress towards its solution. At the same time, all civilized countries have already developed a clear action program to address this problem, although with different social and economic consequences: some of them raised the pensionable age in one-two years, using shock instruments, some of the countries distended this process for decades, others renounced the age regulator of pension insurance rights. In the current socio-economic conditions the problem of raising retirement age in Russia has become especially acute.

Economic Mechanism of Public Pension Liabilities Formation (Pension Formula)

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Functioning and development of the national pension system today is constantly dependent on external factors (macro-economic, demographic, etc.), which directly influence the pension amount, the indexation rate, the size of the premium tariffs and other pension characteristics. The global financial crisis had a negative impact on macro-economic and demographic parameters of the country. In these sircumstances the problem of state regulation of the pension system development, creation of favorable macroeconomic and demographic conditions for its long-term financial stability becomes especially urgent. In the context of elaboration of the pension system long-term development strategy (up to 2030), the most pressing problem of pension reform at the present stage seems to be the need to modernize the formula of calculating the retirement pension in accordance with the insurance principles.