Author page: Vladimir Kharitonov

Potential for Nuclear Energy Development in Uzbekistan

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.26-35

The article examines the prospects for hydrocarbon, renewable and nuclear energy in Uzbekistan. Results of forecasting the dynamics of oil, gas and uranium production until the middle of the 21st century and then are presented. The authors substantiate the conclusion that nuclear generation, having economic and environmental advantages, is competitive in the long term only if two-component nuclear energy is developed due to the exhaustibility of uranium in Uzbekistan.


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4. Otkrytye dannye — Promyshlennost’ [Open Data – Industry]. Agentstvo statistiki pri Prezidente Respubliki Uzbekistan, available at:

5. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2022. Uckfield, Pureprint Group Ltd., 2022, 60 p.

6. Uranium in Uzbekistan. WNA, available at:

7. Data and Statistics. IEA, available at: = UZBEKISTAN

8. Kharitonov V.V., Ul’yanin Yu.A., Sliva D.E. Analiticheskoe modelirovanie dinamiki ischerpaniya nevozobnovlyaemykh traditsionnykh energeticheskikh resursov [Analytical Modeling of the Depletion Dynamics for Non-Renewable Traditional Energy Resources]. Vestnik NIYaU MIFI, 2019, vol. 8, no 3, pp. 298–307.

9. Statistika po global’nomu energeticheskomu perekhodu [Global Energy Transition Statistics]. Dannye o mirovoy energetike i klimate. Ezhegodnik-2021, available at:

10. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Finance & Investment, available at: Statistics Time


11. A carbon-neutral electricity sector in Uzbekistan. Summary for policymakers. Birmingham, Corporate Solutions Limited, 13 p.

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13. Energy Return on Investment. World Nuclear Association, available at:


14. Uzbekistan Power Sector Master Plan. Vol. 1 to 3, Mott MacDonald & Corporate Solutions, 2019, available at:


15. Mineral Requirements for Electricity Generation. World Nuclear Association, available at:

Scenario Analysis of the Fuel Company Competitiveness in the World Market of Tolerant Nuclear Fuel for NPPs


The article analyses the market of goods and services at the initial stage of nuclear fuel cycle. Particular attention is paid to nuclear fuel fabrication and the impact of new promising types of fuel (including tolerant) on domestic companies’ market positions. Based on scenario analysis, the authors show the possibility to partially offset export earnings in case of possible loss of the fabrication market share due to increasing sales in other key stages of the nuclear fuel cycle — uranium conversion and enrichment.


1. Increased Accident Tolerance of Fuels for Light Water Reactors. Workshop Proceedings OECD/NEA Headquarters Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 10–12 December 2012. NEA-OECD, 2013, 534 p.

2. State-of-the-Art Report on Light Water Reactor Accident-Tolerant Fuels. NEA-OECD, 2018, 372 p.

3. Nikipelova N. Viewpoint: How ATF could shape the nuclear fuel market. World Nuclear News, available at:

4. Semenov E.V., Kharitonov V.V. Mikroekonomika povysheniya bezopasnosti AES na osnove tolerantnogo topliva [Microeconomics of NPP Safety Improvement Based on Tolerant Fuel]. Mikroekonomika, 2021, no 5, pp. 49–62.

5. Karpyuk L.A., Kuznetsov V.I., Maslov A.A. et al. Toplivo s khromovym pokrytiem obolochki tvela, ustoichivoe k avarii [Fuel with Chromium-Plated Fuel Element Cladding, Crash Resistant]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 3, pp. 142–148.

6. Karpyuk L.A., Savchenko A.M., Leont’eva-Smirnova M.V. et al. Perspektivy primeneniya stal’nykh obolochek dlya tvelov reaktorov tipa VVER v ramkakh kontseptsii topliva, ustoichivogo k avariinym situatsiyam [Prospects for Applying Steel Cladding for Fuel Elements of VVER Type Reactors Within the Concept of Fuel Resistant to Emergency Situations]. Atomnaya energiya, 2020, no 4, pp. 203–207.

7. Karpyuk L.A., Lysikov A.V., Maslov A.A. et al. Perspektivnoe metallicheskoe uran-molibdenovoe toplivo, ustoichivoe k avariyam [Promising Metallic Uraniummolybdenum Fuel Resistant to Accidents]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 3, pp. 148–152.

8. Karpyuk L.A., Novikov V.V., Kulakov G.V. et al. Splav 42KhNM i karbid kremniya kak material obolochek tvelov, ustoichivykh k avariyam [42KhNM Alloy and Silicon Carbide as a Material for Fuel Rod Cladding Resistant to Accidents]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 4, pp. 211–215.

9. Kritskii V.G., Kalin B.A. Korroziya obolochek tvelov v zhiznennom tsikle TVS legkovodnykh reaktorov [Corrosion of Fuel Claddings in the Life Cycle of Fuel Assemblies in Light Water Reactors]. Moscow, NIYaU MIFI, 2020, 200 p.

10. Kharitonov V.V. Dinamika razvitiya yadernoi energetiki. Ekonomiko-analiticheskie model [Dynamics of Nuclear Power Development. Economic and Analytical Models]. NIYaU MIFI, 2014, 328 p.

11. Sinev M.N. Ekonomika yadernoi energetiki: Osnovy tekhnologii i ekonomiki proizvodstva yadernogo topliva. Ekonomika AES [Nuclear Power Economics: Fundamentals of Technology and Economics of Nuclear Fuel Production. NPP Economics]. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. 480 s.

Scenarios for the Development of World Nuclear Power in the Context of Limited Fossil Resources


Forecasts of the scenarios for the development of the world nuclear power industry are given, taking into account the limited resources of natural uranium and the concept of sustainable development. On the basis of a new model of dynamic forecasting of the depletion of fossil resources, possible restrictions on the development of hydrocarbon and nuclear energy at thermal reactors are considered. It is shown that the existing nuclear power based on thermal reactors does not have a long-term perspective (more than 100 years) for a number of reasons. The most promising development in order to maintain and, moreover, increase the contribution of nuclear power plants to electricity generation, is the two-component nuclear power system with a combined uranium-plutonium nuclear fuel cycle. However, the widespread introduction of fast-neutron reactors is possible in the second half of this century. For the next few decades, the tasks of economic substantiation of the diversification of business product lines in the field of a closed nuclear fuel cycle for scenarios of the development of nuclear power on thermal reactors in conditions of limited traditional reserves of natural uranium are urgent

Strategy for Providing Russian NPP With Qualified Operating Personnel

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Strategy for Providing Russian NPP With Qualified Operating Personnel

The paper cites forecast data on the dynamics of nuclear power engineering development in the world and Russia, on the NPP needs for operational personnel with regard to the rate of launching new reactors and of old reactors decommissioning. It shows regulatory requirements for NPP personnel, peculiarities of NPP operating personnel training for the position and of maintaining their qualification. The paper analyses possible risks associated with preparation and staffing of operational personnel and their consequences, as well as measures of risks prevention. It describes participation of operating organization in developing new regulatory documents establishing qualification requirements for NPP employees. It also substantiates the idea of forming a centralized unit for NPP staff training.

On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

In 2013 we celebrate 100 years since the publication of Niels Bohr’s article “On the constitution of atoms and molecules”. With this famous work of Niels Bohr the history of quantum mechanics began, and the atomic model with a massive charged nucleus and moving around it electrons, which Ernest Rutherford offered in 1911, found its physical sense. In connection with these extremely important events in the history of physics the author reminds the readers that a quarter century before the outstanding experiments of Rutherford and revolutionary theory of Niels Bohr the planetary model of atom was first born here, in Russia, in the works of B.N. Chicherin (1828-1904), published in 1888 – 1889 in “The Russian Physical and Chemical Society Journal”.

Analytical Forecast of Uranium Mining Dynamics

#3. Conceptual viruses

Nuclear power engineering is “lucky” in the sense that the nuclear reactors on fast neutrons have the ability to produce new artificial fuel in larger quantities than the original natural fuel is burnt.

Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power Projects In the World Market

#7-8. Burning Ground

In the nearest 15 years up to 130 nuclear units could come into operation, from 40 to 80 of which — in Asia, with 15 reactors already under construction. The share of nuclear power in the world energy balance may rise up to 30%.

Entropic Method of Monitoring the Implementation of Economic Strategies

#5. Gradation of the Inadmissible

A viable economic system in the process of its vital activity is characterized by minimal resource expenses and by the most brief terms of adapting to new conditions.