On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

In 2013 we celebrate 100 years since the publication of Niels Bohr’s article “On the constitution of atoms and molecules”. With this famous work of Niels Bohr the history of quantum mechanics began, and the atomic model with a massive charged nucleus and moving around it electrons, which Ernest Rutherford offered in 1911, found its physical sense. In connection with these extremely important events in the history of physics the author reminds the readers that a quarter century before the outstanding experiments of Rutherford and revolutionary theory of Niels Bohr the planetary model of atom was first born here, in Russia, in the works of B.N. Chicherin (1828-1904), published in 1888 – 1889 in “The Russian Physical and Chemical Society Journal”.

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