The "Economic Strategies" journal

2022 #5. Noblesse Oblige

Moscow — Third Rome (and the Fourth do not Happen)


The talk of “vision of the future” that has been going on in recent years actually ignores the fact that in our history this problem has been solved. Having proclaimed: “Moscow is the Third Rome,” Elder Philotheus did not simply formulate an ideologeme, due to the necessity of that time. He expressed the idea of our statehood, which developed from the very beginning of its formation and determined the movement of our country.



1. Kulikov D.E., Sergeitsev T.N. Ideologiya russkoi gosudarstvennosti [The Ideology of Russian Statehood]. Saint Petersburg, Piter, 2020.

2. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya [Tectology]. Moscow, Finansy, 2003.

3. Bogdanov A.A. Nauka ob obshchestvennom soznanii: Poznanie s istoricheskoi tochki zreniya (Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy) [The Science of Social Consciousness: Knowledge from a Historical Point of View (Selected Psychological Works)]. Moscow, Moskovskii sotsial’no-psikhologicheskii institut, 1999.

4. Khaidegger M. Nauka i osmyslenie: Bytie i vremya [Science and Understanding: Being and Time]. Moscow, Respublika, 1993.

5. Gumilev L.N. Drevnyaya Rusi Velikaya step’ [Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe]. Moscow, Astrel’, 2012.

6. Khaidegger M. Vopros o tekhnike: Bytie i vremya [The Question of Technology: Being and Time]. M.: Respublika, 1993.

7. Gumilev L.N. Ot Rusi do Rossii [From Rus to Russia]. Moscow, Airis-Press, 2001.

8. Stalin I.V. Ekonomicheskie problemy sotsializma v SSSR [Economic problems of socialism in the USSR]. Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1952.

9. Pyzhikov A.V. Grani russkogo raskola [Facets of the Russian Split]. Moscow, Drevlekhranilishche, 2013.

10. Fromm E. Imetili byt’ [To Have or to Be]. Moscow, AST, 2016.

The USSR Collapse in the Light of Fractal Cyclical Nature of the Russian History


The article proposes an approach to the problem of the USSR collapse within the framework of interdisciplinary direction of megahistory and global evolution, where the USSR collapse itself turned up to be a bifurcation of the scale invariance of the producing economy history. Its final world cycle gives a picture of periods that completely coincides with the written history of Ancient Russia — the Russian Empire — the USSR.



1. Kuzyk B.N., Ageev A.I., Dobrocheev O.V., Kuroedov B.V., Myasoedov B.A. Rossiya v prostranstve i vremeni (istoriya budushchego) [Russia in Space and Time (History of the Future)]. Moscow, INES, 2004, 336 p.

2. Kul’pin E.S. Geneticheskie kody tsivilizatsii. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Genezis krizisov prirody i obshchestva v Rossii [Genetic Codes of Civilizations. Socionatural History. Genesis of Crises of Nature and Society in Russia]. Vyp. 4. Moscow, Moskovskii litsei, 1995, pp. 32–35.

3. Kul’pin E.S. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Ot metoda — k teorii, ot teorii — k praktike [Socionatural History. From Method to Theory, From Theory to Practice]. Volgograd, Uchitel’, 2014.

4. Gridchin I.V. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya kak megatsikl istorii chelovechestva [Socionatural History as a Megacycle of Human History]. Istoriya i sovremennost’, 2017, no 1, pp. 177–183.

5. Gridchin I.V. Troichnyi ritm faz sotsial’noi megaistorii. Ego prikladnoe znachenie dlya sistemnogo analiza i prognozirovaniya. Evolyutsiya. Patterny evolyutsii [The Ternary Rhythm of the Phases of Social Megahistory. Its Applied Significance for System Analysis and Forecasting. Evolution. Evolution Patterns]. Volgograd, Uchitel’, 2018, pp. 139–156.

6. Kul’pin E.S. Zolotaya Orda: sud’by pokolenii [Golden Horde: Destinies of Generations]. Vyp. XXVIII. Moscow, INSAN, 2006. (Seriya: Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Genezis krizisov prirody i obshchestva v Rossii.)

7. Bzhezinskii Z. Soedinennye Shtaty prevyshe vsego. Mezhdunarodnye posledstviya 1989 goda [The United States Above All. International Consequences of 1989]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, 1999, November 24.

8. Bulkin V.A., Dubov I.V., Lebedev G.S. Arkheologicheskie pamyatniki Drevnei Rusi IX–XI vekov [Archaeological Sites of Ancient Russia of the 9th–11th Centuries]. Leningrad, LGU, 1978.

9. Gridchin I.V. Raspad SSSR [Collapse of the USSR]. Priroda i chelovek. XXI vek, 2017, no 4, pp. 19–22.

10. Slavkina M.V. Triumf i tragediya. Razvitie neftegazovogo kompleksa SSSR v 1960–1980-e gody [Triumph and Tragedy. Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of the USSR in the 1960s–1980s]. Moscow, MAKS-Press, 2002.

Cognitive Platform as an Institutional Structure for Making Socially Significant Decisions


The article is devoted to the anthropic regulation of social processes in the conditions of social extremum. According to the authors, the way out of the “crisis of crises” is possible thanks to the functioning of a special information and semantic object — a cognitive platform that allows for the regulation of society in accordance with a new self-similar attractor of the historical process “from the future”. At the same time, the pathological structures of society that prevent the transition to a new level of development will not be able to function and reproduce.



1. Panov A.D. Krizis planetarnogo tsikla universal’noi istorii [C risis of the Planetary Cycle of Universal History]. Moscow, NIIYaF MGU, 2005.

2. The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Edited by B. S. DeWitt and N. Graham. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1973.

3. Nazaretyan A.P. Nelineinoe budushchee: megaistoricheskie, sinergeticheskie i kul’turno-psikhologicheskie predposylki global’nogo prognozirovaniya [Nonlinear Future: Mega-historical, Synergetic and Cultural-Psychological Prerequisites for Global Forecasting]. Moscow, Institut vostokovedeniya RAN, 2013, p. 303.

4. Onishchenko E. Poluprovodnikovye geterostruktury: ot klassicheskikh k nizkorazmernym, ili “Konstruktor” ot nobelevskogo laureata [Semiconductor Heterostructures: from Classical to Low-Dimensional Ones, or “Designer” Kit from the Nobel Laureate]., available at:

5. Tsarev D., Trofimova A., Alodyants A., Khrennikov A. Fazovye perekhody, kollektivnye emotsii i problema prinyatiya reshenii v geterogennykh sotsial’nykh sistemakh [Phase Transitions, Collective Emotions and the Problem of Decision Making in Heterogeneous Social Systems]. Springer Nature, 2019, 2 dekabrya, available at:

6. Khrennikov A. Sotsial’nyi lazer: primenenie kvantovykh informatsionnykh i polevykh teorii k modelirovaniyu sotsial’nykh protsessov [Social Laser: Application of Quantum Information and Field Theories to the Social Processes Modeling]. Ridero, 2019, available at: Social Laser: Application of Quantum Information and Field Theories to Modeling of Social Processes.

7. Nasonov A.N., Tsvetkov I.V., Zhogin I.M., et al. Fraktaly v naukakh o Zemle [Fractals in Earth Sciences]. Ucheb. posobie. Voronezh, 2018, 82 p.

8. Malinetskii G.G., Potapov A.B. Dzhokery, rusla ili poiski tret’ei paradigmy [Jokers, Channels or Searching for the Third Paradigm]. Sinergeticheskaya paradigm. Moscow, 2000, Sait S.P. Kurdyumova “Sinergetika”, available at:

9. Sundiev I.Yu. Lichnost’, gruppa, obshchestvo v ekstremal’nye periody razvitiya [Individual, Group, Society in the Extreme Periods of Development]. Moscow, 1993, 273 p.

10. Vladimir Putin prinyal uchastie v XVIII Ezhegodnom zasedanii Mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valdai»: Stenogramma plenarnoi sessii [Vladimir Putin Took Part in the XVIII Annual Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club: Plenary Session Transcript]. Diskussionnyi klub “Valdai”, 2021, 21 oktyabrya, available at:

Combination of Financial Research Methodologies


The article analyzes mathematical modeling as a methodology for the study of finance, which today is quite limited and outdated. The directions of the introduction of additional methodology in the field of finance — behavioral science are studied. The behavioral methodology is revealed for: predicting the reaction of investors; considering the general question of how financial markets help the country in allocating resources and ensuring long-term economic stability; contributing to improving the process of making financial and investment decisions. The usefulness of introducing behavioral models into financial science is substantiated, which in combination with mathematical modeling will allow for significant updates in this area.



1. Bukhvalov A.V., Okulov V.L. Klassicheskie modeli tsenoobrazovaniya na kapital’nye aktivy i rossiiskii fondovyi rynok. Chast’ 1. Empiricheskaya proverka modeli CAPM [Classic Pricing Models for Capital Assets and the Russian Stock Market. P. 1. Empirical Verification of the CAPM Model]. Nauchnye doklady, 2006, no 36 (R). Saint Petersburg, NII menedzhmenta SPbGU.

2. Semenkova E.V. Operatsii s tsennymi bumagami [Operations with Securities]. Moscow, Poisk, 2005, p. 374.

3. Zaleznik A., Christensen S.R., Roethlisberger F.J. Motivation, Productivity and employee Satisfaction. Boston, Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1958.

4. Fama E., Miller M.H. Theory of Finance. Hinsdale, Dryden Press, 1972.

5. Simon H.A. Rationality as Process and as Product of Thought. Richard T. Ely Lecture. American Economic Review, May, 1978, vol. 68, N 2, pp. 1–16. American Economic Association, 1978.

6. Herzberg F. Work and Human Nature. New York, World Publishing Co., 1966.

7. Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. New York, Harper & Bros, 1954; 1987.

8. Fourier J.B.J. The Analytical Theory of Heat, quoted in Herbert A. Simon’s book “Human Models”. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1957.

9. Filer R., Maytal Sh., Simon J. “Risk Taking and Risk Aversion: A Stock Market Simulation Game”, unpublished paper read at the Eastern Financial Association Spring Meeting. April 21, 1979. Washington, DC.

10. Ash S.E. Opinions and Social Pressure: Readings in Management Psychology. Ed. Harold J. Leavitt and Louis R. Pondy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964, pp. 304–314.

11. Friedman M., Savage L.J. An Analysis of the Utility of Risk-taking Choices. Journal of Political Economy, August, 1948, pp. 279–304.

Energy and Climate Change: Modeling the Relationship


Assessing feasibility and possible consequences of integrated energy consumption regulation requires the creation of hybrid model complexes that combine climate modeling, energy modelling and economic modeling as well as investment in the development of certain technologies and areas. These model complexes allow to build various long-term development scenarios for the world and individual regions and countries, to assess the impact of introduced policies and regulation methods on all stakeholders and on the economy and public welfare in general. The paper describes the basic approaches to modeling and also considers in detail the European set of models and the main results that it provides at the output. Taking into account this foreign experience in developing assessments of the economic consequences of climate change and decarbonization, according to the author, will be useful for Russia.



1. Parizhskoe soglashenie [Paris Agreement]. Organizatsiya Ob”edinennykh Natsii, available at:

2. Energoperekhod i riski dlya Rossii [Energy Transition and Risks for Russia]. Neftegazovaya vertikal’, 2021, 13 marta, available at:

3. Boiko A.N. Gosudarstvennaya korporatsiya “Rosatom”: unikal’naya forma vnutrisistemnogo upravleniya i khozyaistvovaniya [“Rosatom” State Corporation: a Unique Form of Intra-System Control and Management]. Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie, 2020, no 4, pp. 25–36.

4. Kpasyukova N.L. Otsenka innovatsionnoi sostavlyayushchei chelovecheskogo kapitala Nizhegorodskoi oblasti [Evaluating the Innovation Component of the Human Capital of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]. Samoupravlenie, 2021, no 4(126), pp. 420–427.

5. Britz W., Ittersum М., van, Lansink A.O., Heckelei T. Tools for integrated assessment in agriculture. State of the art and challenges. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 2012, N 1(2), pp. 125–150, available at: DOI:

6. Jansson T., Britz W. Sequential calibration of economic simulation models, the cases of CAPRI and a CAPRI-GTAP link. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Bangkok, Thailand, June 9–11, 2010, available at:

7. Jacoby H.D., Sch fer A. Experiments with a hybrid CGE-MARKAL model. Energy Journal, 2006, N 27, pp. 171–178.

8. Lanz B., Rausch S. General equilibrium, electricity generation technologies and the cost of carbon abatement: A structural sensitivity analysis. Energy Economics, 2011, N 33, pp. 1035–1047.

9. Weitzel M., Vandyck T., Keramidas K., et a1. Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies. Nat. Clim. Chang., 2019, N 9, pp. 345-347, available at: DOI:

10. Wene CO. Energy-economy analysis: linking the macroeconomic and systems engineering approaches. Energy, 1996, N 21(9), p. 809e24.

Determining the Optimum Power Supply Configuration of an Isolated Mining Industry Facility Using a Autonomous Hybrid Power Plant Including a Hydrogen Energy Storage System


The article gives a brief description of the concept of autonomous hybrid power plant with hydrogen energy storage system, lists the main elements of the power complex and their characteristics, describes the technical and economic model and calculation algorithms, allowing to obtain a pre-project vision of the power complex, as well as to make an operational assessment of the economic feasibility of its introduction into the power supply system of mining industry facilities in isolated and hard-to-reach territories of the Russian Federation.



1. Ob”ekty generatsii v izolirovannykh i trudnodostupnykh territoriyakh v Rossii [Generation Facilities in Isolated and Hard-to-reach Territories in Russia]. Analiticheskii tsentr pri Pravitel’stve Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2020, available at:

2. MakKraken M. Nakoplenie energii kak sposob radikal’no sokratit’ uglerodnye vybrosy [Energy Storage as a Way to Radically Reduce Carbon Emissions]. Vestnik tsentra Organizatsii Ob”edinennykh Natsii po promyshlennomu razvitiyu. YuNIDO, 2012, N 8, pp. 66–71.

3. Shafiev D.R., Trapeznikov A.N., Khokhonov A.A., Agarkov D.A., Bredikhin S.I., Chichirov A.A., Subcheva E.N. Metody polucheniya vodoroda v promyshlennom masshtabe. Sravnitel’nyi analiz [Industrial-scale Hydrogen Production Methods. Comparative Analysis]. Uspekhi v khimii I khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, no 12 (235), pp. 53–57, available at:

4. Tarasov B.P., Lototskii M.V., Yartys’ V.A. Problema khraneniya vodoroda i perspektivy ispol’zovaniya gidridov dlya akkumulirovaniya vodoroda [Hydrogen Storage Problem and Prospects of Using Hydrides for Hydrogen Accumulation]. Rossiiskii khimicheskii zhurnal, 2006, no 6, pp. 34–48, available at:

5. Wolf E. Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage. Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Balancing, 2015.

6. Il’kovskii K.K., Karpov V.E. Metodika provedeniya operativnoi otsenki investitsionnoi privlekatel’nosti modernizatsii elektrostantsii v izolirovannykh I trudnodostupnykh raionakh [Methodology of Operational Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Modernization of Power Plants in Isolated and Hard-to-reach Areas]. Mikroekonomika, 2021, no 3, pp. 75–85, available at: DOI:

Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Policy (Based on Examples of Certain Countries)


The goal of the study is an attempt to rethink the role of Foreign Direct Investment, Industrial Policy and others phenomenon.

The author propose a new analysis of them in today’s conditions and circumstances. This article uses statistics published by OECD and IMF. The article pays particular attention to different approaches of certain countries (USSR, Russia, Italy, South Korea) in the field of import of Foreign Direct Investment and in the field of the Industrial Policy. Based on many years of the author’s experience in the Russian banking sphere and Russian business, the author puts forward certain economic advice to regulators in Russia.



1. IMF. World Economic Outlook — Rising Caseloads, a Disrupted Recovery, and Higher Inflation. Washington, DC, 2022.

2. IMF. World Economic Outlook — War Sets Back the Global Recovery. Washington, DC, 2022.

3. Soboleva Inna. Les experts russes redoutent une guerre mondiale d’ici dix ans. FR. Russia Beyond, 2013, April 16, available at:

4. Glazyev S. How to win the war. Top War, 2014, July 26, available at:

5. Kondratieff N. The World Economy and its Conjunctures during and after the War. Moscow, International Kondratieff Foundation, 2004.

6. Trotsky L. La courbe du d velopppement capitaliste. Marxists, 1923, Avril 21, available at:

7. Pokidchenko M.G. Sushchestvuet li ekonomicheskii tsikl? [Is there an Economic Cycle]. Voprosy teoreticheskoi ekonomiki, 2017, no 1, pp. 66–73, available at:

8. Ershov M.V, Lokhmachev V.F., Tatuzov V.Yu, Tanasova A.S. Global’nyi krizis (sravnitel’nyi analiz tsiklicheskikh protsessov) [About Tendencies of Global Crisis]. Bankovskoe delo, 2009, no 5, pp. 16–20, available at:

9.FDI in Fugures. Paris, OECD, 2022, April, available at:

10. Putin V. Economic Tasks. Working Day, 2012, January, 30, available at:

11. Ministerial Decree No. 328 validating the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of industry and increase of its competitiveness” (аpril 2014), available at:

12. Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 “On Industrial Policy”. FAO, available at:

13. Vstrecha s chlenami pravitel’stva [Meeting with Governments Members]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, 2022, 23 marta, available at:

14. Idrisov G.I. Promyshlennaya politika Rossii v sovremennykh usloviyakh [Towards Modern Industrial Policy for Russia]. Moscow, Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2016.

15. Strukturno-investitsionnaya politika v tselyakh ustoichivogo rosta i modernizatsii ekonomiki: Nauchnyi doklad [Structural and Investment Policy for Sustainable Growth and Modernization of the Economy: Scientific Report]. Pod red. V.V. Ivantera. Moscow, INP RAN, 2016.

The Public-Private Partnership Market as a Factor of Economic Growth in the Regions


The purpose of this article is to assess the regions of the Russian Federation by the level of PPP development from the perspective

of their infrastructural and socio-economic development and the impact of PPP on accelerating their economic growth. To do this, the following tasks are being implemented: assessment of the general characteristics of the PPP market for the period 2006–2021, in particular, public and private contributions to PPP projects, distribution of investments in the areas under consideration; analysis of accumulated investments in the PPP market for the period 2006–2021, assessment of their impact on investment attractiveness and economic growth of regions based on the distribution by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation; analysis of the market of large PPP projects for the period 2006–2021 from the position of influence on the strategic development of regions, its distribution by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation; based on the results of the study, determining the top 10 most developed regions for the use of PPP mechanisms.

The methodology of the study is an analysis of the distribution of the classical PPP market by regions and districts based on the

construction of tables and diagrams. To characterize the overall economic and infrastructural development of the regions, PPP

projects in the housing, social, transport and IT spheres were considered.

The results of the study are that the assessment of the level of economic and infrastructural development of the regions is given; the strategic importance of PPP projects for the regions (especially large ones) is substantiated; it is determined that the successful implementation of PPP projects is a factor in the economic growth of the regions. Based on the analysis, the 10 most developed regions are identified from the point of view of the use of PPP mechanisms. The perspective of the study is to use its results to expand the PPP market, in particular, in territories in need of economic development. At the same time, in order to expand the territorial coverage of the PPP market, it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of such projects in order to ensure the economic growth of the regions.



1. Chumakov I.I. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo kak osnovnaya forma partnerstva gosudarstva i biznesa [Public-private Partnership as the Main Form of Partnership Between the State and the Business]. Aktual’nye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya ekonomiki: rossiiskii i zarubezhnyi opyt, 2017, no 11, 29–32.

2. Sukharev O.S. Instituty regional’nogo razvitiya: kontseptual’no-prakticheskii analiz organizatsionnykh izmenenii [Regional Development Institutions: Conceptual and Practical Analysis of Organizational Changes]. Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika, 2012, no 4 (259), pp. 2–12.

3. Sukharev O.S., Voronchikhina E.N. Tipy tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya regionov: struktura tekhnologii i investitsii [Types of Regions’ Technological Development: Structure of Technologies and Investments]. Investitsii v Rossii, 2019, no 7, pp. 24–36.

Contemporary Narratives for Applying International Economic Sanctions


Recently the role of sanction restrictions has sharply increased in the practice of regulating economic relations between countries,

meanwhile their application is determined by many factors. At the same time, in the context of intensifying geopolitical competition and growing volatility of the global economy, the dynamics of sanctions application raises more and more questions. On the one hand, economic sanctions are an instrument of coercion for target countries, and on the other hand they make international exchange and cross-border mobility of the factor more and more vulnerable. Heterogeneous nature of the economic sanctions’ impact on sending and target countries does not allow us to say that sanctions are an unambiguous instrument of an effective trade policy.

This article analyzes the key narratives of economic sanctions regimes in all their diversity at the present stage, new forms and

mechanisms of sanctions, as well as their consequences for various aspects of life of the world community.



1. Spiegelberger W.R. Anatomy of a Muddle: U.S. Sanctions against Rusal and Oleg Deripaska. Russia Political Economy Project, Foreign Policy Research Institute, 2019, April 29, available at:

2. Sanger D.E., Benner K., Goldstein V. Huawei and Top Executive Face Criminal Charges in the U.S. New York Times, 2019, January 28, available at:

3. Hufbauer G.C., Jung E. What’s new in economic sanctions? European Economic Review, 2020, vol. 130, iss. C, pp. 103572.

4. Bapat N.A., Heinrich T., Kobayashi Y., Morgan T.C. Determinants of Sanctions Effectiveness: Sensitivity Analysis Using New Data. International Interactions, 2013, vol. 39 (1), pp. 9–98.

5. Early B.R., Spice R. Economic Sanctions, International Institutions, and Sanctions Busters: When Does Institutionalized Cooperation Help Sanctioning Efforts? Foreign Policy Analysis, 201, vol. 11 (3), pp. 339–360.

6. Peksen D. Autocracies and Economic Sanctions: The Divergent Impact of Authoritarian Regime Type on Sanctions Success. Defence and Peace Economics, 2017, vol. 30 (3), pp. 253–268.

7. Connolly G.E. Economic Sanctions. Agencies Assess Impacts on Targets, and Studies Suggest Several Factors Contribute to Sanctions’ Effectiveness. Report to Congressional Requesters, GAO-20-145, United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), 2019, October, p. 19.

8. Krustev V.L., Morgan T.C. Ending Economic Coercion: Domestic Politics and International Bargaining. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 2011, vol. 28 (4), pp. 351–376.

9. Nooruddin I., Payton A.L. Dynamics of Influence in International Politics: The ICC, BIAs, and Economic Sanctions. Journal of Peace Research, 2010, vol. 47 (6), pp. 711–721.

10. Golliard M.M. Economic Sanctions: Embargo on Stage. Theory and Empirical Evidence. Fribourg, University of Tampere, 2013, January, pp. 107, 108.