The "Economic Strategies" journal


Global Governance — the Key to a New World Financial Architecture. «We» and «They» in the System of Global Financial Coordinates

#3. Somewhere in Between

It is necessary to implement a set of measures for educating people who are alien to religious, ethnic, cultural or any other intolerance.

Reconfiguration of the Financial and Economic Map of the World, the Contribution of the Current Crisis and the Possibilities of Russia

#4. Sorrow and Light

Having issued bank notes of 100$, production costs of which constitute 4 cents, the USA began selling this “product” throughout the world for 100$.

Territorial Integrity of the Country, Strength of Spirit of the Russian People and its History from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Geopolitical Approaches

#3. Somewhere in Between

It is the spirit that unites you with your ancestors and descendants, that will remain when you pass away.