Contours of the Future of Russian-Ukrainian Relations: a View From 2008

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Contours of the Future of Russian-Ukrainian Relations: a View From 2008

The article represents a short version of scenario-based forecast of development of Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian relations, prepared in July 2008. The forecast has not been published previously. Subsequent developments have fully confirmed the anticipated, although at the time of the forecast preparation a lot of things would seem futurological fiction on the tails of probability distributions. Assessments of the state and prospects of the Ukraine development, made in 2008, are of practical interest today.

Intellectual Nature as the Basis of the Intellectual Property Institute

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Intellectual Nature as the Basis of the Intellectual Property Institute

Chaotic development of modern society, where the number of new risk factors is constantly and rapidly growing, by many scientists is estimated and predicted as a way to disaster, self-destruction. The concepts of humanity, society or social medium don’t have any scientific fundamentals, so the development vector of these forms is not clear. Perception of humanity is qualitatively changing if it is regarded as the third nature after the inanimate — astrophysics and live — biological. Intellectual nature has evolutionary arisen from biological one due to successful competition of a man with other human animal bodies. Among other organisms a human being turned out to be the most versatile and multifunctional. The same universalism is the major competitive advantage also within the intellectual nature. The article predicts the consequences of introducing the concept and phenomenon of “intellectual nature” into scientific circulation. In this direction Russia could become the world leader and efficiently develop progress in social, technical and fundamental scientific knowledge.

Protracted Stagnation. The Russian Economy in 2014-2015

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Protracted Stagnation. The Russian Economy in 2014-2015

The article discusses the main results of 2013. It analyzes trends and forecasts of macroeconomic indicators in the medium term until 2015. The paper studies the reasons of existing situation and identifies factors contributing to the economic growth. Dynamics of the Russian economy and global economic trends are compared.

The Main Socio-E conomic Indicators of the Population Living Standards

#3. Green question

Today the population of Russia is in a situation when any, even the most effective, reforms can be implemented only on the assumption of immediate rescue of the labor potential of the country.