Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Means of Influencing the Mass Consciousness of People within the Framework of a New Social Reality

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.46-53

The purpose of this article is to identify criteria for the influence of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems on the consciousness of the population as their main user. When reviewing technologies, methods of scientific analysis were applied: the method of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, description, induction, deduction.

The article dwells on assessment of the implementation and impact of technologies based on artificial intelligence. It is shown that at the moment a situation has arisen where artificial intelligence tools have the opportunity to manipulate human consciousness. Accelerated development of human interaction in the virtual space resulted in both positive and negative consequences of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems within the framework of the new social reality. Based on the identified advantages and disadvantages, criteria for the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the consciousness of the population were discovered and identified.


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2. Tekhnologii iskusstvennogo intellekta i mashinnogo obucheniya [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies]. NIU VShE, 2021, 5 marta, available at:

3. 12 variantov ispol’zovaniya II i mashinnogo obucheniya v finansakh [12 Ways to Use AI and Machine Learning in Finance]. Generativnyy analiz dannykh, 2020, 10 aprelya, available at:

4. Fedorov D. Chto takoe NLP? [What is NLP?]. Renovatsio, 2023, available at: https://renovatsio.rf/media/natural-language-processing

5. Vot polozhenie NLP v finansakh. Ty dolzhen znat’ [Here is the Position of NLP in Finance. You Should Know]. Shaip, 2023, 26 oktyabrya, available at:

6. Perspektivy razvitiya chat-botov v bankovskom sektore: golosovoy II, prognozirovanie povedeniya, analiz nastroeniya [Prospects for the Development of Chatbots in the Banking Sector: Voice AI, Behavior Forecasting, Mood Analysis]. TalkBank, 2022, 21 yanvarya, available at: lp3s2ai1c1-perspektivi-razvitiya-chat-botov-v-banko

7. Vershinin O. Neyronnye seti: printsip raboty, perspektivy i 159 sovremennykh neyronok [Neural Networks: the Principle of Operation, Prospects and 159 Modern Neurons]. Neiros, 2023, 17 noyabrya, available at:

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Review of the book “Pragmatic Analytics”

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.82-83

The monograph under review is practice-oriented, contains conceptual foundations of pragmatic analytics and successful practices of analytical activities types aimed at resolving problem situations in various fields of activity.


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Proposals for Creating an Effective Mechanism for Implementation of the Long-term Socio-economic Strategy of Russia


Today, in a complicated macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, Russia requires fundamentally new approaches to creating an effective long-term socio-economic development strategy. The Government of the Russian Federation has created a federal information system for strategic planning through the state information system “Management”, collection of data on implementation of strategic planning documents is going on.

Currently, there are thousands of strategic planning documents, but it is still missing a unified management of the country’s economic system based on these documents, federal government does not have feedback from regions and enterprises, which could allow coordinating the development goals and objectives of the country as a whole and individual industries and regions.

In this regard, the issue of developing effective methods for converting strategic planning and management of the Russian economy into operational terms is particularly urgent — from a set of thousands of documents, individual strategies and plans to an operate management system with feedback.

Application of the toolkit for intersectoral and interregional  economic balances, transport-economic and fuel-energy balances, in that respect, seems to be one of the priorities. It is also necessary to calculate financial, trade balances, balances of payments, of labour resources, which have always been and still remain necessary elements of economy forecasting and planning. Along with this, it seems appropriate, analyzing the state and prospects of individual industries development to use balance methods within the same industry, showing the ratio of “costs — issue”, balances of fixed assets, based on depreciation degree, the level of renewal, investments.



1. Leont’ev V.V. Ekonomicheskie esse. Teorii, issledovaniya, fakty, politika [Economic Essays. Theory, Research, Facts, Politics]. Moscow, Politizdat, 1990, p. 230.

2. Veduta E.N. Mezhotraslevoi-mezhsektornyi balans, mekhanizm strategicheskogo planirovaniya ekonomiki [Inter-industry-cross-sectoral Balance, Mechanism for Strategic Economic Planning]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt, 2016, p. 141.

3. Materialy seminara «Razvitie metodologii prognozirovaniya ekonomiki Rossii na baze mezhotraslevogo i mezhregional’nogo kompleksa» [Proceedings of the Seminar “Developing Methodology for the Russian Economy Forecasting on the Basis of an Inter-sectoral and Cross-regional Complex”]. Moscow, OAO «IERT», 2014, p. 56.

Network neurocognitive management of complex organizations with a political component in fuzzy information environments

The article discusses the organization of information and network events aimed at protecting key points of political management of vital functions of the State on the basis of information and computing tools to operate the operating parameters of neural network monitoring and study the set of data on processes affecting personality. The need for the use of intelligent means of unclean logic and neural networks to support state systems of counterintelligence, surveillance and political governance with respect to subjects available for identification, digital description and analysis of their sociopathicity in relation to state institutions of political governance is justified. Neural network synthesis of digital matrices of key cognitive and psychosocial indicators of individuals and their groups is carried out to detect reactions to the package of political information of any subject using electronic communicative services. On this basis, measures are implemented to manage the metastable states of his personality and to configure cognitive and psychosocial mechanisms of interpretation of reality in conditions of dominance of unreported factors of an information nature (information stimuli).

Why the Future is with Hybrid AI Systems

#6. For the High Norm
Why the Future is with Hybrid AI Systems

The article by Gary Marcus Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal [1] dwells on the questions about the current achievements of in-depth training and artificial intelligence (AI). The overall tone of the work is pessimistic and tends to rethink the results, even if they are intermediate. Markus makes forecasts and writes about the possible consequences of another hype around AI technologies [2]. The article gives a vision on which direction to move while developing AI systems.

Application of the Theory of Neural Networks to the Feasibility Modeling of Innovative Economy Projects

#11. Empty bowl

  Alternative neuro-semantic technologies of the Russian design should be also present in the market of innovations alongside with traditional software tools