Culture as an Instrument for Ensuring the National Interests of the Russian Federation in the Context of Global Transformations

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.32-37

The article dwells on the role of Russian culture in the context of global transformations and emerging multipolarity. It is noted that the US line to neutralize cultural differences is utopian.


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2. Kontseptsiya gumanitarnoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii za rubezhom [Concept of the Russian Federation’s Humanitarian Holicy Abroad], available at:

3. Vladimir Putin: Preslovutaya “kul’tura otmeny” prevratilas’ v “otmenu kul’tury” [Vladimir Putin: The Notorious “Cancellation Culture” has Turned into “Cancellation of Culture”] Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2022, Federal’nyi vypusk no 65(8713), available at:

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Information Warfare of the USSR and the West: Generalization and Experience Comprehension

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.187.2023.98-109

The article presents a factual retrospective review of the public consciousness deformation as a result of successful subversive

ideological and psychological work against the USSR, carried out by the United States in the second half of the 20th century, called the Cold War. Evidence from documents and memoirs of the events participants allows us to realize the continuing relevance of the systemic danger of a destructive information impact for modern Russia.


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War and Peace in the Past and Present

#8. Is a burden of one’s own choice is not felt?

If you want peace, prepare for a war – this is the rule that people followed for ages, it has not lost its significance nowadays. Moreover, it has acquired the most sinister meaning.

Progress Against Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#10. Time-out?

The socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union did not appear as a relapse of the world revolution, but as a defensive reaction of Moscow after theoretical errors of the Soviet leadership and hard resistance of the West.

Russia and France: 300 Years of Joint History

#10. Time-out?

If there was a “golden age” in the history of Russian-French relations it certainly was the period since the end of 1880’s until October 1917. This time coincided with unprecedented economic leap of Russia, which occurred largely due to abundant inflows of French capital into our country.