Transaction Costs in Development and Creation of New Weapons and Military Equipment and the Problems of Their Diversification


The article dwells on the issues of the production process from the point of view of the life cycle. Factors are proposed, consideration of which will allow to minimize transaction costs of producing new and upgrading existing products. The author articulates the features of domestic production, the progress of which should contribute to the industry development.


1. GOST R 15.000–2016 “Sistema razrabotki i postanovki produktsii na proizvodstvo. Osnovnye polozheniya” [GOST R 15.000–2016 “System of Product Development and Launching into Production. Basic Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

2. GOST RV 15.004–2004 “Sistema razrabotki i postavki produktsii na proizvodstva. Voennaya tekhnika. Stadii zhiznennogo tsikla izdelii i materialov” [GOST RV 15.004-2004 “System of Product Development and Delivery to Production Facilities. Military Equipment. Life Cycle Stages of Products and Materials”]. VII SFU, available at:

3. GOST R 56135–2014 “Upravlenie zhiznennym tsiklom produktsii voennogo naznacheniya. Obshchie polozheniya” [GOST R 56135–2014 “Life Cycle Management of Military Products. General Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

4. K tsifre gotov? Otsenka adaptivnosti VTK Rossii k realiyam tsifrovoi ekonomiki [Ready for Digital? Evaluating Adaptability of the Russian MTC to the Digital Economy Realities]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategii, 2018, 61 p.

5. Novaya tekhnologicheskaya revolyutsiya: vyzovy i vozmozhnosti dlya Rossii: Ekspertno-analiticheskii doklad [New Technological Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia: Expert-analytical Report]. Pod nauch. ruk. V.N. Knyaginina. Moscow, Tsentr strategicheskikh razrabotok, 2017, 136 p.

6. The future of productivity — preliminary version. OECD, 2015, p. 83, available at:

7. Tsifrovaya ekonomika: global’nye trendy i praktika rossiiskogo biznesa: Doklad Natsional’nogo issledovatel’skogo universiteta “Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki” [Digital Economy: Global Trends and Russian Business Practice: Report of the National Research University Higher School of Economics]. Moscow, 2017, 121 p.

8. Ivanov V.V., Malinetskii G.G. Tsifrovaya ekonomika: mify, real’nost’, perspektiva [Digital Economy: Myths, Reality, Prospects]. Moscow, RAN, 2017, 64 p.

9. Moiseev N.N. Matematika stavit eksperiment [Mathematics does Experiment]. Moscow, Nauka, 1979.

Transaction Costs in Development and Creation of New Weapons and Military Equipment and the Problems of Their Diversification


The article examines manufacturing process of a product from the life cycle point of view, identifies the key, according to the author, problematics of each life cycle stage. An alternative view of the product creation process from the stage of conception to the moment of its utilization is formulated.


1. GOST R 15.000–2016 “Sistema razrabotki i postanovki produktsii na proizvodstvo. Osnovnye polozheniya” [GOST R 15.000–2016 “System of Product Development and Launching into Production. Basic Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

2. GOST RV 15.004–2004 “Sistema razrabotki i postavki produktsii na proizvodstva. Voennaya tekhnika. Stadii zhiznennogo tsikla izdelii i materialov” [GOST RV 15.004-2004 “System of Product Development and Delivery to Production Facilities. Military Equipment. Life Cycle Stages of Products and Materials”]. VII SFU, available at:

3. GOST R 56135–2014 “Upravlenie zhiznennym tsiklom produktsii voennogo naznacheniya. Obshchie polozheniya” [GOST R 56135–2014 “Life Cycle Management of Military Products. General Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

4. Federal’nyi zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. “O gosudarstvennom oboronnom zakaze” [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 “On the State Defense Order”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

5. Prikaz Ministerstva oborony RF ot 21 dekabrya 2017 g. N 792 “Ob utverzhdenii Obyazatel’nykh trebovanii v oblasti tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya k oboronnoi produktsii (rabotam, uslugam), yavlyayushcheisya pod”emnymi sooruzheniyami i oborudovaniem, rabotayushchim pod davleniem, v sostave vooruzheniya i voennoi tekhniki, postavlyaemoi dlya Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii po gosudarstvennomu oboronnomu zakazu, protsessam proektirovaniya (vklyuchaya izyskaniya), proizvodstva, stroitel’stva, montazha, naladki, ekspluatatsii, khraneniya ukazannoi produktsii” [Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 No. 792 “About Approval of Mandatory Requirements in the Field of Technical Regulation to the Defense Products (Works, Services) which are Lifting Constructions and the Equipment Working Under Pressure as Part of Arms and the Military Equipment Delivered for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation According to the State Defense Order, Design Processes (Including Research), Production, Construction, Installation, Adjustment, Operation, Storage of the Specified Products”]. Kodeks, available at:

The influence of social institutions on the efficiency of activity construction organizations

The article presents the results of the study of current directions in development of tools to measure the economic efficiency of construction organizations. The recommendations are based on the realization of the capacity of their management accounting, in parts of measuring transaction costs, in improving the quality of measurement the efficiency of construction organizations operation.  It has been determined, that some Russian social institutions do not promote effective business activities, although they are created to perform the functions of coordinating and regulating the actions of business entities. The authors’ study compensate the lack of research on determining the impact of institutional indicators on business performance.

Economics of Technological Development: Principles, Problems, Prospects

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
Economics of Technological Development: Principles, Problems, Prospects

The article dwells on the basic principles and problems of technological development that arise from the specifics of certain technologies. The choice of technological capabilities at the individual and firm level cannot comply solely with the investment logic of decision-making, as the technologies life cycle includes unpredictable effects that can significantly improve the return, which cannot be anticipated at the initial point of transition from one technological opportunity to another. Technologies are characterized by special properties, which have a decisive influence on the course of technological development. And these properties are not characteristic for other types of goods, this fact fundamentally distinguishes formation of demand for new technologies and affects the options for their use. Any technology consists of a kind of nucleus and variable periphery, is characterized by various kinds of animation effects and can also be an integral element of the combinatorial effect in the sphere of technologies. Owing to this “frame” that defines the structure of technology, it acts as a kind of a rule that determines the behavior of agents and conditions for developing the service infrastructure. Existing models of economic growth do not fully take into account the microeconomic institutional properties of technology, creating a pseudo-correct image of technologies’ impact on the system’s growth. In this regard, formation of the theory framework for the economic system processability will provide the necessary guidance in describing and investigating technological and institutional changes and economic growth, which are highly dependent on them. The aggregate productivity of factors also becomes to a significant degree a system parameter, dependent on overall technological applicability and institutional changes. The article describes the main characteristics of functioning of the fundamental research sector, which acts as the generator of all subsequent technological changes in a long range of economic development.