The "Economic Strategies" journal


Intelligent Information-Analytical Technologies for Organizing Financial Monitoring and Control of State Procurement Implementation

#1. Theodicy of the Future
Intelligent Information-Analytical Technologies for Organizing Financial Monitoring and Control of State Procurement Implementation

The article deals with intellectual informationanalytical technology implemented in the processes of public procurement and in the systems of fiscal support to the economy (subsidies, state guarantees, budget investments) and based on the possibilities of semantic analysis of electronic content while placing and executing the state order and of applying a collective intelligence. The analysis includes a comparison of individual data of companies participating in cooperation while executing state contracts through electronic trading platforms (ETP), with dynamics of funds movement. At that, the mechanism of knowledge management, based on the retrospective of similar state contracts implementation and network expertise, is applied. The analysis highlights indicators characterizing the chain of links in respect of funds movement, financial audit and monitoring are carried out. Analytical services are integrated with monitoring services, implemented by commercial banks, which carry out the contract support, and with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. Considered intelligent technology is offered as an integral part of risk reduction technologies related to improper and inefficient use of budget funds, especially in the sphere of the state defense order.

Currency and Credit Policy: Strategies are Already Developed?..

#1. Theodicy of the Future
Currency and Credit Policy: Strategies are Already Developed?..

At the theoretical-methodological level the article investigates the system interrelation of available tools and the complex of targeted parameters while carrying out the currency and monetary policy. From formal positions of economic-mathematical modeling it is shown that volatility of streams of the capital and volatility of the export prices, first of all prices of oil and oil products, directly define volatility of an exchange rate of ruble. It is shown that real transition to targeting of inflation in modern conditions of strategic pressure upon our country from the USA and the EU is represented premature, including in the context of national security of Russia.

The Pill from an Old Age

#1. Theodicy of the Future
The Pill from an Old Age

Academician Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev, director of the A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Dean of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University, for many years is being engaged in the aging problem. The goals of the scientist are more daring than one can imagine: he wants nothing less than to abolish the program of aging and replace it with another, biologically more gentle, in result of which we will simply forget the so-called age-related diseases. On the way towards this challenging goal Vladimir Petrovich and his team are making considerable progress.

General Trends and Topical Issues of Moscow Demographic Development

#1. Theodicy of the Future
General Trends and Topical Issues of Moscow Demographic Development

The present article analyzes demographic situation in Moscow. It focuses on such topical demographic problems of the city population as migration, birth rate, marriage, length of life, population aging. The author considers the problem of low birth rate as one of the key ones in demographic development of Moscow, without solution of which in many respects it is impossible to cope with the other demographic problems of the capital, such as depopulation of the indigenous population, deformation of the population age structure, reduction of the traditional marriage value. The article presents statistical data characterizing demographic processes in Moscow, it identifies the main trends, evaluates the consequences.

Russian Education Today: Opportunities and Threats

#1. Theodicy of the Future
Russian Education Today: Opportunities and Threats

The last decades are characterized by rapid acceleration of social rhythms and growth of social risks. In-depth changes, transformations, that had taken place in ideology and world view of people, determine the fate of modern society, subject to revision of traditional values systems. Russian secondary school, as well as all the country’s educational system, goes through a state of modernization and reforms. The result of modernization should be to achieve a new quality of Russian education, which is primarily determined by its compliance with current and future demands of the country’s modern life. In her interview with the “Economic Strategies” magazine the director of gymnasium № 1306 “School of Young Politicians” Elena Boleslavovna Sporysheva told about vectors and modernization prospects, about where our country is moving, speaking in the context of the school and the modern child, about peculiar features of the school reforms. The basis of the interview was constituted by her speech at the Business Education Section at the Gaidar Forum in January 2016.

National University of Singapore: Towards Entrepreneurial University

#1. Theodicy of the Future
National University of Singapore: Towards Entrepreneurial University

The article deals with transformation of the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the entrepreneurial university, international educational and innovation hub, capable to generate 8% of Singapore GDP, to be the third patent holder in the country, to create more than 250 patents annually. The authors analyze the activities of the university innovative infrastructure objects, as well as innovative physical, financial and service infrastructure of the University. Article materials are interesting not only for researchers, but are also of practical interest, they will be useful both for managers of higher education institutions and for a wide range of academic researchers studying the topics of academic entrepreneurship.

The Deepening Recession

#1. Theodicy of the Future
The Deepening Recession

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the january – november 2015 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.