The "Economic Strategies" journal


Forming the National Model of Domestic Electronic Products Producers Support Based on International Experience

#3. Immortal Power
Forming the National Model of Domestic Electronic Products Producers Support Based on International Experience

This article is dedicated to systematization and analysis of the radio-electronic industry (REI) support mechanisms abroad, depending on the implemented state model of industrial development, as well as to assessment of the international experience applicability to Russian conditions, with regard to existing and planned for implementation tools of program-purpose development.

International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

#3. Immortal Power
International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

This article deals with the analysis of global financial imbalances that have emerged in the modern world. A review of the international division of powers at the stages of development of the capitalist world-economy is submitted in the article. The role of the BRICS countries as regards to overcoming global imbalances is defined. Formation of the complete balanced global financial system is the way to a qualitatively new stage of development in the world economy.

Russian Society – 2020: Expert Vision of the Future

#3. Immortal Power
Russian Society – 2020: Expert Vision of the Future

According to a survey conducted by the RAS Institute of Sociology and the Research Group “ZIRCON” in July – October 2015, financed by the RSF grant, “Dynamics of social transformations in the socio-economic, political, socio-cultural and ethno-religious context”, since 2012 in Russia the next (new) stage of the political situation development began, which is characterized above all by fundamental changes affecting most areas of public life. This phase will last until the spring of 2018, and during this period a high level of uncertainty will remain in the country.

The Russian Economy is in the Grip of Stagflation

#3. Immortal Power
The Russian Economy is in the Grip of Stagflation

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the January – February 2016 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.

Economy — Politics Hostage

#3. Immortal Power
Economy — Politics Hostage

The next meeting of the Bogomolov club is dedicated to analysis of the economic situation in Russia today and to the prospects for overcoming recession. The Discussion club (until February 2016) was founded by academician O.T. Bogomolov. More than 20 meetings were held under his chairmanship. At the initiative of academician A.G. Aganbegyan and with support of the club members, it was decided to name the club after O.T. Bogomolov and to continue work on the topics, to which the scientist has devoted his scientific life.

Influence of Appraisal Activity on Taxation and Market Turnover

#3. Immortal Power
Influence of Appraisal Activity on Taxation and Market Turnover

Currently there isn’t actually any responsible for conducted cadastral and market appraisal — the appraiser and selfregulatory organization put the blame on lack of information, and the region — on appraisers; everybody is right, there isn’t any guilty, but taxpayers do not understand why, in this situation, they are responsible for the system shortcomings.