Forming Current Macroeconomic Policies Subject to Expectations (by the Example of the U.S. Federal Reserve System)

#2. The Ice Age

The crisis has shown that government together with the central bank can secure financial market stabilization by allocating additional funds to credit institutions for increasing risk reserves and mitigating effects of “toxic” assets accumulation.

“The Money Scream„: the Sunset of a Consumer Society

#1. Crossing Parallels

In terms of consumption Russia was seeking to “catch up and surpass„ the West, but was doing so in a unique style of glare and poverty “all in one„.

Another Reincarnation of the Idea of Russia’s Modernization: the Choice of Model

#3. Expectation of Light

It’s possible to say surely that for many centuries two models of relationship in society co-exist — control (diktat!) or partnership, and predominance of one or another component determines the type of corresponding public formation.