Author page: Ksenofontova Kh.Z.

Protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases based on international agreements in various sectors of the economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.55-70

The organizational and economic aspects of the protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases on the basis of international agreements in modern socio-economic conditions are considered. It is shown that in the modern world, copyright involuntarily is a factor «slowing down» the development of knowledge-intensive industries. In turn, the modern Russian patent system is in dire need of reform – as the popular press, scientists, lawyers, judges and ombudsmen say.

The authors conclude that protecting patents as property rights can improve socially constructive coordination that facilitates the complex process of commercializing innovations, thereby improving both access and competition. On the contrary, avoidance of industrial property may facilitate socially destructive coordination between large players using anti-competitive collusion strategies.


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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial management system of the largest confectionery company in the commodity market of the Moscow region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.37-49

An assessment of the financial potential and corporate asset management policy of the leading manufacturing company in the commodity market of the Moscow region – JSC «Bolshevik» was carried out. It is determined that the company is not financially stable. It is recommended to change the current liabilities management policy from aggressive to moderate in order to improve the financial position of the corporation, increase its stability and solvency.


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Principles of corporate ethics of managers of industrial and service enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.82-92

The article explores different approaches to the term “sustainability” existing in academic literature and used in practice. It describes three methods – two well-known ones and another one developed by the authors – used for quantitative assessment of the degree of economic and financial sustainability in regions. The regions include four Russian federal subjects in the Russian Arctic and three macroregions that include the aforesaid regions. The indicators used for the assessment are grouped by the following aspects: relevance to national projects, type of assessment scale, internal or external economic factors, and income or spending in a consolidated regional budget. The article explores and draws a distinction between the influence of external factors – indicators of the demographic and natural environments – on the economic sustainability of an area.  A comparative analysis is done for three Russian macroregions and four Arctic regions by degree of economic and financial sustainability. The regions and macroregions are ranked based on the results of the comparative analysis using the selected indicators. The ranking helps identify potential strategic vectors and their succession as well as criteria for improvement of economic sustainability in the Russian Arctic.


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