Key Challenges of the Modern World: Known and Unknown

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.6-17

On February 19, 2019, a round table on the topic “Key Challenges of the Modern World: Known and Unknown” was held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. It was organized jointly with the expert-discussion club NGO “Analytica” Association” and the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems. A presentation on the topic “Key challenges of the modern world: known and unknown” was made by Ernst Ulrich Weizsacker, co-chairman of the Rome Club (2012–2018), co-author of the anniversary report of the Rome Club “Come On! Capitalism, myopia, population and destruction of the planet”, which caused a real stir in 2018 by its appeal to the world community to give up such familiar things as, for example, using GDP as an indicator of economic growth or animal breeding, which the report authors considered to be the source of the greatest damage to ecology